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SV News 24
SV News 24
Strathaes Premier news network

[b]Wednesday 17th Nueva 1573
[size=large]New law proposed in reaction to Akhadist extremism and extremism world wide[/size][/b]
Thursday 26 Fein 1579 CE
Akhadist Imam deported as protests again 5,000 capacity mosque grow

Today Akhadist preacher Zulfikar Baha El-Amin at Blessed Life Mosque in Kathmore has been arrested after a police investigation into reports of extremism being preached uncovered homophobic, political and sexist preaching at the mosque. If found guilty he will face jail for hate speech and face deportation after his jail sentence. Police attended the mosque undercover on Friday 27th Quartyr of this year and uncovered video evidence of extremist preaching at the trusts mosque who are proposing a 5,000 capacity mosque in Kathmore. This comes after videos leaked on Vogo from undercover reporters from media outlets of extremist preaching in the Mosque earlier this year that caused much controversy in the peaceful, tolerant society of Strathae.

The latest news has only intensified opposition to the 5,000 capacity mosque proposal which was already seen as too big a mosque and dominating on the local landscape.The mosque proposal is now to be looked over by the central government to assess whether it is a threat to peace and stability. The Mosque already faces significant opposition from the Clans, local community and the Party of Tradition as well as the Clan Socialist Party who all express concerns over the scale and whether it fits in with local Strathaen culture. Now the Party of Tradition mayor Aonghas MacBerger has also expressed concerns over the hate being preached at the trusts existing mosque. He commented today "I have already expressed concern over the scale of the mosque proposal. The total Akhadist community in Strathae is less than 70,000 so a 5,000 capacity mosque is far out of proportion of any need. This was being done to dominate the landscape with an alien, ostentatious architecture against the local policy of assimilation. I have further concerns now about the trust proposing the plan given the hateful , bigoted and frankly unstrathaen conduct of at least one senior preacher and urge for an investigation of all trust members as well as all preachers at the mosque to check that further hate speech has not gone undetected. All preachers at the mosque must now be considered suspect." The police have yet to confirm whether they have started such an investigation into the Blessed Life Akhadist Trust and all mosques under its administration though experts have said such an investigation is highly likely. Protesters have now started protesting outside the existing trust mosques against the hate , homophobia and sexism being preached with some even calling for the Akhadist faith to be banned in Strathae as a "dangerous cult".This follows the 5,549 strong protest last week against the 5,000 capacity mosque proposal. The Party of Tradition leader and High Chief Shevon Ailbhe Drummond has said today assured Strathae that she will not let homophobia and sexism be preached without consequences and that religion is not an acceptable reason for such bigotry.
Sunday 1 Zechyr 1579 CE
New cult and religious laws on agenda

This week the Party of Tradition in the wake of the recent Mosque scandal in Kathmore a new series of religious laws are to be proposed. The two laws to be proposed have been announced to be as follows:
Religious Building Act:
1:Any non-Breizhigism religious building over over 999 in capacity to be subject to referenda of the whole town before being approved at the cost of the organisation proposing the project.
2:Any religious building to be in keeping with the local area and not ostentatious
3: A clear need for such a large building needs to be demonstrated by the organisation or group applying for the planning permit
Anti-Cult Act:
1:A cult shall be defined as any group with extreme beliefs , financially exploitative practises such as compulsory charges to pursue your faith, that is a threat to public safety or security and/or holds bigoted beliefs such as homophobia or sexist societal beliefs.
2:Any group that displays exploitation of minors and/or sexual exploitation.
3:Any "religious" group that exclusively admits only one race, gender or sexuality.
4: Any group with authoritarian tendencies such as extreme obedience to a single figurehead or leader.
5: Any group where core beliefs are withheld from those outside of the faith and where such core beliefs are not publicly accessible by outsiders.
6: Cults will face bans or severe financial penalties

Blair Gobnet McLucais has sponsored an introduced both bills in the hopes of controlling extremists and cults within the Kingdom of Strathae and stopping the spread of bigoted ideas though some opponents have described the laws proposed as "extreme". The Clan Socialist Party have not declared their stance yet but it is highly likely their CAM's will also mostly be voting in favour.
Monday 16 Ochtyr 1579 CE
PoT announce coalition with Clan Progressives

