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10-24-2018, 11:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-13-2019, 12:42 AM by BrumBrum.)
Currency:Goldecian Pound
National Symbol: three x's
National Anthem: I vow to thee my country
Signified Animal:Lion
Official National Colours:blue,red ,yellow and orange
Nation's Official Name:Kingdom of Goldecia
Time Zone:
Capital City(ies):Goudadam(Executive(officially),Arthuria(executive, legislative and royal),Cair Para(royal)
Other Major Cities: Deoraby , Goudadam, Cair Para,Fieldam,Meadowdam,Porterdam, Brummagem,Raytown,Whaleton, Seasouth, Seamouth,Poolville,Rutterdam,Fentown, Solihull, Castlehill,Sandmouth(Seasand), Harlem,Hove
Cites population
Geography:189,657.00 km²
Population density:128.35 /km²
Show ContentHistory:
History:590:Goldecia is founded in the Middlelands area after Prince Arthur unites the Middleland tribes.
605-650:Goldecia grows through a mix of conquering on the continent and reclaiming land. The first royal capital of Arthuria is built.Over this period many wars are fought with neighbours until a treaty of friendship is signed.
872-863:The invasion of Narnia takes place and most of the nationalist Narnians and royals of Narnia are brutally murdered. However 2 Goldecian royals are mysteriously brutally killed , legend has it the ghosts of the murdered royals did this dastardly act.
872-1260:The kingdom grows with the government very much tolerant of differences at first. An empire is formed with the country growing setting up other colonies with a bigger movement towards colonies after the 1100's
1250-1300:The first major genocide of the Culhwch's for 50 years of anti-Culhwchsm takes place as the country tries to expel this significant part of the population or kill them, enslaving those they can.Long term policy of 3 for 1 adopted with resistance punished with whole family killed if one member rebelled, whole village killed if the village rebelled and 3 times as many natives killed for every Goldecian Soldier killed. Goldecia develops reputation for brutality.
1330-1430:The Genocide of the Culhwch and some minorities takes place with those able to work put in labour camps or sold on as slaves and any children who refuse to work or unable to, elderly and people unable to work murdered and put in mass graves, this takes place in the conquered colonies. The Culhwch population dives.Very soon after though some of the colonies rebel.Several penal colonies were formed overseas and lost during this time in wars..The empire gradually grows.The Conservative Nationalist Party are in power from 1410-1420 and 1425-1430 having been founded in 1397. The persecution of minorities is worst during these periods with Blueshirts dominating public life. Death camps were set up for culhwch's and "non-goldecians" where those who couldn't be enslaved were brutally murdered. There are no accurate records surviving but millions of minorities were killed with potentially 10's of millions killed.
1450:Conservative Nationalist Party and the organisation called the Blueshirts is is made compulsory for all youth to join. All youth have to be part of the organisation and persecution of the Culhwch's is increased with a boycott of their businesses encouraged and political opposition is restricted.
1465:Conservative Nationalist Party voted out of office.
1475-1483:Conservative Nationalist Party regain power and this time ban their opposition resuming racist and fascist policies.Eventually the government is overthrown by a coalition of the pro-democracy factions.
1483-1485:Goldecia is governed by a caretaker government.
1485:Royal Conservatives and Liberals form a government and grow Goldecia in the postwar world. Fascist One Goldecia is formed taking second place in the polling but are not invited into government. The former leaders of Goldecia are arrested and found guilty of war crimes. The coalition lasts until 1490 when Royal Conservatives enter government alone.
1520's:The Dark Decade begins with recession striking Goldecia and political unstability with 7 elections and government changes in 10 years. Eventually in the 1530's: a recovery happens.Amidst the political instabiliy colonies start declaring independence the process of decolonisation lasts 30 years.
1545-present:Goldecia Partially apologise for their past crimes . The Country had grown tolerant of different cultures since 1485. The country gradually becomes more democratic and liberal becoming one of the richest, most democratic and free countries in the world.
1548-1554: recession occurs under a Liberal Socialist/Liberal/Republican government with high tax policies hampering economic growth causing unemployment to grow.Government debt grows as a result of the governments philosophy of state intervention.Recession stops two years into the Royal Conservatives coalition government.
1552:The Royal Conservatives regain power in Goldecia in the heights of the Recession in a coalition government.
Early 1561:Goldecia suffers worst floods in a generation with 25% of the country flooded including Goudadam, The Hague and nations biggest airport.
Mid 1562:Legalization of gay marriage despite the king refusing to sign the bill and Abdication of King Maximus in favour of his son Peter I. The Prime minister resigns in the Red Light Scandal as he was caught paying for sex and is replaced by Jane Summers.
