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11-30-2018, 07:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2018, 07:12 PM by RC159570.)
blah blah
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12-03-2018, 04:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2018, 04:23 PM by RC159570.)
OP-ED: Should Tiejungo continue it's stance of neutrality with pressure racking up in the region?
30 Ochtyr 1595
![[Image: _被改判即時入獄6至8月_01.jpg]](三名香港傘運學生領袖_被改判即時入獄6至8月_01.jpg)
Student protesters speak in the Speaker's Corner in Central Haesong Park
Haesong, Tiejungo- The following statement was provided to the Tiejungo Times from the #T4A movement, also known as Tiejungo For All . This is a grassroots movement that has grown in strength in the last few years primarily focusing on Tiejungo's continued non-interference policy in the Hoinomese Civil War. The moment grew out of a group of students at the State University of Tiejungo, and today has brought a lawsuit to the courts against the government of Tiejungo. The suit accuses the central government of violating the human rights of refugees by not providing them with an appropriate chance to apply for refugee or asylum status, and not providing them with a proper chance to appeal any changes. The visa policy of the current government is to detain persons entering or being in Tiejungo without a valid visa until those persons can be returned to their home country. Tiejunog is one of the few countries in Siora with a policy of mandatory detention and offshore processing of asylum seekers who arrive without a valid visa.
Quote:Statement from the #T4A movement
With tensions in the region rising in recent years Tiejungo has continued to hold it's tradition of neutrality in the region. However, with increasing injection of foreign aid and military forces does Tiejungo's non-intervention policy continue to make sense? The national sovereignty of our airspace and sea have been to this date respected, but how much longer can we continue to rely on the goodwill of powers who could very quickly grow hostile to our nation?
More importantly, can we as a nation celebrate the tenants of our Tiejungo: Freedom, Liberty and Equality, all while turning back tens of thousands of refugees from our shores, sometimes at the point of a gun? These people are feeling violence and persecution in in Hôinôm, and many of them see Tiejungo as a light upon a hill, providing safety and comfort for those who reside within it's borders. We are a prosperous country, one of the most economically well off in the region, but we provide no support for displaced refugees or even humanitarian support to effected nations. While supplies from Brigidna, thousands of miles away, flow into effected areas, our government sits on mountains of money and supplies, even throwing away excess food and other basic necessities that it has stored. How do we as a country, as a people accept this?
The Eternal Leaders of our nation founded the Rising Sun movement to protest against oppression and violation of basic rights, and from that base the Deceleration of the People, our nation's founding document was written. Within those pages lies this quote,
Quote:"We swear that our movement will protect those who are weak, aid the downtrodden and uphold the value of all people, regardless of race, creed or gender."
We challenge the government of Tiejungo, and the people of Tiejungo to reflect upon the worlds of the Deceleration of the People. We believe that the central government is violating the words of our founding document and has a legal requirement to provide refugees with an opportunity to apply for refugee or asylum status. How do you think future generations of our nation will feel about the choices that we have made and the choices that we will make in the near future?
-Leadership of the #T4AMovement
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12-04-2018, 04:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-04-2018, 04:38 AM by RC159570.)
Tiejungo Supreme Court rules that current refugee policy illegal
14, Dien 1595
![[Image: 640px-SupremeCourtBuilding-Singapore-20070210.jpg]](
Tiejungo Supreme Court
Haesong, Tiejungo- The High Court has ruled in a 5-2 ruling today that the government of Tiejungo was in violation of Article 16, Subsection 7 of the constitution, which states that due process should be provided to all individuals, regardless of citizenship status. The court stated that the government was not providing asylum seekers and refugees proper due process by providing only a two week hold on in the detention area before they were deported. The court found that in many cases, processes were not explained to the people who were placed in the centers, and no legal support was provided before individuals were deported. In the ruling the judges stated that all deportations would be immediately stopped until the government could provide individuals will due process hearings and ability to access legal support.
This is a major victory for the Tiejungo For All moment, also known as #T4A, a student-driven group protesting the government refugee policy. who submitted the lawsuit this past Ochtyr. The group issued a short statement saying:
Quote:"Even though this ruling is a landmark victory for refugees and asylum seekers, the Tiejungo government is remains silent and still on the atrocities occurring in Hoinom and Tieguo. We call on the central government to join hands with other countries in condemning the actions of both of these states and take further action against both."