[Image: Angela+Constance+Angela+Constance+Launch...bQS_ql.jpg][Image: i-K9dsm3.jpg]

I news today just 1 week after the Strathae Elections for both National and local elections following the creation of the Clan Progressive Party Party of Tradition's Blair Gobnet McLucais  and Clan Progressive Parties  Éimhear Dearbháil Scott  announced a coalition of their parties on a national level and wherever the Party of Tradition or Clan Progressive Party came first in the vote and a coalition is needed. Éimhear Dearbháil Scott said of the agreement "We as a party as long as redlines are met will always work with the biggest parties by clan vote. That on this occaison was the Party of Tradition and so it is our duty to respect clan democracy.We have agreed on multiple areas including the dropping of the Anti-Cult Act, the lowering of the consecutive years of marraige requirement to become a citizen to 15 years and much easier work permits for working in Kathmore and MacCarmaig as well as reform to the clan system so that all clan members vote in clan elections and not non-clan elections on a national level even if they live in Kathmore or MacCarmaig.In return we are supporting the continution of the 3 strikes law for immigrants as well as passage of the Religious Building Act and will work together to find a way to combat the growing threat of hate groups in Strathae that meets both progressive and conservative requirements."

Blair Gobnet McLucais said a short speech saying "I believe this is the best deal for both our parties voters and Clan Progressive voters. This is a coming together of minds and we will continue to work for the good of the people as a party to preserve a system that rewards the hard working , protects our tolerant , accepting culture and keeps up the great clan traditions"

The coalition agreement and cabinet was released with the top 10 priorities being announced. The top 10 priorities are as follows:
1: Passage of Religious Buildings Act
2: Passage of law reforming consecutive marriage requirement to 15 years
3: Passage of Casual Work Permit act allowing people to enter Kathmore and MacCarmaig to seek for jobs without employee sponsorship as long as they have adequate health insurance, money to pay for education for their family and to cover living costs in savings for at least 2 years.
4:To work together on a bill to allow banning of hate groups providing they meet a set of criteria
5:To work together to further stiffen penalties on hate speech and acts
6:No further cuts to government spending
7:No significant tax rises
8:To pursue military and free trade agreements with local countries , especially Eskkya and Lomarre
9:To introduce Laurentian as a foreign language option in all schools
10:To ban the sale or importation of any meat from non-stunned animals into the Kingdom of Strathae

The new cabinet has been announced with reshuffles of posts for Party of Tradition previous members:
Head of Government:High Chief Blair Gobnet McLucais (F)(PoT)
Deputy Chief: Éimhear Dearbháil Scott(F)(CPP)
Department of  Defense:
Minister:Brigid Biddy McRoibeirt(F)(PoT)
Department of Home Office:
Minister:Kenina Rodina McRoibeirt(F)(PoT)
Department of Agriculture and Countryside
Minister:Eilís Síne McCullain(F)(CPP)
Department of Culture and Sport:
Minister:Lonán Grier Blythwick(M)(PoT)
Department of Education, Social Care
Minister:Bláithín Méabh McRoibeirt(F)(CPP)
Department of Health:
Minister:Líadan Onóra MacUalraig(F)(PoT)
Department of Finance and commerce:
Minister: Paddy Damhán Erwing(M)(PoT)
Department of Business:
Minister:Laoghaire Aonghas McCarmaig(M)(PoT)
Department of Regional Development:
Minister:Fionnuala Treasa McLucais(F)(PoT)
Department of Work , Pensions and Welfare:
Minister: Darina Móirín Ayrloch(F)(CPP)
Department of Justice:
Minister: Noreen Ailís MacGhille(F)(PoT)
Department: of Science and Technology:
Minister:Oonagh Gormlaith MacCamran(F)(CPP)
Depatment of Transport:
Minister:Cillian Seaghdh Hayburn(M)(CPP)
Department of the Treasury:
Minister: Aisling Béibhinn MacCamran(F)(CPP)
Department of Resources, Energy and Water:
Minister: PFinnuala Úna McFir(F)(CPP)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Minister:Nóirín Shea McFir(F)(PoT)
Ministry of Brignadian Affairs:
Minister:Siobhán Brígh Erwing(F)(CPP)
Ministry of Democracy:
Minister:Éamon Paddy Gordon(M)(PoT)
Department of the Environment:
Minister:omgal Keegan Gibbway(M)(PoT)
Department of Tourism:
Minister:Bláthnaid Mysie Angus(F)(PoT)
Department of Clan Affairs:
Minister:Gobnet Dáiríne MacKarsky(F)(PoT)
Department of Non-clan Affairs:
Minister:Onóra Aislin Blythwick(F)(CPP)
Department of Religious and Cult Affairs:
Minister:Brígh Shea MacFhionghuin(F)(PoT)
Anti-Homophobia and Sexism Department:
Minister:Gobinet Sinéad McRoibeirt(F)(CPP)

The coalition while not expected was not seen as an impossibility before the election and after results were announced.

