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05-21-2019, 01:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2019, 01:42 AM by Seperallis.)
1598 Nyland Federal Elections
For Half the Legislature
15 Vintyr 1598
Quote:This is a thread for the 1598 elections in Nyland. Half the legislature's seats are up for grabs. Actual in-context, rp voting takes place in Vintyr in 1598. This election will close at the end of the day, 27 May
Voting is OPEN
Show ContentPast Elections Results:
Welcome to the 1598 Elections! This is an election! Election election election! Yay, elections! The last round saw a new coalition of the middle take control of the chamber. However, tales of a resurgent and discontented conservatism are making the rounds; will this new wave of reactionism force a shift in the political pendulum, or will it eat itself alive in a battle for the soul of "true" conservatism?
Voting will take place between now and Monday, 27 MAY.
Everyone will have up to THREE votes to split between all parties. A list of all registered parties, and links to their information can be found below, and may also be found within the vote itself. If you don't see any parties that fit your ideals, you like, or want to create your own just for the heck of it, then you can come to this thread and set one up! if you're curious about the makeup of the past term's legislature, you can see that at the veeeeeery bottom of this post.
Show ContentPolitical Parties of Nyland:
- Nyland Liberalists (NL)
- Progressive Conservative Party (PCP)
- Nylander Popular Alliance (NPA)
- Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative (CDA)
- Ultranationalist Party (UP)
- National-Communist Party of Nyland (NCP)
- New Conservative Movement (NKR)
- Moderate Coalition of Nyland (MCN)
Current Seats Affected by This Election
Nyland Liberalists : 31 open seats
Progressive Conservative Party : 27 open seats
Nylander Popular Alliance : 14 open seats
Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative : 53 open seats
Ultranationalist Party : 54 open seats
National-Communist Party of Nyland: 3 open seats
New Conservative Movement: 24 open seats
Moderate Coalition of Nyland: 56 open seats
Let the elections commence! Feel free to make IC posts regarding the elections, from campaigning to news, if you so desire.
1597-1598 Nyland Federal Assembly
![[Image: XDcJun8.png]](
CDA (CSC) 107 | MCN (CSC) 100 | UP 85 | NL 75 | NKR 60 | PCP 57 | NCP 23 | NPA 20
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Common Sense Coalition Platform (CDA/MCN Coalition)
The Common Sense Coalition seeks to continue infrastructure investment that was started with the high speed rail network approved in the previous legislative term. While the HSR was primarily a federal government initiaitive, the Common Sense Coalition sees an opportunity to get states involved in other, more local endeavors, such as repairing and maintaining car-based transportation options, utilities, etc. Major, country-wide initiatives require more federal involvement, but more local investments can be managed more closely by the states who can better understand how to tackle their own problems. The Nyland government has waited too long to repair existing infrastructure and by changing that trajectory the entire economy can open up.
Developments in other regions have shown that international cooperation is the name of the game, presently. Brigidna is working together, Kvaenna already has a trade union of sorts. Why not Skathia? Why not Nyland? The Common Sense Coalition seeks to develop a pan-Skathian trade organization to better coordinate the region economically. This presents significant opportunities for Skathian buyers and will greatly improve the service sector of Nylands economy (which is already a significant majority if the Nyland economy anyway). Protections will have to be placed to protect Nyland manufacturing and ensure Nyland workers are protected, but by opening up the Skathian market, Nyland has an opportunity to exert economic pressure on the continent in a more structured way.
-Welfare Reform
The Nyland economy has been successful, and productivity and growth are continuing to reach all time highs. The welfare victories won by previous generations are significant, but are in need of some updates and corrections. Too many wait around on fixed government incomes when they could be actively involved in the economy. The Common Sense Coalition seeks to reform the welfare system to encourage active employment and contribution to Nyland society as a whole. As well, paid maternity leave is another priority to ensure the youngest Nylanders are receiving the attention they deserve from Nylands mothers.
