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El Correo Internacional

Keszarian voters to elect new president, in the middle of political uncertainty
By: Mauricio Kovács-Tomillo
Published: Alvan 1579

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Keszarians voting

Köszövár, Keszarian Republic | The first round of the fifth presidential elections in Keszaria since the transition to democracy failed to show a clear winner. The second round run-off will see the Keszarian voters deciding between CDU-PDS candidate and former president Álmos Vaszary and current Vice President Géza Békésy as the new president of the Keszarian Republic.

The electoral campaign was focused on domestic policy, as the Keszarian economy continues to struggle to reduce the negative growth (-0.8% in last semester), and the government implementing an unpopular economic austerity program of reduction of national debt and social cuts. Àlmos Vaszary received the 36.1% of the vote, while Géza Békésy received 31.8% of the vote. Istzám Esterházy, the leader of the nationalist and controversial National People's Party was third with 18.8%, quite below their expectations at the beginning of the electoral campaign, when the NPP was second approaching the CDU-PDS in most polls.

Álmos Vaszary hopes to be the first Keszarian president to be elected twice as president (the Keszarian constitution does not allow a second term for incumbent presidents and vice presidents, although it does not establish a limit of not consecutive terms). CDU-PDS has leading the polls since 1575, leading the opposition although supporting the loan program and some key austerity measures. Vaszary has been very critical how Dohnányi-Persbrandt's administration has led the government, declaring that the government failure to react properly and quick enough worsened the economic crisis and financial situation of the Keszarian state.

He will not face the government candidate anymore, however, but a former colleague and collaborator. Géza Békésy was actually a member of the CDU-PDS only a year ago, but he left the party after he was defected by Vaszary in the contest for the leadership of the party, claiming "important and irreconciliable differences...on key policies". He started his political career in the Messanic Democratic Party, but he soon left the center-right political party and joined the centrist CDU-PDS. He was serving as elected mayor in his native town, Hidegkutös, when President Zsoltán Barényi appointed him as Minister of Public Works and Transport. During Álmos Vaszary presidency he served for five years as Minister of Internal Affairs, and he was elected Vice President in the 1574 even while the CDU-PDS candidate for president suffered a clear defeat against Freedom Party candidate Nándor Dohnányi-Persbrandt. Békésy and Vaszary were said to have a "complicated relationship but good understanding", but those bridges seem broken since a long time ago. As Vice President, Békésy restricted himself as a dissenting voice in foreign policy and cultural issues, being often more critical against the Carpathian policy toward Keszaria than the national cabinet, and contradicting even his own party official policies. Békésy, who is running as an independent candidate, has promised that his government will be a competent government formed by independent and capable ministers, and he has suggested he will try to renegotiate the financial loan with the Lanlanian government, in order to make possible a more sustainable economic growth.

If Békésy defeats his former boss, however, he will become the first president to win a presidential elections without the support of one of the main political parties. A proof that Keszarian politics are dynamic and voters are demanding, some say, while a sign that the people is tiring of the establishment parties lack to offer a real political change, other claim. In either case, it is a paradox that shows the limits of Dohnányi-Persbrandt's presidency, who started his political career after being elected Vice President as an idnependent candidate. Although it is true that Dohnányi-Persbrandt and Békésy comes from two different worlds (the former a successful businessman from a wealthy background, the latter a professional career politician from a middle-class family), and while Dohnányi-Persbrandt had some remarkable achievements, specially on foreign policy and tax reform, he failed to create a successful political movement which continues his legacy. The Freedom Party, which he founded before the 1570 legislative elections did, was never able to defeat the CDU-PDS in votes, and it did poorly in the last legislative elections, when it was clearly overcome by the right-wing populist National People's Party. Freedom Party candidate for President, the unpopular Finance Minister László Simonyi, only obtained 10.8% of the vote, ending behind Ákos Négyesy, the Communist Party candidate.

The election within the elections

Unlike most presidential republics, the President and the Vice President are elected directly by voters at the same time but in different ballots. This may sound eccentric and dysfuntional by most foreigners, although it has a clear political and historical reason. As during the transition to democracy, neither General Zoltán Bathory, the last Premier of the Keszarian Republic, nor the democratic opposition trusted each other completely, and although there was agreement in the roundtables negotiations between government and opposition toward a presidential system they were afraid of either losing all the power or or lacking check and balances in case of electoral defeat. It did not matter much, as the Messanic Democratic Party won by landslide both elections in 1559, consolidating its power and the transition to democracy with another victory in the legislative elections the next year. But since them, despite the calls to reform the election of the Vice President, no ammend of the constitution has be done since then.