The local results sow NOC in Kathmore and MacCarmaig while the Clan Councils are as follows:
Party:Clan Councils:

18 of the No Overall Controll Clan Councils are to be run by PoT/CPP governments while 6 are to be run by CSP/CPP governments. The results have been seen by the Party of Tradition as an vindication that they have the right policy. Kathmore and MacCarmaig are to be run by PoT/CPP coalitions.
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Sunday 15 Dein 1579 CE
Religious Buildings to require a referendum

From today the Religious building act comes into effect after the successful vote in the House of the People. The at was supported by a majority in all three of the main parties with CPP whipping their CAM's and MOP's to vote for the act mostly sucessfully. The act passed 155 votes to 74 thanks to overwhelming support from Party of Tradition at 79 to 11 and moderate support in the CPP and CSP. The passage comes just weeks after the mayor of Kathmore, re-elected Aonghas MacBerger and a planning panel both rejected the idea of an Akhadist 5,000 capacity temple calling the project "out of proportion" and also citing the need for such a proposal to be put to the community. The new act means any trust or religion trying to build a religious building over 999 capacity will need to conduct a referendum if it is for a Non-Breizhigist religion(the official government religion). The referendums will also have to be paid for by the sponsor.Such a referendum in Kathmore would be expected to cost at least 1.3 million dollars just in adminstration costs, not in campaigning costs. This would be where such buildings are likely to be proposed.

The Blessed Life Trust has been invited to put the application in again where the proposal would go through a referendum process before being approved by a planning panel. A process that would most likely be completed if the proposal won a referendum of the whole of Kathmore. The referendum under the new law would have to be paid for by the Blessed Life Trust with the group also responsible for campaigning for a yes vote in the referendum. The trust has already confirmed it will be putting in a second application. PoT activitists have today in response set up a "No to Super Temples" group to oppose the construction of "huge alien religious buildings". The No to Super Temples chairman is likely to argue the community are under 70,000 people with less 65,000 in Kathmore , therefore no super temple is needed given existing coverage. He argued in a press interview today with Strathae Vision "This is just another example of the Akhadist attempts to show supremity over Strathaes native culture. They want a symbol, an icon to dominate the area and say this is Akhadic territory. We are not lying down and accepting this. This is Strathaen territory , not Akhadic territory. It's time the Akhadists either fitted in or got out of the country." The group is to organise stands around Kathmore and rallies in opposition to the proposal. The Blessed Life Akhadic Society are also to organise rallies, tours of the proposed site as well as outline the community work the trust would do as well as how they are "good neighbours". No to Super Temples are also to highlight the "Threat of radicalism and extremism from the 'Super Temple' including the threat of homophobia and sexism spreading further." The group is to argue that such a Super Temple is undesirable for the reasons they stated so far. The group is lead by the son of Blair Gobnet McLucais, Finnén Gobnet McLucais. Who is expected to run for mayor in the next few years in Kathmore for the Party of Tradition.
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Wednesday 11 Vintyr 1579 CE
Terror in Kathmore

[Image: Jordonhill_Campus,_Strathclyde_University.jpg]
Today terror erupted in Kathmore as 7 Akahdist suicide bombers and shooters attacked the University of Strathae and Strathae Business Institute a school for 10-16 years olds studying a business based curriculum.The University run private academy was attacked during dinner break with reports indicating a massacre inside the dining hall where over 210 children and staff died. The University of Strathaes Cafe was attacked by suicide bombers in the afternoon just 20 minutes after the school attack. Reports have so far indicated 115 died in the university canteen. The attackers have released a video blaming the "Strathaen government intolerance to the word of Akhad, profligate immoral society and the perverted values of homosexuality and sexualisation" for the attack stating that the state had declared war on Akhad and it would not end until Strathae became a truly Akhadist state.