Show ContentDemographics:
Ethnic Groups:White 58.6% , 21.45% mixed race, 10.89% Black,9.06% Other
Messianic:71.06%(41.15% ICS, 15.5% Sentricist , 8.16% Church of Goldecia ,2.99% Daenist, 2.36% Ostrid, Other 0.9% )
Culwch:5.62%(Religion based on witch craft and herbalist beliefs(Venerate magic mushrooms)
Nobala Astha:3.53%
Age demographics(1594):
Life Expectancy:84.3
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10-24-2018, 11:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2019, 11:31 AM by BrumBrum.)
Show ContentPolitics:
Economy: (Free Market, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism)capitalism/mixed market economy
Political Type: (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Republic, Theocracy, Military State, Corporatism, Imperial)monarchy who have alot of power and a veto.
Authority: (Absolute, Democracy, Divine Right, Parliamentary, Tribal, Feudal, Meritocracy)a mix of parliamentary and monarchy
Constitution: (Yes/No) Yes
Organization Memebership:N/A
Political system:The parliamentary system consists of three major branches the royals , Prime ministers office and the parliament. The king has the right to veto any bill that ascends to him and has had so since the end of fascism . This is typically used sparingly only when discriminatory bills or anti-democratic bills ascend up (e.g a bill targeting minorities that fascists might try, restricting womens rights or banning opposition parties) . For this reason also the armed forces are commanded by the monarch who can approve or refuse to approve a military operation.
The prime minister has the right to appoint his cabinet for approval of the house and the monarch.If the monarch doesn't approve they must seek 66% of the house to get the cabinet in office.
The house consists of the houses of commons elected by a MMP system. The Lords is used to amend bills and sometimes launch bills but this is typically done in the lower house. The Lords are selected by a committed of the main party leader, a Lords selection committee and the the monarch and normally selected from those who either have a special expertise or have an honour from the monarch. It typically makes sure the majority party in the lower house gets a majority in the upper house and tries to apportion seats to the votes. However some parties struggle to get in like the Republicans or One Goldecia who are not popular with the committee or the royals.The system is seen a parliamentary democracy but with bigger powers for the monarch than a lot of countries.
For a bill to pass into law it must have a majority of the Commons, Lords and the king although it can pass in just the commons if more than 66% vote yes when it is sent back down from the lords a 3rd time.The houses sit on average 150 days a year.
Tax Rates:
Income Tax:15-41%
Social Insurance Premium:1%-5%
Corporation Tax:20%
10%-Fairtrade, local or Organic Goods
25% for non fairtrade, organic
Parliament and Elections
Government Budget
PSD(Left to Centre Left)
Liberal Party(Liberal)
Conservative Democratic Party(Centre Right-Right)
Nationalist Goldecia Party(Nationalist/Far Right)
Akhadic League(Akhadist)
Historic Parties:
Conservative Nationalist: A fascist right wing party that existed between 1850 and 1935. Took power 8 times.
Royal Conservatives(Centre Right):1340-1585
Messianic Democratic Alliance(Right wing):1512-1585
Liberal Socialist Party(liberal social democratic),Leader:Ian Rank(Former leaders:Henry Clegg) Founded:1468-1579(Banned 1475-1483)
Republican(republican, liberal socially , centre left),Leader:RAsh Cromwell Founded:1470-1579(Banned 1475-1483)
Freedom Party(national conservative on law and order, agrarian and liberal socially), Leader:Richard Peter Bones Founded:1523-1570
TUSC(Socialist, Pro Union Party):Leader:Len McKulsky, Founded:1569-1579
Show ContentParty Conferences::
NGP:Thursday 26th Septem to Saturday 1st Ochtyr
CDP:Thursday 5th Ochtyr to Saturday 8th Ochtyr
PSD:Thursday 12th Ochtyr to Saturday 15th Ochtyr
Liberal:Thursday 26th Ochtyr to Saturday 1st Nueva
MP wage:£81,000 dollars plus expenses
Minister wages:£105,000
Lords allowances: Get allowances for travel and office costs but not a wage. Get money for sessions they turn up to. Currently £220 a day .
Any politician earning over £500,000 on shares, housing rentals , investment income or directorships(Lords only) cannot claim pay for their parliamentary work though may claim expenses.