Critics of this system claim that it tends to turn the office of the Vice President, constitutionally an important one even if secondary in the practice, into a protest vote. Indeed, since 1564 every Vice President has been from a political affiliation different than the President of the Republic, and very often than the government as well. This often leads that Vice Presidents tend use to the office of vice president as a platform to launch their for the leadership of their own parties, damaging the fairness of intra-party electoral contests, or even to create their own political parties, as Nándor Dohnányi-Persbrandt's Freedom Party.

Only six weeks ago, it was expected a comfortable victory for Katalin Kárpáti, the General Secretary of the CDU-PDS, who has been the Speaker of the CDU-PDS parliamentary group since 1575. Kárpáti, who attempted to gain the nomination as candidate to President first, supported Vaszary against Békésy in the last round of vote in the CDU-PDS primaries. Kárpáti obtained 39.1% of the vote, even more than her party leader -although it is also true that she faced a reduced number of candidates-, and if she is elected Vice President -she is only 45 years old- is expected to become next CDU-PDS leader and first Keszarian women President in history, according to supporters and analysts.

She was expected to face Tokár Orbán, Freedom Party candidate and Foreign Minister since 1575. Orbán was a former member of the Messianic Democratic Party, serving as Deputy Foreign Minister from 1562 and 1564, and he was one of the few remaining members of the Dohnányi-Persbrandt administration with a political background, as after the last government reshuffles, the national cabinet was mostly composed by considered technocrats such as Finance Minister Lászlo Simonyi. However, although the Foreign Minister -the member of the cabinet with the highest approval rating- was always below the 30% in most poll, he had a poor intervention in the last TV debate, and he has seen himself excluded from the run-off against Kárpáti, after being overcome by the National People's Party candidate, Gyöngy Székély, by 20.8% against 22.1%, respectively.

Székély, 44, a lawyer, started her political career in 1571, when she was elected to the Senate as a National People's Party candidate. Before that date, it is not known if she was ever involved in any kind of political activity or affiliation. She would be reelected in 1575, winning by 54% of the vote in her electoral district in the first round, the highest ever for a National People's Party candidate. During her time as Senator, she was dedicated mostly to cultural and education issues.

Székély's style and rhetoric can't be more different than many of her party colleagues, as she seems to remain calm and didactic even in the most heated political discussion, even if the content is not much that different in substance. Her rise in politics was slower than her political party, but that participant but spirited style, had led to rise in popularity above some of her male colleagues, not as much as National People's Party leader Isztám Esterházy, but with a less polarizing image, as Esterházy is as much hated by his opponents as loved by his own supporters.

The National People's Party, founded in the early 1560s, has already secured itself as the only successful openly nationalist political movement since the transition to democracy. The NPP entered in the National Assembly for first time in 1570, on the basis of an anti-immigrant and pro-welfare political program, and it has increased constantly their number of votes and representatives, specially since the start of the financial crisis a few years ago. In the last legislative elections, the National People's Party obtained 28.8% of the vote and 93 seats, becoming the second largest political party after the CDU-PDS. Although in the latter months, the party has bogged down in most polls, competing for the protest vote with the Communist Party and the reawaken Social Democratic Party.

The party describes itself as "a principled and patriotic party...focused in the protection of Keszarian values and interests". Although the NPP has tried to modernize in recent years, trying to polish their ethno-nationalism and anti-elistist populist rhetoric in order to attract more voters, it is largely considered an anti-establishment political party lacking a serious program of government, often being labelled as "ultra-nationalist" or "far-right", even if National People's Party rather defines itself as "radical right-wing" or "national democratic". The NPP is also noted abroad for their support to Keszarian ethnic minorities and their call toward the revision of the "Treaty of Chisinau", although since 1576 the party has rather focused in the opposition to austerity policies and the privatization program started by Finance Minister Simonyi.

While the election of the first Keszarian woman Vice President will be likely seen as an anecdote, as it won't have much importance on government policy, it is likely to be understood internally about in which direction the country is likely to move in the coming years.