The attackers also showed themselves to be Strathaen Clansmen Ahadists, the first homegrown attack on record.Blair McLucais has in the last 30 minutes visited the scenes of the attacks.The body count has so far risen to 325 with reports of at least 40 Eskkyans among the dead. Blair McLucais has said in a statement today "These attacks show that we have a severe problem with imported bigotry, homophobia and extremism. An extremism that not only has not been fought by the Akhadist community but indeed is pervasive in a significant part of the community.Its time to stop the denial that Akhadism is moderate, that Akhadism isn't a threat. Akhadism is a threat to Strathaes tolerant accepting culture and is a threat to our civilization.In short its time we faced the truth that Akhadism is the enemy within and incompatible with democracy, liberalism and a tolerant society. We must protect tolerance by any means necessary , we owe it to the kids and students who died today , students from around the world."

In response to the attacks Blair McLucais has announced she is to plan a conference with any foreign ally parties focusing on fighting Akhadist theocracy and extremism.The conference is to be called "The enemy within" and hosted in Kathmore in Strathae with potential conferences in Eskkya. Blair McLuais today called for more action against Akhadist extremism including extra security precautions in Akhadist neighbourhoods and has called for more monitoring of Akhadic cultural centres in order to prevent more terrorism. The government has announced it will release a whitepaper called "Dealing with the Akhadist threat." The Party of Tradition did however emphasise not all Akhadists are bad but that too many are and alot of those that aren't are not doing enough to confront their communities problems.
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Wednesday 17th Vintyr
Death Toll of Kathmore Attacks Confirmed

Today police and the government confirmed the final death toll of the costliest attacks in the history of the nation as border security was increased on the Carpathian border. The attacks were confirmed to have killed 510 people overall shocking the nation and the world.It is understood vigils are being held around the world including places like Eskkya and Goldecia.

The death toll was published by nationality:
School Children:147
University Students:147
University Staff:61

School Children:20
University Students:38
University Staff:2

School Children:5(including Ambassadors son)
University Students:19
University Staff:0

School Children:9
University Students:10
University Staff:0

School Children:1
University Students:9
University Staff:0

School Children:2
University Students:11
University Staff:0

School Children:0
University Students:2
University Staff:0

The Strathaen home minister Kenina Rodina McRoibeirt, a close ally of Blair McLucais has vowed Strathae will get justice. She said to the press today "This was not just an attack on Strathae, this was an attack on all who are decent in the world. This was an attack on tolerance and acceptance of lgbt and womens equality, this was an attack on our children. I send my condolences to any families affected by this tragedy and will be arranging a national services for all families of victims to attend as well as personally sending letters to every victims family.I will also look at what form of compensation the state can offer. I know nothing can replace a human life but what we can get is justice.

And we will get justice , we will get justice and revenge. Those responsible for the background support of this attack have not got away with this. I have this message , we will find you , we will arrest you and we will make your lives hell. You will wish you were dead." Security has been confirmed to be upped around schools with some proposals to put armed guards on the doors of all schools at least for 6 months. Strathae has vowed to crack down on the terror attacks.In an even sadder twist it was confirmed the 13 year old son of the Carpathian ambassador was killed in the terror attack, his body was found with 6 bullet shots. The government have confirmed his body will be released to the family along with the bodies of all foreign victims but they have but this process will take time while autopsies are performed and the bodies are searched for evidence to aid the investigation.
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Tuesday 17 Marth 1580 CE
Crisis as CPP pull out of government triggering election

[Image: Strathaeflag_zpsgrq9ipns.jpg~original]
Crisis hit today as Blair McLucais's party now faces a battle for re-election less than a year after taking power after Éimhear Dearbháil Scott announced her party the CPP is pulling out of the coalition after the "disgusting disconnection" of Blairs son by Blair and her family and refusing to condemn Disconnection or even bring it up in public. The party says staying silent is tantamount to support of this barbaric policy. The policy has long caused contention among the orthodox and been the hidden problem of Strathae society but rarely has it been this divisive and destabilising with votes in the Brezheigist assembly and the politicisation of the issue now by the CPP.

