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Ostaran Times

Ostaran Times

Tieguo government continues crackdown of opposition
By: Lucy Yeung
Published: Septem 28, 1599

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Tieguonese police in Duonzhou

Hundreds of protestors have been sentenced to jail, in the first trials following the recent crackdown of protests in Duongzhou and other cities, which led to an unconfirmed number of casualties after Tieguonese security forces shot at protesters, according to witnesses.

Since them, thousands of people have been arrested, including political and human rights activists, journalists, and lawyers, and at least 10,000 teachers and civil servants have been fired. According to some unconfirmed reports, thousands of immigrants and Tieguonese citizens of ethnic Singanese and Kazemuran background were also arrested and moved to unknown prisons. Although a number of them have recently been released, according to local media, it is not clear how many remain in police custody.

Meanwhile, Tieguonese government, despite foreign criticism how the protests were handed, tries to continue business as usual. Last week, Qiu Yu Zhao, in his second speech since the end of the protests, blamed foreign interference and promised the Tieguonese Nationalist Party was ready to "use any means" to defend Tieguo. However, yesterday, Deputy Premier Ming Guanyu Zhu had a more conciliatory tone, declaring that Tieguonese government will continue most of their economic policies, although with minor changes, in order to promote both economic growth and a more competitive economy. He also confirmed that there will be a national conference in two months, in which new policies are expected to be announced.

Most of foreign journalists arrested during the protests were already released and deported back to their countries, local media reported. However, it is unlikely they will be able to return to Tieguo, according to sources. Five reporters remain missing. Three of them -a Goldecian and two Castlians- have been missing since the protests, and the Tieguonese government assures that, according to the information, they weren't arrested or wounded during the protests. Two other journalist -both of Svarnan citizenship- who have been arrested during the protests are currently missing. The Tieguonese government has declared that they were arrested and recently released, but they ignore their current whereabouts. The Tieguonese government has offered cooperation and transparency in order to find them as soon as possible, in the case they remained in the country.


Ostaran Times

Revolutionary leader dies in explosion in southern Hôinôm
By: Muong Quang Viên
Published: Ellva, 1599

[Image: Fire1.jpg]
The blast caused a fire which could be seen from nearby towns.

Vinh Hùu Quân, the leader of the self-proclaimed People's Democratic Republic of Hôinôm, has been killed in a blast that tore through a building in the town of Kam Dinh, seven kilometres from Quang Cai, where his government is established.

Quân, 46, become Premier of the People's Democratic Republic of Hôinôm in 1595. Months later, he was announced General Secretary of the Nationalist Revolutionary Party, a merger of the Nationalist Party of Hôinôm with several socialist organizations, becoming the leader of the People's Democratic Republic of Hôinôm.

Vinh Hùu Quân was visiting the town in a tour to recently built facilities, probably for propaganda purposes. Others member of the government were also visiting the town. Muong Còng Ngôc, prominent military leader, was also reportedly killed in the blast. Ngôc, Minister of Defense since 1595 and Chief of the General Staff since 1597, was considered the de facto deputy leader of the People's Democratic Republic. If his dead is confirmed, it is unclear who may replace Vinh Hùu Quân. Other rebel officials were killed in the explosion, including the local governor. Phò Quang Thuàn, Minister of Transport, along another military official, were also reportedly wounded, being immediately moved to a hospital nearby Quang Cai province.

It is unclear the consequences of this event, and how it will affect relations between the People's Democratic Republic of Hôinôm in Quang Cai and the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinôm, as the last ceasefire between both forces expires at Vintyr 1599. Doàn Dùc Bào, speaker of the People's Democratic Republic, blamed Hoinomese government and warned about "immediate consequences" that the revolutionary forces may decide if Hoinomese involvement is confirmed, which has increased the the changes of new hostilities between both government.

However, several hours later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated in an official statement declaring that law enforcement is investigating the cause of the blast, and all plausible causes remain open. It was been reported that the blast stated in the storehouse of the building, but it is unclear if it believed to be intentional or it could be an accident.

Hoinomese government in Hôi Luỳên has denied any involvement, declaring that the government was surprised by the blast as anyone else.