El Correo Internacional

Géza Békésy takes oath of office as new Keszarian President
By: Mauricio Kovács-Tomillo
Published: Marth 20, 1579

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President Géza Békésy (left) along Nándor Gábor (right), chairman of the Association for the Memory of the Victims of Communism

Köszövár, Keszarian Republic | Géza Békésy took oath of office yesterday, after his unexpectedly victory in Keszaria presidential elections against CDU-PDS candidate -and former president- Álmos Vaszary. Békésy, 58, fifth president since the transition to democracy, vows to get country out of current crisis and strengthen regional security in Southern Brigidnan.

"Our first commitment is to get this nation out of the economic crisis in which it has been for the last four years", he told to the gathered media, "and to bring hopes and prosperity to the Keszarian people". Although Békésy did not disclose the composition of the new government, he declared that the national government will be formed by "experienced officials" and "independent people known for their excellency", as he declared that "Keszaria needs the best minds working for the future of its children".

Béla Kertész, former Messanic Democratic Party MP and Minister of Education during Árpad Ormandy's administration, and Zándor Reményi, CDU-PDS Minister of Transport during Vaszary's presidency (1569-1574), are rumoured to have been offered a position in Békésy's administration. Senator Jenö Ligeti-Ekman is also rumoured to be offered a position, despite he is currently an elected CDU-PDS senator and that he endorsed Álmos Vaszary during the presidential elections. In any case, Békésy would need a large consensus with the rest of parliamentary forces, as he currently lacks support in the Senate.

In his first official act as President of the Keszarian Republic, Békésy symbolically paid his respect to victims during the communist regime. He visited a place nearby the town of Miskánya, only a few kms from the capital city Köszövár, where a monument to the victims of the Perovist communist regime was built in 1562-1563. During the civil war, the site was place of a mass grave from the Keszarian civil war, and where hundred of civilians and military officials were executed during the purges by communist leader István Lanczos. Lanczos is credited with more than 100,000 executions between 1544 and 1547. There, the new president laid red roses to the memorial built in stone and bronze, surrounded by government officials and supporters.

"While we may face difficult challenges in the present, we can not forget the sacrifices and the suffering of the previous generation", President Békésy he said. "Communism is always a criminal ideology, which only language is murder and poverty", he declared. "We must remember that truth not only while grieving our fathers, grandparents, and great-grandparents, but when our peace and prosperity is threatened by the today heirs of this criminal ideology".

Békésy's comments were criticized by Ákos Négyesy, the leader of the Communist Party of Keszaria, "as an attempt to divide Keszarian society...which past events already forgotten and forgiven by most of the population" and he asked to leave "national history to historians and writers" not to the politicians. Négyesy, who is also the nephew of Ferenc Négyesy, Chairman of the Perovist People's Republic of Keszaria until his death in 1544, obtained a 8.1% of the vote in the last presidential elections.


El Correo Internacional

President Zamambekuz announces new coalition government
By: Arta Petrovci
Published: Septem, 1579

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Ilgiz Zaribzyanur signs the agreement between the Kyrzbek Labour Party and the Socialist People's Party

Ayduramazan, Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan | President Aygöl Zamambekuz has announced a reshuffle of government, after the ruling Socialist People's Party has agreed a coalition agreement with the Kyrzbek Labour Party, the second largest political party in the Kyrzbekistani parliament.

The center-left Kyrzbek Labour Party had been the second largest political party since 1575, and has the only non-SPP Governor, in the State of Uzbekyak. Both political parties established a de facto cooperation at state level, but now they have decided to put aside their differences in order to avoid the current impasse in the Congress of People's Deputies. Since the Perovist split within the Socialist People's Party a year ago, the ruling government lost their majority in the Lower House, which has been translated in a decreasing number of laws passed. Now, both political parties have agreed on a center-left economic political program in order to give stability to the country.

There were division in the Kyrzbek Labour Party about to agree with such agreement and leave their position as the main opposition party and join the federal government. The election of Governor Ilgiz Zaribzyanur as new leader of the Kyrzbek Labour Party three months ago inclined the balance, and 57,1% of KLP militants voted to accept the agreement in an internal voting. About 18 Congress of People's Deputies MPs and 24 members of the Federal Chamber of Revolutionary Councils announced they were leaving the Kyrzbek Labour Party, as it must be not forgotten that a leading faction in the Kyrzbek Labour Party were former members of the Kyrzbek Democratic Party which rejected the merger of that party with the Workers People's Party, which gave birth to the Socialist People's Party in 1570. That division will not have much impact, however, as the SPP parliamentary group and the remaining Kyrzbek Labour MPs will have now a larger majority even enough to start and approve a constitutional ammend by their own. Zaribzyanur rejected that this could mean another potential merger between the Kyrzbek Labour Party and the Socialist People's Party in the coming future, declaring that KLP will keep their autonomy and independence.

