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Announcement: Regarding Recent Moderation Decisions
Hello there,

I just want to say that now that the moderation team debate is leaking or has leaked the topic has to be closed.
I have to say I don't have the fucking faintest idea of what the fuck is going on at all and I do want the discussion going on, in a public way (ike on the forum- and not via pm's
No one has come to me about anything since the last post, so I can assume there has been no further discussion.
I have put forth 7+ pages worth of writing as it is.
The events are there.
The explanations are there:

1) Lom was banned; no reason was given, and the length was two years.
2) Flo came back after the ban. He came back because Lom was banned.
3) The length was shortened to 1 month, but no reason was still given. People started to think Lom was banned to bring Flo back.
4) A reason was given for the ban and its length. Not all the information was provided, and so both members and admins got emotional over misunderstandings of intent.

From there, I gave all the information I have.

I will not open this back up for another month of "well I think" testimonies that won't serve anything other than people's own catharsis. Unless you have information I didn't about these events, then there is no discussion, and nothing left to discuss. If you do have actual facts that I do not, then share them with me.

This discussion is closed.

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