Historic reigns(1439 ONWARDS):
1449-1464:Conservative Nationalist Party(fascist)
1474-1482:Conservative Nationist Party(fascist)
1482-1484:Caretaker government
1584-1589: PSD
Right to vote:16
Right to drink:16(allowed in private properties from 5 years old and with a meal for minors but must be weaker drinks and with parental/gaurdian consent)
Right to Drive:16(Learners at 14 under supervision at selected centres)
Right to smoke:16
Right to sexual intercourse:16
Right to marry:16(LGBT and Heterosexual)
Group Marraige:illegal
Show ContentEconomy::
Market is mixed market. The economies main industries are services(Office jobs, financial industry, leisure and hospitality , Tourism) etc..) ,agriculture(cheese,seeds and agricultural products(fertilizers etc.),lamb, chicken ,pork,barley beef , milk ,grapes,strawberries, lemons,sugar, bananas oranges, potatoes,rape seed and flowers main industries ) and industry( Beer,wine, Transport, Electronics, IT,food , Real Estate) , education and healthcare is dominated by the state. The law says that fairtrade(if from low income countries) and organic goods get a discount rate of tax providing they meet fairtrade or organic standards. It is a rate of 12% VAT as opposed to 20% VAT.Its tourism is based of history ,culture,food and flowers and in Goudadam the famous gambling ,drugs and red light districts, the beaches ,cultural sights and islands are marketed as a mid-market to up market tourist destination and also as a cultural experience.Tourism is vital to the economy with up to 73,051,370 tourists international tourists a year making the economy up to $111,038,082,482.97. Some of the supermarkets and cheaper clothing companies base manufacturing in cheaper labour countries.
Tariff Schedules:
Saxo-Burgh Corporation (including Mamas): Big food and chocolate and sweet company . Based in Brummagem.The main chocalate of the Mama's brand is Mamas Milk(milk chocolate) , Cocoa Mama(dark) , and Roundels(Chocolate buttons), Bunny Eggs(Mini Eggs like) etc.... The company operates Mama's World a factory tour.
Peter Willig
NG-Starley NG Starley includes Triumph, Herbert and Nuffield. The company has 4 main brands actives NG aimed at the budget sport ,market, Starley a standard market model aimed at being an all rounder brand, Triumph a sporty brand between the luxury and standard car market and Nuffield which has relaunched the affordable Minor on a new generation platform marketing it as a rival to the Petite car.The company was taken over by new owners. The company makes over 1.66 million cars from its Brummagem based plant .
Lyons-Landranger:Lyons Land Ranger(including (based in Brummagem) 2,979,948 cars(1,035,560 Lyon's, 870,166 Land Rangers, 1,065,722 Petites and 8,500 Morgan Royces.[/URL]
The group includes Morgan-Royce Cars
Goldecian Oil Company (Goldecian)
Colbert Laboratories(Medical company)
Smith-Moore Corporation: Major Pharmaceutical company.
GAE systems(Big defense company Goldecia) online retailer particuarly strong in Goldecia):
![[Image: clickbuy.jpg]](
Crown Estate Corporation:Funds the royals expenditure and manages royal finance through investments in various companies and properties. A big player in Goldecia. The CEC also collects royalties for when royal seal is used on a product. It is the own corporation that is not subject to corporation tax as a crown corporation.
The money is divided as follows:The monarch:30% , Meriden-Zabala-Chatto 29.2%, Jones Family 20.4%,Durnador-Lloyd-Jones family 20.4%
Many companies deal in agriculture , energy and utilities , IT and technology companies, sportswear/fashion, in real estate, chemical companies and manufactuaring and services.
Major Green companies:
Green Co:One of Goldecias biggest Wind , hydro and wave power product producers
Aqua Building Co: Develops floating buildings and constructs floating houses, shops and offices. A growing business as Goldecia embraces floating housing as a concept.
Hydro-Defence Co. :One of the major flood mitigation companies building and designing flood barriers and solutions to stop flooding.
McLarry Group
Aero Motor Co.l
Hove Cars
MCV Group
Top 6 Banks(Marketshare):
Quarter Bank(10.5%)
National Goldecian Bank(16.9%)
Chartered Bank(7.8%)
Kvaenna Bank(Llanlanian owned, 21.6%)
Co-op Bank(14.4%)
Total Market Size:$71.3 billion
Fashion chains/companies:
Yellow Inc:Budget fashion store with major budget clothes that have a mod/street look.
Penny's Clothing:Cheap fashion in Goldecia.
Hepworths:Affordable fashion
Goldecian Home Stores
R Evans
Cotton Traders
Blacks Outdoor Equipment
J Lloyd
C Maxx
Athletic Sports
Simply Sports
Benjamin Sherman
Holiday market:
Dominated by three companies:
Albright Holidays:
Albright Sun
Albright Tours
Albright City Breaks
Albright Wintersport
Albright Nature Holidays
Gonzalez Holidays:
Gonzalez Holidays
Gonzalez Airlines(charter airline)
Snowflake Holidays(Wintersports/winter holidays)
Gonzalez Coach Tours
Gonzalez Cruises
Cruise and Maritime Voyages:A cruise line catering for older and more cultural tourists with a value and traditional cruise emphasis has four ships, the Marco Polo ,Columbus, Astor and Discovery and Amundsen. Also popular with some of the gentry of the country.
Oracia Orient Cruises:
An upscale cruise line with 8 ships of medium to big size.
