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5th Annual - Siora Awards 2019
. . : : The Siora Awards 2019 : : . .

Greetings, and welcome to the Fifth Annual Siora Awards! It's Eternity's birthday right now, and I'm actually on time for once, how absolutely amazing is that! Five years is a long time, and most of us have known each other for much longer than that, so with apologies to those who want further ado, let's reflect upon all the fun times and get crackin' with these arbitrary nothings.

Oh boy! How do I participate in this OfficialTM Activity?
All you have to do is copy everything within the spoilered code box below into a PM addressed directly to me, include your ONE vote for each category (which are explained below), and then submit the pm. After a Certain Amount Of TimeTM, all submitted "votes" will be tallied, and winners in each individual category declared - though we all know you'll win, you wonderful person you - to much celebration and fanfare.

Or just pop it in this thread, if you don't care if people know how you voted.

Everyone gets to vote for everything; there are no special people with special votes for certain categories. Furthermore, while it's fine to not vote for a category if you can't think of anything for it, only a maximum of one vote is allowed for each...though it would definitely be nice if you took some time (minutes, hours, days, weeks) to see if anything comes to mind.

Show ContentAwards Vote Submission Form:

Wait, what happened to the last one?
The 2015 Awards, and their results, can be found here.
The 2016 Awards, and their results, can be found here.
The 2017 Awards, and their results, can be found here.
The 2018 Awards, and their results, can be found here.

Can I vote for myself?
Yes, but you'll make Jeremy a very sad kitter.

These OfficialTM Category names are weird, what do they mean?
Good question! Below are short explanations for each of the categories, so you know what you're voting for!

Member of the Year: The member who best represents what we want every member to be like, who best represents the best all-around person we like to have in our community. Completely arbitrary & subjective.

Contributor of the Year: Someone who contributed something of significant value to the community, generally someone who added/brought something that bettered the community as a whole.

Writer of the Year: The person who consistently writes the very wow stories, characters, etc. Maybe not the most quantity, but his/her consistent quality always impresses.

Newcomer of the Year: Like "Member of the Year," but specifically for people that joined the forum in 2018 only. Use that "Members" button at the top of the forum if you have to.

Most Active: Who on the forum is in the most dire need of sunlight and/or going to sleep.

Most Helpful: Someone whose always there to lend a non-judgmental, non-cynical hand with advice or guidance on any subject asked of them.

Most Creative: Who made the prettiest pretty? Pictures, videos...uh, sculptures? Artistic, creative-type stuff.

Best Sport: Typically someone fairly humble, the kind of person you always want to hang out or write with. Someone who's really quiet pleasant even in "defeat."

?: ?

Most Memorable Moment: Anything - could be a post, chat snippet, anything - that was "totally epic," something that stood out as something worth remembering.

The President Caesar Memorial Award: The forum's most notorious lurker, someone most likely to not see this post or know that they even won this award.

Card Czar: Who is king or queen of the spam. Someone who gets everyone together for a fun time...or at least tries so very hard, bless their heart.

Captivating Story Award: The story (mtrp, fantasy, free-form, anything), and writer, that captured your attention and that you follow religiously? Bonus points if you have no active part in it.

Favorite Character Award: Like above, which person's RP/story/writing character really sticks out to you as someone/something memorable? Doesn't matter if the character is recurring or a one-shot "disposable" thing.

Lore Development Award: Like above again; be it fantasy, Alt-Earth, Siora, Andlosheim or whatever, this is the person, topic, or event that really stood out to you for their development of settings and lore in RP.

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About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.