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Central Marzannan Free Trade Commission
This has been something I have been thinking of doing for a pretty long time but never really had the motivation or know how to do. Please do correct me for errors and other things.

The thing I want to create is something that has two layers. The first layer being signatory Marzannan nations which along with free trade are to have closer economic cooperation and the second layer is nations which choose to associate or affiliate agree to free trade with the signatory marzannan nations via negotiation with the commission.

The nations that would eligible for joining the treaty would be Saratov, Mordvania, Valisfoldek, Biyra, Nentsi, and Videjszeme. Other nations who seek free trade would negotiate the commission and have free trade with all signatory nations.

Proposed Treaty Preamble

The Government of Saratov, signatory Marzannan nations, resolve to:

STRENGTHEN friendships and economic cooperation between signatory nations and affiliated nations;

PROMOTE Marzannan industry, agriculture, and development in the objective of reducing poverty and increasing opportunity;

CREATE employment opportunities, improved living standards, and labor standards;

FOSTER creativity and innovation within innovative sectors of signatory nations;

ENSURE effective legal and commercial frameworks for business and investment;

ESTABLISH policy that protects basic worker rights including freedom to organize as unions;

AGREE that foreign investors are not accorded greater rights with regard to investment protections over domestic investors under domestic policy;

FACILITATE negotiations and cooperation to build upon the current treaty in the objective of establishing an eventual economic, customs, and monetary union between signatory nations;

PROMOTE transparency, good governance and the rule of law, and eliminate bribery and
corruption in trade and investment;

ESTABLISH agreement to address future challenges to trade, investment, and opportunity.

ESTABLISH the Commission which is responsible for facilitating and carrying out the above.

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1: Protections and Membership Requirements

1. Members of the Centeral Marzannan Free Trade Commission retain sovereignty over matters of foreign trade, except for matters which overlap with negotiated treaties under the Commission.
2. Members of the Central Marzannan Free Trade Commission shall commit resources towards joint economic operations
3. Citizens of the signatory nations shall have right to free passage in any of the member nations
4. Citizens of one member state shall be treated as equally as others who have work permissions and residency in other member nations. Citizens who commit a crime in one member nation shall be extradited by other member states to the nation in which the crime was committed.  
5. The Central Free Trade Commission shall have unrestricted trade between its member states.
    5.1. Trade external to the Central Marzannan Free Trade Commission by under the jurisdiction of national laws of the member state.
    5.2. External trade agreements by an individual member state shall not override, contradict, or preempt trade agreements that have been made or are in progress
between external parties and the Commission.
    5.3. Previously established trade agreements between member states and external states shall be considered forfeit should they contradict the above terms.
6. Full Members
6.1 Full Membership into the commission shall only be limited to Saratov, Mordvania, Valisfoldek, Biyra, Nentsi, Videjszeme, Saeard, and or other nations in the region.
6.2 Full members of the Commission shall commit to further economic cooperation than specified in Free Trade.
Speaking on behalf of Nentsia, it would be interested in signing free trade agreements due its geographic location and well... dependence on other countries for economic development.

However that country is probably one big mess right now, politically, and not really in a position to worry about international agreements. I haven't touched it in while though and haven't thought where they would currently stand, but its probably closer to a civil war than to a functioning government.
Harmajaa will likely be interested. Havent played with them in a while but right around now their infrastructure development should be nearly done and the govt should be insane amounts of debt lol
Calgarov might do it....depending on who else does it.
The Republic of Mordvania would be certainly interested to get some kind of greater access to Central Marzanna markets.

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