Gold Star Line:
A posh cruise line offering tradition cruising. has 8 ships.
Ocean Village:
A lifestyle and family cruising brand that offers a mix of medium to big ship itineraries. Modern and popular with younger cruisers.Has 8 ships.
Bargain Holidays:
Do mostly summer sun/winter sun with some ski holidays, mostly at budget end using very budget airlines
Other coach companies and tour operators exist.
A big coach tour operator is Wally's.
Main networks:
GBC:The public broadcaster funded by a license fee and GBC worldwide operating multiple TV stations including
GBC Documentaries
GBC Reality
GBC Entertainment
GBC Drama
GBC Comedy
GBC Motors
GBC Sport
GBC Parliament
GBC News 24
GBC Teen
GBC Kids
GTV:The primary independent TV network in the country supported by advertising the network has 8 channels and primarily is focused on entertainment and reality.
GTV 1:General
GTV 2:Focused on entertainment and quizes
GTV 3:Focused on comedy
GTV 4:Focused on youth
GTV 5:focused on elderly
GTV 6:Factual
GTV Gears:Motoring
GTV News 24
Channel 4:
Channel 4:General
E4:Entertainment focuses
News 24
Total Goldecian main:64%
Main Radio Station groups:
GRG:General Radio Group owns brands focused on different markets as well as local stations in each area:
Gold Radio:Focused on older market
Classic Rock:Focused on classic rock
Kerrang:Mixed rock
Metal Hammer Radio:Metal orientated
Heart:Easy listening
Galaxy:Youth focused
Smooth:Jazz and golden oldies
Vibe radio:80's
Rave: Dance
GBC Radio Sport: sports
GBC Radio 1:Factual based, talk radio
Alternative Radio Group:
Pop FM:Focused on pop, modern music
XFM:focused on rock
Rebel Radio:Metal
Just Country:Country radio
YFM:Youth radio/teen
Smooth:Jazz/smooth music
Electro:Electronic music
ICS Media:
ICS Radio
Salvation TV
ICS Times
Born Again(magazine)
Sentric Media Group:
Sentric Times
Sentricism Magazine (Magazine)
Sentricism TV
Sentricism Radio
Narnia media group:
Narnia 1 TV
Narnia Two tv
Narnia Radio
Narnia Today(newspaper)
United Trade Union Media Group:
Trade Union Star(Union newspaper)
Trade Union Radio
TUTV(Trade union TV)
Patriotic Media Group(Nationalist):
Patriotic Times(Newspaper)
Patriot TV
Patriot Radio
Times and Mail Group:
Times(centre right)
Goldecia Mail(centre right , tabloid)
A.M(free newspaper, centre right)
Independent Group(Centrist):
iDaily and iWeeekend(Tabloid)
The Independent(Quality paper)
Guardian and Mirror Group(Centre left supporting papers):
Daily Mirror(Tabloid)
Goldecia Today(free)
Telegraph Group(Broad sheet, centre right to right):
Weekend Telegraph
Financial Times Group:
Financial Times
Star Group:
Morning Star (Left wing)
Express and Star group:
Daily Express(right wing paper)
Daily Star(right wing paper)
News Group limited:
The Sun(Centre right)
Metro(Free tabloid)Paper Sales
Daily Sport(Sports paper  )
Restuarants/Cafe chains:
Burger Shack
Super Fried Chicken
Fine Burger Co.
Benny and Tinas
Mamma Mias(pasta and pizza)
Steak Out(Steak and Ribs restaurant)
Pub Co.s:
King Carvery
Great Tit's Brewery
Silver Spoons
Marston and Butlers
Hungry Horse
Foreign chains also exist
Cafe Bebo
Cafe Costa
The Tea Pot
Albert Chivers
Co-Operative Food
Taylor Rose
Shopping Malls:
Marian Sqaure
Bullring Brummagem
Grand Central Brummagem
Mailbox Brummagem
Pavillions Brumagem
Cutty Circus
Castlehill Shopping Centre
Touchwood Shopping centre
Dolphin Centre Poolville
Middlelands Mall
Major Exhebition Centres/Arenas
Symphony Hall
Gouda Hall
Ogo Academy
Ogo Appollo Cair Para
Cair Para Arena
Maritime Hall
Abbott Hall(Goudadam)
Ice Hall(Near Goudadam)
Ominsport(Near Arthuria)
Ahoy Porterdam
Show ContentTransport:
Rail: There are local lines in every city and they are big part of transport. There are 4 major high speed lines with services every 10 minutes in each station .Th.e lines travel 140 MPH approx.2 major companies operate in the country, Arriva(Crosscountry) and Virgin Rail.