It is not clear how the new coalition will affect the works of the federal governemnt and the governance of the country, as the People's Socialist Party, which has been in power since the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan in 1568, has not shared the power since the first coalition government was dissolved in 1570. It is only confirmed so far that Arslan Ruslanur, former founder and leader of the Kyrzbek Labour Party, will be appointed Vice-Chairman of the People's Council of Commissar, in which the center-left Kyrzbek Labour Party will have four ministries, the rest of them being either members of the Socialist People's Party or independent ministers. The government reshuffle, however, it will affect most of the members of the national cabinet, which was kept with only some minor changes for the last decade.

It is confirmed that Qemal Krasniqi, Chairman of the People's Council of Commissar for the last six years, will be replaced by Damir Kazbekur. Krasniqi will be appointed Chairman of the Supreme Committee for State Security in the coming weeks according to government sources. The Supreme Committee for State Security is an advisor council under the authority of the Commissariat of Defense.

Damir Kazbekur, Commissar for Defense since 1570 and Vice-Chairman of the People's Council since 1573, will be appointed by President Aygöl Zamambekuz as new Chairman of the People's Council of Commissars, the head of government. A former leading commander of the Kyrzbek Revolutionary Army (KRG) during the Kyrzbekistani Civil War (also known as Second Arberian-Kyrzbek War), the socialist guerrilla movement and armed-wing of the Workers People's Party which has a leading role in the revolution which led to the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan, Kazbekur was one of the mastermind behind the creation of the Kyrzbekistani Armed Forces as member of the Military Revolutionary Committee.

Kazbekur remains one of the most popular members of the government in the public opinion, but his is not unknown to controversy. Critics have accussed him of war crimes during the civil war, one of the most famous cases after the Battle of Qenderë (1567), when KRG forced took the city and about 200 Arberian army officers, policemen, monarchists, landowners and noble families were reportedly executed. Kazbekuz will be replaced as Commissar for Defense by Gölçäçäk Aydakuz, former member of the Kyrzbekistani counter-intelligence agency -KYRZMaKBaK- becoming the first woman to head the ministry of defense. Although with the government reshuffle is likey to be reduced considerably the number of women in the national cabinet, for first time the head of state, and the ministries of defense and foreign affairs will be hold by a woman at the same time, as Chachak Kyrzbekuz has been confirmed as Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Aydakuz, who was the only known female commander of the KRG during the civil war, it is said to be very close to President Zamambekuz, although not much is known about her private life and ideological positions, as she tends to avoid much presence in the media.

It is not clear if either the coalition agreement or the government reshuffle will have much impact on the foreign policy of the Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan.


El Correo Internacional

Mordvanian Republican Party wins parliamentary election with a convincing victory
By: Polina Lamparska
Published: Septem, 1579

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Bogdan Privsek, leader of the Mordvanian Republican Party

The Mordvanian Republican Party obtained a landslide victory in the Assembly of Representatives elections, Republic of Mordvania's Lower House, winning 41.2%, the largest victory for a single political party since the proclamation of the Republic of Mordvania. The center-right Mordvanian Republican Party (MRP) obtained 251 of 599 seats, short for an absolute majority but safe enough as it still obtained more than the center-left Republican Social Radical Party and the far-left United Progressive Socialist Party combined, which were in power under a coalition government since 1573.

The United Progressive Socialist Party, led by Zvezdana Serebryak, current President of the Republican Council (official title for the head of government) could only obtain 20.5% of the vote and 125 seats, their worst result in national elections since 1571. Serebryak's government experienced some diplomatic successes, such as the Mordvanian intervention in Kaljurand civil war which concluded with the Denil Accords peace agreement, and important reforms on education, healthcare, and reform, but the economic situation (with a halted growth of 1.1% in 1577 and 1.2% in 1578, along increasing state debt and unemployment) and political isolation caused a slow decline in polls which were confirmed at the local elections early this year, when UPSP suffered its worse electoral result, losing control of the most important towns. Although UPSP improved that result six month later, recovering about one million voters nationwide, it still suffered a loss of seven points and 48 seats compared to three years ago.