It has been reported that hundreds of residents have arrested in Quang Cai in the last 24 hours, but it is unclear if those arrests are related to the incident in Kam Dinh.

Diêp Công Viên, President of the People's Democratic Republic, has announced that there will be a state funeral for Vinh Hùu Quân in Quang Cai, whom he praised as a "Hoinomese patriot" and "visionary revolutionary leader".


Ostaran Times

Submission of candidatures for Mayari's snap presidential elections opens
By: Linda Song
Published: Dosa 2, 1600

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Vidar Agustin Brams, grandson of former Mayari military strongman Esteban Brams and President of Mayari since 1586, poses for a photo after submitting his certificate of candidacy today

The submission of certificates of candidacy for the snap presidential elections in Mayari has opened today, and will remain so until Wednesday, Dosa 5. The announcement came from the Commission of Election just the previous week, which will oversee the vote for Mayari's head of state and government almost twenty years since the last presidential election back in 1580.

The 1600 presidential election comes as a result of incumbent president Brams' call for "the reforging of democracy" in the south Ostaran state way ahead of the target date of fresh elections for the top post, which was set to be in 1610 following the supposed defeat of the Communist Party of Mayari - Mayari Peasant's Revolutionary Army (CPM-MPRA). The incumbent administration has seemingly put these two objectives on the back burner, as Brams' allies in both houses of Congress were quick to pass legislation to realize this earlier this month.

Alongside this, Congress has also passed legislation lifting the ban on electoral participation by the Socialist Action Party, the main opposition party before the declaration of Martial Law in 1585. The forced disbandment of the SAP was lifted in 1596, but the party's inability to reorganize following its purge has hindered its attempts to agitate and lobby. It is unknown if the SAP will be able to field a candidate as of this time, as they have been unavailable for comment and have not released information regarding this matter.

In the SAP's place, the Mayari People's Democratic Movement (MPDM) has announced that it will forward former Assemblyman Pepe De Vera as the opposition's standard bearer. De Vera has served two terms as member of the National Assembly for Escalante province as part of the Gulong partylist, representing laborers from the public transportation sector. Prior to this, De Vera was an activist and jeepney driver in Metro Larrazabal. He is expected to file his candidacy tomorrow, but is it yet unknown if the SAP and the National Party will join the MPDM's call for a united opposition and endorse De Vera.

The Freedom Party will field incumbent president Vidar Agustin Brams for election, who has already submitted his certificate for candidacy this morning. Brams has been the chief executive of Mayari since 1586, when Alberto Hidalgo stepped down and appointed him as successor. He has since then overseen Mayari's slow return to normal political life, lifting the national curfew, unbanning opposition parties and civil society organizations, calling for Congressional elections, and presenting the 1610 Democratic Roadmap. Critics both outside and inside the country however decry the Brams' administration's refusal to completely remove Martial Law, citing the frequency of enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and unlawful arrests, especially in the rural provinces. Moreover, numerous groups continue their clamor for the release of all political prisoners, even prior to Brams ascension, as there has only been a limited number of individuals unlawfully detained and released as of today. This list includes key figures in opposition parties, labor leaders, student activists, domestic and foreign journalists, and members of the academe.

The administration has reacted to such criticism, maintaining the necessity of these extralegal means due to the ongoing conflict with the CPM-MPRA. It has refused to call the present situation as "Martial Law", instead referring to it as a "National Crisis."

The CPM-MPRA has made no comment on the upcoming presidential elections. It has, however, declared a temporary unilateral ceasefire to hold its annual national conference and to "reaffirm the path of revolution and rectify the mistakes of certain comrades."

The 1600 presidential elections will feature a two-week campaign period beginning on Dosa 9 and ending on Dosa 27. Voting commences on Dosa 28 and Marth 1, and the proclamation of the winner on Marth 5 after the canvassing of votes.

Other Featured Stories:
  • Renowned commander of the MPRA Quentin De Jesus alongside thirty of its red fighters have been granted a presidential pardon by Brams.
  • CPM-MPRA sends condolence to the People's Democratic Republic of Hoinom for death of Premier Vinh Hùu Quân, affirms "people's solidarity" of Mayari with the Hoi revolution


Ostaran Times

Hôinôm: Quân Công Trai to be reelected as Prime Minister
By: Muong Quang Viên
Published: 20 Dosa, 1599

[Image: 126426-004-BBCB58BF.jpg]
A view of the Hoinomese National Assembly building, in Hôi Luỳên.