Road:There is a motorway system and national road system and several coach companies offering inter city travel. There are local bus services.In the major cites the main local form of transport is bikes or public transport. For national travel coaches and trains are very important and a major part of the system with fast trains.There are several unlimited speed limit motorways between some of the major cities in Goldecia.
Coach Companies:
City Connect
Arriva International
Easy Coach
Virgin Coaches
Mega-Coach by Virgin
Gold Coach
Goldecia Coaches
Imperia Coach
Distance between major cities(a(approx):
Brummagem to Goudadam:137 km
Brummagem to Arthuria:148 km
Brummagem to Porterdam:172 km
Brummagem to Fentown:128 km
Brummagem to Rutterdam:171 km
Goudadam to Arthuria:36 km
Goudadam to Rutterdam:34 Km
Goudadam to Porterdam:70 km
Porterdam to Arthuria:34km
Porterdam to Rutterdam:36 km
Fentown to Porterdam:96km
Fentown to Arthuria:99km
Fentown to Rutterdam:132 km
Fentown to Goudadam:135 km
Seamouth to Poolville:54 km
Seamouth to Porterdam:101km
Seamouth to Fentown:172 km
Whalelton to Goudadam:241km
Whaleton to Rutterdam:249 km
Whaleton to Seasouth:31 km
Poulderville to Fentown:132 km
Goldecia Go Card:
A pass usable on all trains , buses, coaches and trams in Goldecia. The pass is available in off peak or peak prices.
Car market:1,105,970 cars sold a year.
Registered Vehicles:17,501,800
NG Starley:19.5%
Maher Automotive:12.5%
Tetra Motors(Florinthus):7.41%
Ferries and ports:There are ferry services to neighbouring nations.
The biggest ports are:
Porterdam Port
Seasouth Port
Seamouth Quay
Port of Goudadam
Poole Harbour
Airports:There are major airports in Goudadam, Porterdam, Greenshire,Arthuria, Brummagem and Sandcoast. In the colonies there are major airports in Alexai, Godfreyville, Zabala Isles, Edmundville and the Lutherbille and the Sheep Isles.
Show ContentSports Stadiums and Venues:
Goudadam Arena
Porterdam Park
Dam Park(Rutterdam)
Witton Park(Brummagem)
City of Brummagem Stadium
Buzz Arena, Sandwell
Cair Para Stadium
whaleton Park
Seasouth Bay Stadium
Fentown Arena
Poolville Dogs and Racing
Cannon Hill Cricket Ground(Brummagem)
Royal Cricket Ground(Cair Para)
Arthuria Cricket Ground
Gouda Cricket Ground
Silver Park(Arthuria)
Home Park(Seamouth)
Perry Barr Stadium(Greyhound racing and speedway,Brummagem)
Village Green Stadium(Greyhound racing, Brummagem)
Cair Para Stadium(Greyhound racing)
Hove Stadium(Greyhound Racing, Seamouth)
Pooleville Dogs Stadium
Wimbledon Stadium(Goudadam)
Porterdam Greyhound Stadium and Speedway
Horse Racing Courses:
Royal Ascot Racecourse, Goudadam
Fentown Racecourse
Cair Para Race Course
Royal Porterdam Racecourse
Brummagem Racecourse
Sandcoast Racecourse
Whaleton Racecourse
Fentown Racecourse
Tennis Clubs
Edgebaston LawnTennis Club, Brummagem
Kings ClubKings Club, Goudadam:The main tennis and lawn tennis club in Goldecia with 34 courts. The main court holds 15,000 people people while the secondary courts hold 11,500 , 4,000 and 2,000. It also features other sports such as squash, real tennis and rackets.The courts are mainly grass courts and clay courts.
whaleton Lawn Tennis Club
Show ContentMusic Festivals:
Music Festivals
The Big Weekend
Sonic Fest
V Fest
Arrow Field
5 Days off Goudadam
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10-25-2018, 01:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2019, 12:31 AM by BrumBrum.)
Show ContentHealthcare:
Most healthcare is funded by the state and most hospitals are publicly owned. Doctors and dentists tend to be private or owned by local community associations but funded by the state.~The umbrella for state funding and care is called the Goldecian Health Service.
Show ContentEducation in the Kingdom of Goldecia:
Goldecia has a free education system. There is great emphasis on science and economics, and the arts as well as tourist related subjects. Education is free in all state secondary schools though these are often now privately owned and run academies running a curriculum partly dictated by the state which has embraced international GCSE's,University level education is funded 60% by the Government however the rest is payed for by the student or their parents unless they are poor or children of parents in the military or emergency services in which cases bursaries can be arranged, education tends to cost less than average due to generous subsidies.. The government has tried to encourage a variety of education qualification from academic to apprenticeships to arts schools.Goldecias curriculum focus's on modern skills and technology . Most 4 to 5 year olds learn to read and write in Kindergartens and are expected to be able to count up to 10 by the time they leave kindergarten. Reading, writing, literature, Geography, ,history,Science , 2 foreign languages ,PSHE, RE and some Physical Education is the minimum in Secondary and Primary schools up to the age of 16(when pupils can choose options but 1 foreign language and history are still mandatory). From 16-19 the main options are colleges , apprenticeships and sixth form.