The electoral campaign did not lack tense moments between Serebryak and the MRP candidate, former President of the Republican Council Bogdan Privsek, specially during the last TV debate when Serebryak showed a picture of former Minister Bogdan Tredina leaving jail. Tredina -Minister of Commerce and Communications under Privsek administration during four years- was convicted for corruption in 1574, being sentenced to six years of jail, and ended his sentence in the middle of the electoral campaign. Privsek fired back promising to call a parliamentary commission to investigate if the failure of the launch of the first Mordvanian satellite was caused by government pressure in order to use it as a electoral stunt. However, Serebryak recognized her defeat as soon as official results were announced, hinting that UPSP would not even try to form an alternative government and focus to leading the opposition to Privsek's government. Serebryak did not confirm if she will remain as leader of the opposition or resigning as UPSP leader, however, simply answering that's a decision which should be made in the next UPSP congress.

The Left-Republican RSRP could barely kept the third place by merely a few thousands votes and Slavko Deberek, who replaced Minister of Defense Milan Kravanja as RSRP candidate, announced his resignation. The Coalition of Constitutional Forces (ZDU-KDK) a multi-ethnic electoral coalition formed by liberal and centrist forces could only be fourth obtaining a worse result than three years ago, but it is expected they will have an important role in the new parliament. The separatist Bunesgan People's Party increased their presence in the parliament from 24 to 34 seats, and although it is not expected that they will have an important role in the parliament, they could see with satisfaction how their leftist rivals of the Bunesgan Republican Party failed to enter in the parliament.

The Republican Liberal Party, was the sixth and last political party to enter into parliament, obtaining 4.1% of the vote and 25 seats. The party was created only two years ago, founded by Dragomir Pengek, a former Deputy Minister of the National Security in the first RSRP-UPSP coalition government (1573-1576). Pengek left the left-republican RSRP after he showed his opposition to a second coalition government led by Zvezdana Serebryak and asking for a more pragmatist and moderate center-left economic policy. It is not clear now, however, if Pengek will enter in negotiations to support Privsek as President of the Republican Council or not, remaining in the opposition.

The greatest losers of the ultra-nationalist Mordvanian parties which failed to enter in the parliament again. They obtained their best result in the 1575 local elections where the Mordvanian Nationalist Party ended third with 13.1% of the vote, but internal political struggle, and sexual and corruption scandals ended with the party collapsing in the polls before the 1576 national elections, failing to reach the electoral threshold by a few thousand votes. A MNP split, the Mordvanian Nationalist Democratic Party, with a electoral campaign calling for the extradition of all Kaljuran refugees, obtained 3.1% in the local elections, but they failed to enter in the parliament after obtaining only 2.4% in this national elections. Their former colleagues, the Mordvanian Nationalist Party, did even worse and obtained only 0.8% of the vote, and accussed the government of electoral fraud, although no other party has seconded those accusations.

Although the Mordvanian constitution confers an important even if secondary role to the Chairman of the Council of Defense in the formation of the national government, it is not expected that the leader of the Mordvanian Republican Party Bogdan Privsek will face real obstacles to form a national government. Privsek, 58, was Minister of Foreign Affairs during the 1566 revolution and already President of the Republican Council for six years, from 1567 to 1573. He resigned as leader of the MRP in 1574, but returned to politics in early 1578, after his successor Borislav Vurnik was forced to resign after he failed to improve the party standing in successive polls.

Privsek government is expected to be focused on improving the economic situation and advancing the promised constitutional reform, which came to a standstill in the last years. The Mordvanian Republican Party campaigned with a fiscally conservative economic platform, promising tax cuts and a reduction of the state debt but without drastic changes on social and military spending, and it is not expected to face much opposition in the parliament as the Lower House has shifted to the center-right while MRP has currently an absolute majority in the Chamber of Deputies, the Upper House of the parliament.

It is expected that Privsek administration will be combined with ministers and officers who served during his presidency in 1567-1573 along a few young reformers. Although Privsek praised Foreign Minister Mika Lohk as a "competent and experienced man who served his country well" (basically the only member of the Serebryak's government who received such kind words by the opposition leader), it is expected that Aljaz Martelj, who already served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1573 to 1576, will be Foreign Minister again. Former Deputy Minister of Finance and Voyvode of the city of Mestarka, Miroslav Stovdek, former Chairman of the Central Bank Milena Slomsek and former Minister of Economic Development are rumoured as the next Minister of Finance, but it is not expected a further announcement will be made at least until the talks with the rest of parliamentary forces are started late this week.