The National Assembly started yesterday its second term after the political crisis which started in 1589. Liêu Vân Lành, from the Nationalist Democratic Party, was elected Speaker of the National Assembly.

The Nationalist Democratic Party obtained a clear majority in the Vintyr 1599 legislative election, and although it obtained fewer votes than in 1595, it increased their number of seats. While Kim Công Dùc's Democratic Party lost half of their seats compared to 1595, they may be enough to form a new coalition government.

Prime Minister Quân Công Trai, as candidate of the Nationalist Democratic Party and head of their parliamentary group, was received today by Empress Hông. Quân Công Trai, Prime Minister since 1596, has expressed the monarch his will to form a new coalition government, which is expected to exclude politicians from other parties and reduce the numbers independent ministers, as both the Nationalist Democratic Party and the Democratic Party have enough seats to command a majority in the parliament.

Prime Minister Quân Công Trai declared that improving the economic situation, advancing peace negotiations and passing a constitutional agreement -despite promises, the 1595 National Assembly failed to ratify a final constitutional draft for the new constitution of the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinôm- will be the main focus of his government. Quân Công Trai promised that the new legislative election will be held "in every metre of the Hôinôm" in a reference to the territory controlled by the Bhmer separatists and the so-called People's Democratic Republic in the south.

It is unclear, however, if the government could live up to his promises, as tensions between the opposition and the government only increased in the last month, and reaching any consensus seems complicated right now. At the same time, although a ceasefire exntesions between the Hoinomese government and the southern rebels was achieved on early Vintyr, peace negotiations do not seem to have advance for the last year.

During the electoral campaign, Prime Minister Quân Công Trai declared that he was willing to propose a referendum asking voters if they would favour a republican government replacing the Hoinomese monarchy or, on the contrary, they support keeping the monarchist institution, as way to end the political impasse on constitutional negotiations in the agreement. However, it is unclear that such referendum would be possible, as the Basic Law of the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinôm establishes that any national referendum must have the approval of both the parliament and the monarch in order to be legally held.


Ostaran Times

Former Empress to contest legislative election as candidate
By: Muong Quang Viên
Published: Elva, 1603

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Lâm Thi Hông will be a candidate in a district nearby Nam Dinh, although outside Nam Dinh metropolitan area.

In a surprising move, Lâm Thi Hông, the last monarch of the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinôm, has announced that she will be a candidate for the Liberal Democratic Party in the coming legislative election.

For first time in Hôinôm's history, a member of the royal family will become directly involved in politics and runs for office.

Lâm Thi Hông was Empress of Hôinôm from 1568 until 1599, when she abdicated from the throne. Two months later, the Republic of Hôinôm was established.


The former empress announcement comes in a complicated moment in the Southern Ostaran nation, following the collapse of Quân Công Trai's government a few months ago.

Quân Công Trai, the leader of the Nationalist Democratic Party, had been Hoinomese Prime Minister since 1596. In 1599, he was reelected with a clear majority. He had campaigned for the establishment of a democratic constitution, and national reconciliation, aimed to unifying the country with Quang Cai's revolutionary government -officially known as the People's Democratic Republic of Hôinôm- through peaceful negotations. The negotiations consolidated following Quân Công Trai's reelection, and Empress Hông surprisingly announced her abdication in late 1599, declaring that she did not aim to "be an obstacle for our nation's national reconciliation". Although a peace agreement was signed between Quân Công Trai's government and representatives of the People's Democratic Republic of Hôinôm, the negotiations collapsed seven months later.