Primary Education is universal with 95% attendance and Secondary Education is universal with 97% attendance. There are different types of Secondary Education which open up different opportunities. They all teach different subjects and they lead to different qualifications. Lessons taught include Foreign Langauges,Goldecia(Florinthian), Language & Literature, Regional Studies including regional language studies, Geography, History, ICT, English, Philosophy, Economics, Business, Mathematics, Chemistry ,Geography, Biology, Physics, Art, Design, Architecture,Politics, Religion, History, Drama, and Poetry.
The main results in education are the IGCSE results which come in around 15 years old and then A levels and Degrees or equivalent levels.Religious schools are not prominent. 89% of students go to schools paid for by the state while 7% go to private schools approximately and 4% are home tutored.The top private schools are Elizabeth College(female only),Dominic College(Boys only) and Orange School(co-ed) ,these posh private schools have produced many of the top people in the country.
Goldecian University education is a strong sector though .Thousands of courses are on offer however most focus around a focus around a few areas in most universities.There is a strong academic focus with subjects such a psychology and social studies ,, science, english, engineering and economics popular. The top universities are Kings University, Miller University, University of Brummagem, Aston University, UCB, Brummagem City University, University of Fenland, Goudadam University, Free Univesity Goudadam, Orange University, Rutterdam University, University of Apllied Sciences, School of the Arts, Cair Para University, Seasouth University, Seamouth University, Whaleton University, Erasmus University Porterdam. there are many other universities and all top ten cities have universities many with excellent reputation .
The curriculum strongly favours "traditional", subjects like maths, english and science.
Show ContentNature:
The terrain of Goldecia is mostly flat with 57% at or below sea level. The climate is temperate with mostly mild weather. The biggest threat is flooding and storm surges from the sea so dykes and flood barriers are needed to keep most of Goldecia dry.Flowers and windmills are a big part of the economy and landscape bringing in tourists.
Show ContentMilitary::
Budget:$64,079,618,232.48 dollars
Royal Goldecian Army:
176,000(including reserves)(114,000 active )
Main vehicles:
Bloodhound (Land Ranger-GAE product)
All GAE, 330 "Beskar'ad" 300 "Kom'rk" 300 AT-AA ,250 Nessus and A12 Heavy Siege Tank with Goldecian engines
Royal Goldecian Navy:
50,798 including reserves)(30,500 active)
14 Brummagem Class SubmarinesSubmarines
12 Goudadam Class destroyers
14 New Goudadam Class
3 Athur Class Aircraft Carrier
3 Amphibious Assualt ships/platform docks
James Class LPD
15 Patrol Vessels
3 Survey ships
plus training ships docked and specialised and small boats.
The navy regularly patrol the waters of Goldecia to keep the waters secure with there typically being air defences ships and patrol craft as well as 2 submarines patrolling the ocean.
Royal Goldecian Airforce:
Personnel:72000 (including reserves)(49800 active)
500 military Aircraft including:350 Combat jets(250 FA59 Wraith,100 Rapier Bombers )
70 transport aircraft ( Including 10 GAE Company T67's, 5 Kanin company T421's amd 10 Kanin Company T27's and 3 HA 4-400 VIP jets(Fleet to increase to 70 Transport aircraft)
and 14 surveillance aircraft and 100's of helicopters between Aircorps and Royal Goldecian Airforce
Show ContentVIP aircraft::
Former Aircraft:55 VSTOL1 ),
100 Twister GR1)
The airforce regularly have over 100 jets patrolling the air and also reguarly patrol with radar aircraft to keep the airspace secure.
Show ContentIntelligence Community::
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10-25-2018, 01:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2018, 01:37 AM by BrumBrum.)
Show ContentCulture and Laws:
Festivals and public holidays:
All major Messianic holidays
New Years Day/Eve
Labour Day
The Kings Birthday
Remembrance Day
Any royal events generally become bank and public holidays.
