05-24-2019, 10:34 PM
![[Image: 640px-%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%9C%D0...%D0%B0.jpg]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B0.jpg/640px-%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B0.jpg)
Severograd, Severyane
Andrei Yeleshev and his wife enjoyed the view from their touring boat on a hot summer day in the Severyanian capital. Yeleshev was a remarkably tall man, with broad shoulders, a balding head, and thick-rimmed round glasses. His wife was taking photographs, while Yeleshev sipped from his coffee. A couple was sitting directly opposite to them at the table. There weren't many other tourists on board.
The couple came from Mordvania, but they were of Nentsian descent. The man, who was rather short and timid had introduced himself as Pavel Jahoraw, in perfect Severyanian. Jahoraw and Yeleshev knew eachother. They somehow met eachother wherever they went. Yeleshev had met the Yahoraws on their trip to Saratov, he had met them in Kubaniza, and he had met them on their trip to Aurentine. This was not a coincidence of course.
Pavel Jahoraw worked as a school teacher in Mordvania and spent the summer vacation in Severyane. Yeleshev and his wife ran a small bookstore in Severyane. When Pavel Jahoraw realized he had run out of cigarettes, he politely asked Yeleshev for one, who handed him a package of cigarettes. There was only one left in it. 'Keep it,' he said to Jahoraw.
Jahoraw opened the package, took out the cigarette, read what Yeleshev had written on the inside, and tossed the empty package into the river.
As the tour came to an end, both couples each went their separate ways again. The next day however, Pavel Jahoraw left his hotel alone and headed for the adress that Yeleshev had written inside the cigarette package. After taking a little detour, Jahoraw stood before the book store that was owned by the Yeleshevs. He entered the quiet bookstore, which seemed rather old and dusty. The furniture was almost antique, the books were outdated, the floor squeeked, and there was insufficient light inside. The calm inside the store contrasted highly with the busy streets outside. A woman came down the stairs to welcome the customer. It was Mrs. Yelesheva.
'My husband is upstairs,' she said to Jahoraw. His presence in her book store did not surprise her in any way. Jahoraw went upstairs where he entered the small living room of the Yeleshevs. A tall man was sitting in a divan, smoking a cigar as he closed his laptop when Jahoraw came in.
'Sit down,' he said. 'Drink?'
'Just some coffee. Black,' Jahoraw responded, as he sat down on the couch.
'I suspect you have important instructions for me?' Jahoraw said. Yeleshev nodded. He didn't say anything. He stood up and walked over to the kitchen where he began to prepare two cups of coffee.
When he returned, there was a stern look on his face. His thick-rimmed glasses reflected the beams of sunlight that entered the living room through the windows. 'These are by far the most ambitious and dangerous orders I have ever received from M. M needs your cell to be involved to carry them out. You will get more support than usual for this.'
Jahoraw nodded. He was curious what to expect from his superiors this time. 'My cell consists of 11 agents. Only a few know eachother. We have safe houses. I have been ready for a long time. Tell me what to do.'
There was a moment of silence. Yeleshev sipped from his coffee, staring at Jahoraw. 'M has instructed me that your cell will be used to bomb the headquarters of Mord TV.'
Jahoraw's eyes widened. Had they gone nuts in Nentsia? He remained silent however. His brain immediately went into overdrive, trying to make a list of all the needs and things that had to be done to pull off such a task, and what resources were needed for it.
'Tell me what you need, and I'll see what I can do to help you in this endeavour.' Yeleshev added.
'An explosives expert,' Jahoraw immediately responded.