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Cities: Skylines Stuff
Share your Cities: Skylines stuff. Stories. Screenshots. I know y'all play, so show me your pretty cities.

Especially you, Flooby!
[Image: GcdZfjh.png]

I made a map. I'm very proud of it. I could re-write my description for it, but you can just go visit the workshop page and read it (and also download it and give it the ol' thumbs up!).

I'm super proud of this thing as a first attempt at a map. Like, I learned a lot, and despite some persistent mistakes - such as placing foliage before the trees that I couldn't be bothered to remove because they were under the trees and I didn't want to redo all the gottdang TREES), it came out really well. I was also pleased that I could create a working map with NO outside road or rail connections; everything comes in via boat (or air, if you plop an airport). Take THAT C.O. and your discrimination against true island maps!

Anyway, working with water was a pain in the butt though...OOOOOOH my gosh. So listen first, all the water kept coming from the edge of the map towards the island. That's a problem for not drinking your own poop, so I had to put a bunch of massive water spouts on one edge of the map, and a ton of drains on the other edge, to force some kind of water flow. However, then I still had water flowing into - but not out of - all the bays and inlets. Cue hours of tweaking with water source sizes and strengths to get this flowing JUST SO, so that I don't have to deal with the Mystery of the Disappearing Water. Don't even got me started on the streams; I just about did away with them altogether, but then I figured the place would feel a little too plain.

Anyway, some pictures:
Wow... looks fantastic, Seperallis. Great work! I will get round to checking out this map, but I don't know exactly when that will be as I am currently working on a project and I am a bit of a perfectionist so will likely spend forever doing this. Tongue The current city I am working on is Adora, which is actually located in one of my countries here on Siora. Since Eretzora is basically based on Israel with a far greater European influence and character, I have been working to incorporate both of these identities into the city.

I actually restarted the city a week ago, as I wasn't happy with the version of the city I created. I will post some screenshots soon, of both my previous attempt and my current one to compare the two. Smile

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