On Dein this year, Quân Công Trai's government collapsed after his government lost the support of President Kim Công Dùc's Democratic Party. Close political allies since 1596, the relation between Prime Minister Quân and President Kim was reportedly being deteriorated in recent years. Kim Công Dùc joined Quân Công Trai's government and he was Minister of Justice from 1596 to 1599. Following the Empress abdication, Kim Công Dùc was appointed a member of the provisional executive council that took temporarily the functions of collective head of state, only to be appointed as head of state when the Republic of Hôinôm was established in 1600. The new constitution, however, established a presidency which was left mostly with symbolic powers, and many felt that Prime Minister Quân Công Trai was marginalizing President Kim Công Dúc and the Democratic Party while increasing his own power and his political appointees.

After losing the legislative support of the Democratic Party, Prime Minister Quán Công Trai lost a vote of confidence and President Kim Công Dùc dissolved the parliament and announced new legislative elections. Prime Minister Quân Công Trai was replaced by Tô Dùc Thuân, who served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1597 to 1600. However, his minority government has failed to convince both the opposition and voters, and Tô Dúc Thuân rejected President Kim Công Dùc's offer to be a Democratic Party candidate for the next legislative election.

Quân Công Trai has announced that he will be Nationalist Democratic Party's candidate for Prime Minister for third time, and he's currently leading the polls. However, the insufficient economic growth in the last years, minor cases of corruption in his own party, and more specially, the failure of negotiations with the People's Democratic Republic of Hôinôm has caused a blow in his popularity -he approval rating is currently below 20%- and his party is predicted to obtain twelve points less than in 1599.

However, with the opposition divided in several conservative, center-right, and centrist parties, there is not a clear alternative. President Kim Công Dùc's Democratic Party is barely polling at 7-11%, and it has still to designate an official candidate for Prime Minister.


Lâm Thi Hông's announcement was received with mixed reactions. Her 31-year reign -the longest since the restoration of the monarchy in 1520- was marked by reforms and setbacks - including a violent civil war that still divides the country. However, even at the moment of her abdication in 1599, support of the monarchy remained beyond the 50% - the Republic of Hôinôm was proclaimed by a majority of the parliament without a referendum, after Prince Cào, Empress Hông's elder son announced his renounce to his mother's throne.

The Deputy Chairman of the Nationalist Democratic Party has announced that their parliamentary group will ask both the Election Commission and the Constitutional Court to reject the former Empress candidacy, as they see the candidacy of a former monarch as a violation of the constitutional order. Officially, although the country adopted a republican constitution, the Royal House still legally exists, although it stopped to receive funds from the budget in 1601.

Lâm Thi Hông's choice to be a candidate of the Liberal Democratic Party came as a surprise even to those who aspire to restore the monarchy in Hôinôm. The Liberal Democratic Party, a centrist political party, was established in 1598 by a group of MPs from Kim Công Dùc's Democratic Party. Most of their representatives abstained in the parliamentary vote that proclaimed the republic -they proposed a referendum on the monarchy instead- but, unlike the conservative and monarchist parties, voted for the 1601 constitution.

Defending her choice to be a candidate of the Liberal Democratic Party, Lâm Thi Hông declared that she does "not aim to the restoration of the monarchy, but to serve my fellow citizens in a new role" as member of the parliament. "I have relinquished my royal titles and lived as a commoner in the last years", she announced in a social media message. "I have accepted the Liberal Democratic Party's nomination as  candidate to exercise my rights and freedom without any privileges above other fellow Hoinomese citizens under the constitution".

The Liberal Democratic Party does not expect to include in its own platform any mention of the monarchy. However, not everyone in the party are happy about the former Empress joining them. At least seven memebers of the Liberal Democratic Party national executive are expected to resign as consequence.

What's next?

It is unclear which effects will have the participation of former Empress Hông in the coming legislative election, and which role she is expected to have in the next parliament.

"This has never happened before in Hoinomese politics", Lâ Vân Quân, a political scientist from Hôi Lùyên National University, has told Ostaran Times. "The royal family has always been very powerful in Hôinôm. It was historically seen as the arbitrer of the nation. Since 1596 until her abdication, the Empress seemed to have accepted a more symbolic and constitutional role. But it is unprecedented that a member of the royal family, a former monarch, participating in partisan politics and legislative activity".

"It is very difficult to predict if she will be successful or not", says Dào Thành An, a political analyst from Nam Dinh. "But if even that was the case, I believe that it rather makes more difficult the restoration of the monarchy than it was before".


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