The CPP announced it would be seeking election on a platform vowing to keep current hate and religious laws but promising not to expand them on the basis they are strong enough if enforced and that working with the Akhadist community is what is now needed instead of the current strategy which it claims divides communities into us vs them. It has vowed it will work with Akhadist communities to defeat homophobia , extremism and sexism in their community enpowering Akhadist groups fighting for reform , something the current government refuse to do. She also described the "fifth column" comments as akhadophobic, dangerous and bigoted pointing out only theocratic Akhadism is a threat to the Strathaen state. She suggested that the attacks while totally disgraceful are being made more likely by the hatred and fear being promoted by the PoT and has demanded PoT retract their fifth column statements if CPP is to work with them.

CSP have stayed silent on the issue of disconnection though it is possible the party will come out with a policy of condemning disconnection. However this is unexpected at the moment given the nature of the alliance of ultra-orthodox, orthodox, and reformed CSP seek to win.

The CPP also announced as well as denouncing disconnection they would support the victims of disconnection. They proposed a series of measures including allowing victims to disown their family and move on with entirely new names , offering moving packages and shelter and helping disconnection victims jump the queue. The party has also announced it would seek to cut tax exemptions for any denomination that has disconnection as a policy stating that this is as much a threat to Strathae society harmony as extremist Akhadism and extremist sentrecism. It has also announced it will cease to consider opposing gay marraige or opposing gay adoption as hate speech instead rewriting the law to limit hate speech to inciting violence , personally attacking one, harassing one or openly hating a whole group based on gender, sexuality, disability or race . The definition seeks to balance hate speech with the need for free speech.

The PoT has not released its new platform but its platform is expected to include extending hate speech laws , making deportation of some groups easier and increasing the focus on investigating Akhadist temples as its core policies. The party is also expected to put in its platform leaving disconnection policy to the denominations and opposing extra support for the disconnected so as not to annoy their ultra orthodox or true orthodox voters who have threatened to split off should the party oppose disconnection. The PoT is also expected to aim to increase the Strathaen and Gwennedian percentage in Strathae. The party proposes raising the general marraige period back up to 30 years for new immigrants to Strathae.

The CSP have vowed to fight the election on economy and have likewise said disconnection is a religious issue not a government issue though it may have to change this line if CPP are kingmakers. The party wants to return to growth of government and support clan cooperatives more. It also seeks to keep immigration policy similar to now.

The CPP have announced they would commit to a referendum on immigration policy giving the options of keeping the current laws on immigration or moving to a residency time based approach for all immigration. Though immigration would still face restrictions outside Kathmore and MacCarmaig though it would allow an opt in for some clan councils to allow councils to as policy let non-clan in to their territories automatically.

The election could not come at a worse time for Blair Gobnet McLucais's PoT with current polls showing a crash in support attributed to orthodox moving from the party and a bleeding of members since the disconnection of her son. The polls showed the following among clan voters:

The election is to be run under the mixed system with 206 clan local seats and 23 Non-Clan seats.The election is likely to be fraught with tension as tempers boil. Polls also showed even clear division of party support by religion. Blair Gobnet McLucais is understood to be furious with the CPP calling the move "liberal loonyness and a threat to the stability of society." She criticised the CPP as "acting as a support for the Fifth Column elements in society" warning that the "Only way to stop Fifth Column invasion is to vote PoT".Meanwhile the CPP have accused Blair of slipping even further to the right and echoing far right elements abroad.Elections are to be held on 14th Zechyr 1580.
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Satursday 7 Nueva 1580 CE
Adultery decriminalised in Kingdom of Strathae

In news today Adultery was decriminalised for the first time since the founding of the nation as the revolutionary Clan Progressive party backed bill passed the Clan Assembly and was given signature by High King Daniel Gwenegg-Di-Haggia. The move is revolutionary for a nation in which over 41% still believe in jailing those who commit adultery and having the divorcee affected have the right to take all assets except one months rent and any businesses built up. The Clan Progressive Party ran on the most progressive ticket in over 150 years winning for the first time for Clan Progressivism which has always been confined to small wings of the Clan Socialist Party and Party of Tradition.

High Chief Éimhear Dearbháil Scott said in her statement to the press "Dear Strathaens, today following in the footsteps of our Eskkyan cousins we have officially decriminalised adultery in the Kingdom of Strathae. Now I want to make clear this does not mean we have made it legal, this does not mean we have made websites promoting or aiding in adultery legal. All that has changed is that one can no longer go to prison for committing adultery.