El Correo Internacional

New Galasia stops Rojadavi newspapers from printing amid social unrest
By: Asia Galianus
Published: Treizen 1579

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Alsace government remains confident in defeating the eastern armed revolt.

Alsace, New Galasia | Authorities in New Galasia have shut down printing presses and temporarily banned newspapers in Rojadavi language from publishing in the eastern region of Eastmarch, in a sweeping information blackout after days of anti-Galasian revolts left about two thousands of people dead in the volatile region. The rebellion, led by the self-proclaimed "Provisional Council for the National Resistance" have taken control of several cities, which the Galasian military aims to retake after an intense campaign of air bombing.

State government spokesman Julius Primus said that measures were aimed at saving lives and strengthening law and order. The government says 1.187 have been killed in clashes between "terrorist forces" and security forces, while local human rights groups and newspapers say that more than two thousands have died.

A state of emergency and strict curfew has been in effect in the region of Eastmarch, with hundreds of thousands of people trying to cope with shortages of food and other necessities. Tens of thousands of government troops patrolled the mostly deserted streets in Eastmarch, where shops and business remained closed. Ten days before, a terrorist attack by Akhadist militants killed more than two hundred people in Eastmarch Cathedral, which suffered severe damage.

Eastmarch, a predominantly Akhadic region, has belonged to the Kingdom of New Galasia for centuries, but demands of more autonomy and independence increased in recent years. Many ethnic Rojadavi -largest ethnic group in the eastern region- want the independence, something that both the Alsace government and ethnic Galasians in the eastern region oppose.

The largest street protests in recent years in the eastern region erupted last Elva after the Akhadic Grand Kuzhe was killed, leading to riots and turning into a military conflict after local officers opposed to the crackdown and even, in some cases, joined the protesters. However, the New Galasian government declares that the claims of "civil war" in the eastern region are exaggerated.

Information has been limited, with most celllar and internet services, as well as landline phone access, not working in the trouble areas, except for Eastmarch and Nova Tarial, the largest city in the eastern region.

Police began raiding newspaper officers in Eastermarch and seizing tens of thousands of local newspapers yesterday, imposing a ban on their printing. They also detained scores of printing press workers. Newspaper editors denounced the government action and accused Alsace government of "imposing a dictatorship in the region".

Editors and journalist held a protest march in Claeterne, carrying placards reading "Stop censorship" and "Freedom of speech", before the march was stopped by Galasian police.

In the latest fatality outside the war zones late Friday, government forces fired bullets at villagers who threw stones and them and tried to torch a police station in a remote village in the northwestern Eastmarch area, close to the Angirisian border, a police official said.

Six young villagers were allegedly killed and at least five other people were wounded in the firing, according to a local human rights group.

Authorities extended the Winter break for schools and colleges for two months month, until Alvan 4.


El Correo Internacional

Keszaria: Contested Senate Elections
By: Mauricio Kovács-Tomillo
Published: Vintyr, 1579

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President Géza Békésy strenghtened the position of his government after the Keszarian Liberal Movement, a coalition he created only six months ago.

The Keszarian Liberal Movement obtained 25.9% and 39 senators elected. Although far for the absolute majority in the Upper Chamber, it will ease the negotations for the approval of the budget in 1580, as the government would only require the support of either the centrist CDU-PDS or the far-right NPP.

The National People's Party was able to keep the second place, obtaining 18.2% and 21 senators, seven more than 1574, but it had a disappointed results compared to the legislative elections a year and a half ago, losing nearby ten points.

The oncle leading Civic Democratic Union could only being third, obtaining 17.3%, losing more sixteen senators compared to 1574, although it was able to obtain one senator more than the NPP. Katalin Kárpáti, who was leading the CDU-PDS since the last presidential elections, in early 1579, has announced her resignation as General Secretary of the Party. CDU-PDS leadership is expected to call a congress to elect a new general secretary and discuss the new political strategy.

Freedom Party had the worst results but, at the same time, was able to save the day. It only obtained 9.6%, four points below than a year ago and only 6 senators, compared to the 41 senators it obtained in 1574, when the Freedom Party was the most voted party. But the results may give the Freedom Party some hopes for its survival as political project.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party of Keszaria entered into the Upper House for first time, having eight senators elected, while the Centrist Democratic Party had four senators elected, one more than 1574. However, the center-left Social Democratic Party failed to elect any senator, and their 5.6% of voters will not have any representation in the Upper House.