The food culture in Goldecia is varied. However the main staples are Chicken , Pork and Beef. Lamb is also eaten. Delicacy meats that have become increasingly common in Goldecia and have been eaten by noble society for a long time include Horse and Venison. Wine is common in Goldecia with a large amount of wine made in Narnia. A typical Goldecian will eat chicken, pork , lamb and beef. Venison and Horse meat is increasingly being eaten having quite a history among the elites , the food is gaining traction for their health benefits. Most meals involve some sort of cheese or wine. Sausages have become increasingly gourmet. Brummagem is known for its famous balti which is said to have been invented by Svarnans as a variant of curry with curry being a top foreign cuisine in Goldecia along with Akitsuan Sushi.Fried Chicken , Curry , Pizzas and Kebabs make up a majority of the take away sector.Meals usually consist of meat, potato and some veg with potato being a true staple of Goldecia. Veg is usually around 1/3rd of a dish with meat and potatos typically making up a 1/3rd of an average dish. The Goldecian breakfast of Sausage, Rosti, Black pudding, , Bacon and Beans with a side of cheesy toast is traditional and popular on the weekends particuarly. The Breakfast is quite a calorie fest but is said to be an amazing breakfast. Cheddar and Gouda are the most widely eaten cheeses in Goldecia with many varieties including spicy cheese varieties among the many hundreds of flavours. Fish is also fairly commonly eaten.
Typical dishes on a Goldecian menu include:
Curry(Especially Balti)
Fish and Rosti
Lamb Shank
Hunters Chicken Breasts
Typical accompaniants:
Music:The country has a rich musical scene and film scene
. Music mostly centres around soft rock, pop, and reggae.Ethnic music is growing. Gouda Studios , Middlelands Studios and Royal Studio Doornia are the main movie studios in Goldecia. The main broadcasting centres for the GBC are based in Goudadam and Cair Para,Doornia with a political unit based in Arthuria.
Major bands:
UB40(From Brummagem)
Linkin Park
Oasis(From Cair Para)
Guns and Roses
Muse(from Seasouth)
Black Sabbath(From Brummagem)
Judas Priest(Brummagem)
Wizard (From Brummagem)
Duran Duran(From Brummagem)
Electric Light Orchestra(From Brummagem)
Brummagem bands
Messianic bands:
Harris Tomlin
George Redman
Hillsong Goldecia
Show ContentMedia:
Famous TV/Shows/Franchises
Dam Street(Soap., GTV)
Lifes a Beach(soap 4TV)
The Dales(Soap GTV)
To Play the House(political thriller)(GBC)
A true Goldecia(anti-fascist political thriller set in 1940's)(GTV)
Current Affairs:
Goldecia Tonight(GBC)
The Unreported World(GBC)
The World Today(GTV)
Outside World(4TV)
The Magnifying Glass(4TV)
Home Army (GBC)
Orange Adder(GBC)
Only Fools and Donkeys(GBC)
Monty Python(GBC)
Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister(Goldecian based political comedy mocking the civil service and the parliament)(GBC)
Fawlty Towers(GBC)
The Vicar of Warbler(GBC)
Keeping up Appearances(GBC)
The Royles(GBC)
The Two Stephens(GBC)
The Slammer(Prison sitcom)(GBC)
The Gentleman(GBC))
Your Average Family(GTV)
Halfway in the Grave(GBC)
A Busdrivers Life(GTV)
Mr Pea(GBC)
Atkinson Live(GBC)
Major laws:
Show ContentSocial Laws:
There is an anti-discrimination and hate speech act which makes it illegal to discriminate on race , religion or gender or incite violence against a certain group of people.There can be exemptions such as religion or in acting or scientific studies etc... where it can be argued there is a need for a set criteria e.g if you have an black character that needs to be played by someone who looks black or a white female character that needs to be played by a white female. It is illegal to discriminate on gender , race or religion in terms of wages and wage lists are published every year.The health service have to offer transgender operations.In some cities such as Goudadam soft drugs and prostitution is legal with red light districts in those places. Most places with these laws are under Liberal, Republican or Liberal Socialist control.
Flag burning is entirely legal and the rainbow flag is often burned by fascists.
Show ContentAbortion:
The nations Abortion Act supported by the Royal Conservatives and MDA allows for abortion to be offered up to 24 weeks or when there is rape or clinical need such as mothers life in danger .It states it is illegal to force the mother to abort a baby against her will even there is a risk to the mothers life should a birth go ahead.
Show ContentFamily Laws:
The law recognises marriage and civil partnerships on an equal par with some states a cities allowing gay marriage. Churches and venues are not required to conduct either marriages or civil ceremonies but must have a license to do so. Gay Marraige was legalised in 1562 though the law still states that its up to councils whether its allowed in their areas.Several parties including Nationalist Goldecia oppose this.
In terms of family law the system favours neither the mother or father and any parent who has custody of the children receives CSA if the husband or partner has split up and lives outside the household unless another agreement is in place. The law states the child should have some influence on where a child lives but also that infidelity,former conduct in the relationship and safety of the child should be considered. All parents get child benefit for their first 2 children at a full rate and then a 3rd child benefit at half the average amount. Child benefit is universal though many rich refuse to claim it , it is payable at a rate of £25 per child a week for the first two children and £12.50 dollars for the 3rd. Parents can also claim tax credits though this is dependent on need, e.g a rich person wouldn't get tax credits.The state allows gay adoption depending on which council/state/city you are in.
