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Darnathir, A Culture Apart
Darnathir, A Culture Apart
A compendium on Sidgard's sister kingdom across the seas
As written and arranged by Holmgeir Bjarkisson


As one may notice when one attempts to learn of different cultures outside our own, very few works in Sidgard focus on the lands beyond the seas. Whether this is due to the vast expanses and natural features separating our known human-dominated lands from the rest of the world making dissemination of information difficult between our culture and others, or just an narcissistic introversion inherent to the Sidgardian mentality, the idea that we are the dominating pinnacle of culture and enlightenment, one can only speculate; it does make it difficult for chroniclers, travelers, scholars, traders, and anyone who may otherwise make use of such information to attain their objectives, however, when one has difficulty finding any information on the subject at hand.

Darnathir was one such topic. One of the few known human realms beyond the seas, little is written of it within Sidgardian literature - despite consistent trade and contact - beyond that history which is intrinsically tied to Sidgardian history and events; given how closely tied the two realms are compared to many other places separated by such great distance, I found this to be a tragic state of affairs, and thus spent the last eight years of my life (and the vast funding of my investors, to whom I am eternally grateful) cataloging what information I could and traveling throughout the myriad quasi-city-states of Darnathir for local sources for when Sidgardian accounts failed, all in the interest of completing this compendium, all for the benefit of present and future generations with an interest in one of the most vibrant and successful foreign realms Sidgardian influence has spawned.

While I did my best to be as thorough as possible in my collection of data, none of the information contained within is flawlessly complete or all-encompassing, I must admit, but it is a good starting point for future, thorough research, academic or otherwise, into our brothers and sisters across the seas. I fully expect future generations will expand upon the information contained within, creating a more complete account for others to reference. While I did my best to gather as many different reference sources as possible and maintain the integrity of the information contained within, do understand that it is not always possible to find completely flawless sources for certain information; I tried to cut out rumor and conjecture as much as possible, or clearly delineate and such myths as separate from facts when such things were critical to the understanding of something else. Please keep this in mind while reading.

I do hope you find this compendium useful in your endeavors, whatever they may be, and thank you for taking an interest in one of my life's greatest works.

~Holmgeir Bjarkisson

. . : : Table of Contents : : . .

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