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Multilateral Denali Accord - Establishment of the United Allied States
The Denali Accord
The Denali Accord was signed on Friday 13th of Tolven in the year 1592 of the Common Era by Edward ve Meneris, Emperor of the Mestran Imperium and Quintilus Valerii II, Emperor of the Imperial Republic of Drahen, and Tiberius Aurelius, High King of the Grand Kingdom of Arkiania.  The culmination of years of relationship building following the decolonization and recognition of the Imperial Republic of Drahen as a sovereign and independent state by the Mestran Imperium in 1311 CE lead to talks and discussions for the establishment of an international organization.  The two nations, possessing a shared system of values, government, language, and culture, having seen great advantage in mutual friendship and joint stewardship of economic, scientific, humanitarian, and cultural advancement, and of the mutual benefits of joint security and defense moved to establish the United Imperial States to better solidify the relationship of mutual understanding and respect between the two nations.  The inclusion of the Grand Kingdom of Arkiania a long time friend and ally of the Mestran Imperium and Drahen, brought about new talks for the structure of the new organization.  After years of talks and negotiations, the organization was rebranded as the United Allied States.

  • The Mestran Imperium
  • The Imperial Republic of Drahen
  • The Grand Kingdom of Arkiania

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