Show ContentDeath Penalty:
Goldecia does not practice capital punishment except for High Treason since 1517 although the MDA and NGP support its return. The public as a whole does not support it with 32% supporting it for murder, with 15% unsure.
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Show ContentTourism and Major Sites:
Narnia:Cair Paraval
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The main residence in Cair Para on the south part of the Lake Arthur. The palace housed generations of royals for over 1,000 years. It has been updated for modern amenities but keeps its old atmosphere. It is one of the most impressive palaces in the world. Thousands of years of events have been decided has been the royal seat of power for many years.
The Crystal Citadel, Narnia:
A major palace in the country side. A sight to behold.
Anvard,Archenland: One of the major castles of the land.
Stone Palace(Mars Lordor):
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The ancient palace was built around 1,000 years ago over the stone Table of Narnia.The table is famous for cracking on the 1 year anniversary of the slaughter of the entire royal family of Narnia(who were slaughtered on the stone table)to show the wrath of the Supreme God .The table cracked and a palace was built on top of the site by the Goldecian Royals.However they didn't stay long as 2 family members mysteriously died and there were strange shreeks and noises in the night as well as mischief .This has all been blamed on wrath of the old families ghosts taking revenge and they are still said to haunt the palace over 1,000 years later with shreeks and movements of the royals and the 2 dead royals of the Goldecian royals still heard,seen and felt.Many people stay in the palace at night to experience the ghostly experiences with a waiting list of days.Day tours take place in the palace and it is one of the top tourist attractions.Ever since over 700 years ago every year on one day the dead are honoured in a ceremony to appease the spirits with it said that if this doen't happen a royal will die(the last time it was skipped the king did indeed die violently and mysteriously in 1689 with it being said a spirit slaughtered the king and his 14 year old son leaving only a 18 year old and a 19 year old heir to the throne who died within a year after again failing to appease the spirits making his brother James 2nd the king).This involves dancing around the table and offerings of wine and the finest crops of the land with traditional Narnian tunes.
Stonehaven and the Merkataritza Irla(Trade Islands)(north coast of Lake Arthur):
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A sight that is one of the most visited cities. On Merkataritza Irla just off the narnian coast the islands town was in history a vital port and fort protecting the coast. It was the centre of the shipping trade in the south of Narnia.The island is in a chain of islands with the others being Avra, and Felimath , the first with major estates (Country houses) and worldclass vineyards on it and the second an island that was used mainly for agriculture with villages.They were the centre of the slave trade and the trading of slaves in the north of Narnia and were an important area in the administration of genocide with many minorities killed in camps on the islands,put into use as forced labour or sold off as slaves.
Miraz Castle:
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Tenplu Herriaren:
Tenplu Herriaren is an ancient city which over the years has had many wars.However the Tashban palace ,the wall ,bridge and the polytheistic and moorish style temples survive intact though a lot of the city is a mish mash. It is popular attraction.The city has an interesting mix of Narnian, medieval and Goldecian architecture.A small amount of modern buildings exist. The city currently houses 35,000 people.One of the big issues is the small winding streets which cause congestion in places. The government are trying to encourage public transport.It is on an island just off the south coast of Lake Arthur.The city has changed hands many times but since the 800's the city has been part of Goldecia.
The 5 castles and palaces and the stone palace cost from 15 to 25 Goldecian Pounds to visit once or 50 Goldecian Pounds for the Heritage Pass which gets you into all castles included for the season. You can sleep in many of the castles overnight for 50 Goldecian Pounds a night though supply doesn't match demand for this.Most holidays from abroad take in at least a few of the castles.They are among the most visited attractions both by tourists from abroad and domestically.The castles contribute billions in revenue and millions in profits to the economy.
Arthuria Palace:
Goudadam Palace:
Huis Palace(Near The Hague):
Aston Hall(Brummagem):
Het Loo Appledoorn:
Het Loo:
Tourism in Goldecia:
Goldecia is a major tourism destination with 73,051,370 visitors a year.The industries main areas are Goudadam famous for its arts ,windmills ,palaces and canals or otherwise by some for its "nightlife",Arthuria famous for its historic palaces and buildings ,Narnia famous for its stories of Kings and Queens,Cair Para and historic castles and sites of Narnia an ancient kingdom until it became part of Goldecia in 863.
Other major tourism regions are the Middlelands famous for industry and its shopping ,Porterdam ,Sand coast and Southcoast for its seaside resorts ,Greenshire and Fenland .Narnia in particular is dependent on tourism with foreign tourism making up over 30.42% of the GRP.
The counties get the following percentages of the $96,791,164,590.00 international tourist industry.