The trade and manufacturing sectors are struggling to find skilled labor to fill openings as older employees retire and new jobs are created. The Common Sense Coalition wants to begin a new initiative to create opportunities for young (teenage) Nylanders to begin investing in trade skills. This will be an incredibly complicated reform, but the CSC wishes to develop a trade track for young Nyla ders who wish to enter the skilled trades/manufacturing sector upon leaving secondary school.
Specifics about this goal are still a bit murky, as there is much that could be done, but one of the leading ideas is allowing several options to Nyland students for years 11 and 12 that begin putting them on the track to trade certifications that they can complete within a year or so of graduation of secondary school. A more ambitious idea would be to develop an entirely separate secondary school curriculum for trade-focused education, but this has limited support from education experts. Regardless, the CSC wishes to make trade-education just as viable as more a academic liberal-arts focus.
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The Old Right Rising
Excerpt from cover story from The Nyland Post
Karl-Gustav Halvstad stands in a small pub, drinking amongst close friends after retiring from work as a high school teacher. This forty-six year old biology teacher in the small town of Vertöcke may seem an unlikely leader of a political revival, but that would be where you are wrong.
Born in a working class family, Halvstad was nurtured in rather normal nuclear family. After attending college part-time, while working full time as a restaurant cook, the Lockhardt native become a teacher at a St. Sven’s Sentric School. His faith remained important, as he married his high school sweetheart Erika. He is also a father of three, and he would also add his Nerysian Shepard as a child too, if asked.
For most of his life he voted for the NL, completely content with the politics of Nyland and its future. But when the PCP began to force the NL to sway slightly more to the center, coupled with the rise of the CDA, Karl-Gustav began a career in politics. First as a member of the local council, to eventually becoming a member of the state legislature. By 1596, Halvstad began to place himself on the national stage. Karl-Gustav would, at times, appear on news broadcasts as well as debates between opponents. His way of speaking formally and tongue in cheek at times began to attract an audience online, and improve his visibility. A month after the elections in 1596, the biology teacher announced the re-establishment of the NUI alongside donors from small and large businesses alike, as well as support from the NRF.
Speaking to donors and friends alike, Karl-Gustav said, “The re-establishment of this party will lead to great things, as well as save our descendants from a life of burden under the CDA.”
The new manifesto by the NUI remains much of the same as the old platform, albeit, dropping the gay marriage platform for “more important issues”, showing a lax on the social issue. However the party seems to remain much farther to the right than the NL, NKR, or PCP. Another new addition to the NUI also makes it clearly distinct from the PCP and NL. A clear position on government intervention into the economy. In the same speech speaking to donors, Karl-Gustav stated, “There is a time and place where the government must step in. No, not to create a money pit for a bunch of train track lines that no one would use. No, we’d rather focus the government’s time on the real issue of monopolies, as well as the special interests of those monopolies. My party makes it clear that big business is welcome here, but there must be a limit to how big a company can get.” Halvstad has made it clear that his economic manifesto leans far less neo-conservative and more to the old style conservatism of the 1550’s.
His party’s stance on the environment also aims to get more people interested in knowing more, as the party aims to be more conservationist. A wise choice, given that stepping foot in debate of the hot button issue of climate change can harm voter confidence. The establishment of more national parks, and the government paying hunters to hunt invasive species of animals in the forests like the Carpathian boar aims to please many in the rural areas of the country.
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Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1598, Final Results
1599-1600 Nyland Federal Assembly
![[Image: io3R0xA.png]](
CDA (CSC) 100 | MCN (CSC) 81 | NL 80 | UP 69 | NKR 63 | NUI 42 | PCP 39 | NPA 29 | NCP 28
The 270 seats up for grabs this election were split as follows:
NL: 36 ( +5)
PCP: 9 ( -18)
NPA: 23 ( +9)
CDA: 46 ( -7)
UP: 38 ( -16)
NCP: 8 ( +5)
NKR: 27 ( +3)
MCN: 37 ( -19)
NUI: 42 ( +42)
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Hadash and the CDA will retain speakership for the 1599-1600 term.
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