Adultery will still be considered in cases of divorce as a significant factor. If adultery can be proved then the adulterer will still lose all assets except businesses , a few heirlooms and enough for 2 months rent to their ex-partner. Adulterers will still lose custody of the children unless the other adult is seen as unfit or other arrangements are made. Adulterers in short will still pay the price for their unfaithfulness and those aiding and abetting will still be sent to prison for aiding and abetting adulterers. I want to make clear Clan Progressivism is still and will always be totally against and discouraging of adultery, one of the worst crimes a man or woman can commit apart from rape, murder, taking of ones life or pornography. We will treat it as the serious crime it is."

The vote in the house was as follows:

The act was passed 141 votes to 83. It is rumoured that high ranking clan council members are upset at the passing of the law while the True Orthodox , and Ultra-Orthox Breizhigist faiths as well as some Orthodox Priests have announced their opposition to the passage of the act. The priests have written a letter condemning the "undermining of the social fabric of Strathae" and have started calls fo a referendum to settle the issue with a vote of the people. The group called "Strathaens for Sacred Marraige" has been set up to campaign for the "defense of the sanctity of marraige and the eternal vow of love."
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Wednesday 2nd Ochtyr 1583
Blair McLucais challenged on shunning

[Image: Angela+Constance+Angela+Constance+Launch...bQS_ql.jpg]

Today in a Kathmore rally Blair Gobnet McLucais faced her largest critic.The critic was her very own son Aodhán Gobnet McLucais currently 18 years old. Blair McLucais was rallying support amongst her key supporters in order to encourage them to vote for her resurgent year if the polls are to be believed with not only the popular vote going her way but also the poll of clans which is considered the most important poll of all. The resurgent Blair who is currently campaigning on a crackdown on criminal immigrants, forcing more assimilation and "fighting the Akhadist 5th Column" in order to protect clan identity was suddenly heckled then she directed the cameraman in an attempt to interact with her disrupter not realising he was her very own son who she banished 3 years ago. Aodhán Gobnet McLucais asked her "As a son you shunned along with the whole temple three years ago for daring to have a different religion and the son you abandoned and kicked out onto the streets with nothing but my phone what are you going to do about shunning and the practise that destroys families or are you just going to ignore this cult like element of Temple practise." The candidate responded by saying "What son, you are no son of mine.Any boy who betrays his family so much deserves to be shunned. I do not support the opression of our Breizhighist faith on the issue of shunning or the support of the state to the so called victims. I will repeal the law blocking taxpayer funds to Breizhighist temples who have done nothing more than keep their tradition and to the book. That is my stance." When asked further by her son she said "You have your answer" before calling on the security "Get this dickhead out of here now ".

The candidate then went on to campaign promising to "protect Strathae from the foreign invaders and the insider politically correct fifth column" and to stand up for the "True Strathaens". The rally theme and slogan was "Keep Strathae Strathaen" was chanted in the crowd as well as the other popular chants "Akhadists out, Akhadists out" and "Gays okay, Akhadists scum".The campaign though divisive seems to be hitting home with some of the more traditional base as well as voters who are "fed up with terrorist Akhadists" who have struck 11 times in the last 3 years.

Opponent Éimhear Dearbháil Scott of the clan progressive party has roundly condemned Blair McLucais. Eimhear said today "Today my politcal opponent showed her true colours even more. She is no friend of Strathae my friends. She is no liberal, she is no centrist or protector.She is nothing but a nasty bigot , a nasty hypocritical bigot bullying a small minority for the actions of a few terrorists while condoning the cult like act of shunning , thereby ignoring a real glaring issue with our traditional religion. Do I support gay rights yes, do I support womens rights yes but do I support bullying a minority group while ignoring the religious extremists at home , no. She should come out against shunning and take back in her son if she is at all moral.But she won't she is just a bigot." The argument is likely to raise once again a spectre that Blair McLucais would rather keep out of the public spotlight.To make matters worse Aodhán threw off his jumper to reveal a CPP t shirt underneath. Blair McLucais has now accused Eimhear of orchestrating the "attack" on her at the rally with Eimhear strongly denying the claim saying it was his independent choice and the CPP have had nothing to do with the event.
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