El Correo Internacional

Goldecian government rejects high-ranking Kyrzbekistani diplomat
By: Milena Brovina
Published: Nueva 1580

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Mavzida Läkuz, during an act organized a year ago by the Kyrzbek Cultural Center of Ealdburh, Arrenland.

Ayduramazan, Kyrzbekistan | A high level Kyrzbekistani diplomat has been rejected as Ambassador in Goldecia because her past inclusion in a terrorist list by the Kingdom of Arbëria.

The decision by Goldecian government has caused outrage and criticism in the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs in Ayduramazan, sources claim.

Mavzida Läkuz had been appointed to serve as ambassador in Goldecia by the Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan. She had previously served as diplomat in Soyabar in 1569-1570, and ambassador in Adwest between 1570 and 1578. In the last two years she was serving as High Representative for Kvaenna.

Läkuz inclusion dates back to 1556, when she -then a 20-year university student and a militant of the left-wing nationalist Kyrzbek Democratic Party- shot and killed Akil Pagarusha, a former military officer and Governor of Mysëqytet. Pagarusha, a former military officer, was declared "an enemy of the people" by several Kyrzbek insurgent groups by his role in the brutal suppression of a peasant revolt in Northwestern Kyrzbekistan. She was sentenced to 40 years of prison by an Arberian court and her case, in which she allegedly suffered abuse and torture by Arberian policemen, had a strong resonance along the country and the region, although only surfaced recently when Soyabarian media found Läkuz' name in an old article of a Mestran newspaper during Läkuz time as diplomat in Soyabar.

In 1568, during the revolution which would lead to the abolition of the Arberian monarchy and the proclamation of the socialist-leaning Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan, Läkuz was released from prison and her criminal records were officially erased after an amnesty passed by the Kyrzbekistani government. In early 1569, she was elected to the Constituent Assembly as a candidate of the Revolutionary Coalition, but resigned as MP several months later to start a career to diplomat.

Läkuz, likely one of the most well-known diplomats in her home country, has not commented so far about the decision of the Goldecian government. However, Kyrzbekistani media -in special those supportive of the ruling Socialist People's Party and other secular Kyrzbek outlets- has criticized harshly the "stupid" and "reactionary decision" by the Goldecian government, and many have stated that the move is probably caused by the lobbying of the monarchist so-called Arberian government-in-exile, who declares that the Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan is an illegitimate state and call for the restoration of the Arberian monarchy. Although the Goldecian government does not recognize that Arberian government-in-exile, many former Arberian emigres and monarchist officials have found assylum in the Kvaennan monarchy.

Experts in the Near East country believe that the decision by the Goldecian government is likely to have a negative impact in Goldecian companies investing in Kyrzbekistan.

Mavzida Läkuz has been described as a "professional" and "hard-working" diplomat by both colleagues and even rival diplomats in Adwest. She received a Honorary Degree by the Federal University of Aydaramazan in 1579. It is rumoured that Läkuz is likely to be appointed as high representative to the NETO -the military alliance formed by several Near East governments- in the coming weeks.


El Correo Internacional

New Galasia: Council of National Unity appoints new Prime Minister
By: Asia Galianus
Published: Marth 1581

[Image: PA-22455932.jpg]
Perceval Oberonus, 52, is a retired general

The Council of National Unity, the military leadership which took power in New Galasia on Elva 1580, has appointed Perceval Oberonus as Prime Minister.

Oberonus, a retired general, is expected to announce a new government in the coming hours. Althogh the constitution remains suspended and the parliament closed, the Council of National Unity will have a veto on the decisions of the new government. As Prime Minister, Oberonus, who has not previous political experience, will not have an easy task, as the country remains in a complicated political and economic situation, facing capital flight, and civil war in the eastern region of the country.

Oberonus has declared that he is aiming to "unity all the nation in order to solve the political crisis and restore order and prosperity". The first decision of the new government, he has declared, will be to abolish the Legion, the Conscriptus, and the Administrarion -the three main branches of the Royal Armed Forces of New Galasia, and rebrand them as the Galasian Armed Forces under an united leadership. He argues this decision was motivated in order to improve the efficiency and organization of the armed forces.

Pacify the eastern region, Eastmarch, will not be easy and a rather ambitious task, as most of the territory is under the control of a coalition of nationalist rebels and conservative Akhadists -known as the "Provisional Council for the National Resistance"-, local monarchist forces who rejected to recognize the Council of National Unity, and Akhadist insurgency. Oberonus has declared his will to cooperate with the international community in the fight against "terrorist forces". So far, most of the international community has remained neutral on the conflict in New Galasia.

Since the Council of National Unity took power in Elva 1580, the military leadership has supressed any political dissent, reestablishing censorship and military courts. As a result, thousands of people were detained and arrested, and there have been rumours of hundreds of summary executions by government forces. It is not clear if the appointment of Oberonus as Prime Minister could lead to a liberalization or return to civilian rule.

It has been rumoured that Lieutenant-Colonel Galahad Trojanus, one of the seven members of the Council of National Unity, may be appointed as Minister of Defense, while Safirus Urenius, a historian and former diplomat could be appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs.


El Correo Internacional

Hôinôm: Legislative elections announced
By: Bruno Wong
Published: Fein 1581

[Image: demo2-1.jpg]
A protest of textile workers in Nam Dhin, demanding a raise of the minimum wage. Prime Minister Bûi Quang An's government established a national minimum wage in late 1579 for first time, currently set at $1 per hour  | Marth 1581, Châu Thi Quỳ ©

Prime Minister Bûi Quang An announced that legislative elections will be held on Septem 28, he confirmed in an address to the Imperial Council. It will be the first elections in thirty years, and many hope they will open the door for important political and constitutional reforms.

Empress Hông, in power since 1568, has promised that she will propose the National Assembly to draft a "Bill of Rights", which is expected to improve rule of law and constitutional rights in the Ostaran nation.

However, many are skeptical about the changes that the new parliament may bring, as the elections are short of democratic standards, many expert and analysts agree. Kim Công Dùc, a lawyer from Quang Bai who has announced he will run as candidate in a nothern district of his home town, has criticized the government for the shortcomings of the electoral law. "The districts were designed with a lack of transparency and through arbitrary reasons", Dùc has denounced. He has also criticized that the Electoral Commission does not seem to take very seriously the problems of electoral fraud and polling infraestructure in a country without much experience in organizing elections. "Much of the initiative is left to the Governors, which are directly appointed by the government", Dùc says.

A second problem is the electoral law, which is outdated and absurd, Kim Công Dùc complains. The electoral law is based in a 1520 law, which limit suffrage to male property and law owners and members of the ancient nobility, who were given a 1/3 of the seats. Prime Minister Bûi Quang An promised to reform and modernize that law in consesus with the consultive Imperial Council, but most of his proposals were rejected. Some minor changes were finally allowed, and women suffrage will not be restricted de jure, all tax payers will be granted right to vote along land owners, and the number of parliamentary seats granted to the 15 ancient nobility families (about 350.000 citizens of 59 million population) will be reduced to 55 seats barely a 1/4 of the total seats. Those with criminal records will not be allowed to stand as independent candidates, which will actually exclude many opposition and human rights activists.

The representatives for the National Assembly, which will be called for first time since the failed revolution of 1549, will be elected in 222 constituencies, through a first-past-the-post electoral system. Prime Minister Bûi Quang An promised a free and fair elections without the interference of the government. However, the restrictions on campaigning (no electoral events are allowed before the two weeks before the elections), the limited pluralism in the media, and the fact that political parties are still banned in the country, raise serious doubt about such claim.

It is not expected that the legislative elections will have a radical impact on the policies of the government. The Imperial Cabinet will retain the power to block any law with deals with constitutional reform, the legal code, and budget policy, and the Prime Minister would still be directly appointed by the Empress who, as head of state, would retain almost semi-absolute powers. However, many expect that the parliament could accelerate some needed reforms, improve check and balances, and increase political pluralism. Others are not so inspired about the role of the National Assembly. The illegal Nationalist Party, the oldest political party in Hôinôm, has denounced the legislative elections as a sham, and called for the active boycott of the elections.

Some of the supporters of the government, however, note that Prime Minister Bûi Quang An's choice of pushing for legislative elections was not a decision without risks, and it is unclear if it will increase the legitimacy of the government agenda or rather strengthen their opponents. They argue that some of Prime Minister Bûi Quang An's reforms have not only solved the political crisis that there were threaten the country two years ago, when he was appointed Prime Minister, but opening new chances for reform, through reducing censorship, opening dialogue with civil society, education and administrative reform, and further liberalizing the national economy along some minor welfare policies.


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