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Goldecia, Kingdom of
Nation's Official Name:Kingdom of Goldecia
Time Zone:
Capital City(ies):Goudadam(Executive(officially),Arthuria(executive, legislative and royal),Cair Para(royal)
Other Major Cities: Deoraby , Goudadam, Cair Para,Fieldam,Meadowdam,Porterdam, Brummagem,Raytown,Whaleton, Seasouth, Seamouth,Poolville,Rutterdam,Fentown, Solihull, Castlehill,Sandmouth(Seasand), Harlem,Hove
Geography:189,657.00 km²
Population density:113.50 /km²

Cair Para986,1120RC
Alexai City259,1770RC

The country of Goldecia is a small country with big hills only in the Southwest  of the country and west of the country. Most of it is below sea level or at sea level and depends on dykes to keep it dry. The land is perfect for flowers ,cows , dairy production, potatoes and barley.The country recently suffered floods that flooded over 25% of the country causing over 25 billion dollars of damage. The country is now looking at ways to avoid such damage in the future.The country depends on its Deltaworks and seawalls to defend its coastline from the sea.

History:590:Goldecia is founded in the Middlelands area after Prince Arthur unites the Middleland tribes.
605-650:Goldecia grows through a mix of conquering on the continent and reclaiming land. The first royal capital of Arthuria is built.Over this period many wars are fought with neighbours until a treaty of friendship is signed.
872-863:The invasion of Narnia takes place and most of the nationalist Narnians and royals of Narnia are brutally murdered. However 2 Goldecian royals are mysteriously brutally killed , legend has it the ghosts of the murdered royals did this dastardly act.
872-1260:The kingdom grows with the government very much tolerant of differences at first. An empire is formed with the country growing setting up other colonies with a bigger movement towards colonies after the 1100's
1250-1300:The first major genocide of the Culhwch's for 50 years of anti-Culhwchsm takes place as the country tries to expel this significant part of the population or kill them, enslaving those they can.Long term policy of 3 for 1 adopted with resistance punished with whole family killed if one member rebelled, whole village killed if the village rebelled and 3 times as many natives killed for every Goldecian Soldier killed. Goldecia develops reputation for brutality.

1330-1430:The Genocide of the Culhwch and some minorities takes place with those able to work put in labour camps or sold on as slaves and any children who refuse to work or unable to, elderly and people unable to work murdered and put in mass graves, this takes place in the conquered colonies. The Culhwch population dives.Very soon after though some of the colonies rebel.Several penal colonies were formed overseas and lost during this time in wars..The empire gradually grows.The Conservative Nationalist Party are in power from 1410-1420 and 1425-1430 having been founded in 1397. The persecution of minorities is worst during these periods with Blueshirts dominating public life. Death camps were set up for culhwch's and  "non-goldecians" where those who couldn't be enslaved were brutally murdered. There are no accurate records surviving but millions of minorities were killed with potentially 10's of millions killed.

1450:Conservative Nationalist Party and the organisation called the Blueshirts is is made compulsory for all youth to join. All youth have to be part of the organisation and persecution of the  Culhwch's is increased with a boycott of their businesses encouraged and political opposition is restricted.
1465:Conservative Nationalist Party voted out of office.
1475-1483:Conservative Nationalist Party regain power and this time ban their opposition resuming racist and fascist policies.Eventually the government is overthrown by a coalition of the pro-democracy factions.
1483-1485:Goldecia is governed by a caretaker government.
1485:Royal Conservatives and Liberals form a government and grow Goldecia in the postwar world. Fascist One Goldecia is formed taking second place in the polling but are not invited into government. The former leaders of Goldecia are arrested and found guilty of war crimes. The coalition lasts until 1490 when Royal Conservatives enter government alone.
1520's:The Dark Decade begins with recession striking Goldecia and political unstability with 7 elections and government changes in 10 years. Eventually in the 1530's: a recovery happens.Amidst the political instabiliy colonies start declaring independence the process of decolonisation lasts 30 years.
1545-present:Goldecia Partially apologise for their past crimes . The Country had grown tolerant of different cultures since 1485. The country gradually becomes more democratic and liberal becoming one of the richest, most democratic and free countries in the world.
1548-1554: recession occurs under a Liberal Socialist/Liberal/Republican government with high tax policies hampering economic growth causing unemployment to grow.Government debt grows as a result of the governments philosophy of state intervention.Recession stops two years into the Royal Conservatives coalition government.
1552:The Royal Conservatives regain power in Goldecia in the heights of the Recession in a coalition government.
Early 1561:Goldecia suffers worst floods in a generation with 25% of the country flooded including Goudadam, The Hague and nations biggest airport.
Mid 1562:Legalization of gay marriage despite the king refusing to sign the bill and Abdication of King Maximus in favour of his son Peter I. The Prime minister resigns in the Red Light Scandal as he was caught paying for sex and is replaced by Jane Summers.

wars:1187 - 1430 4 wars 1 Goldecia vs adwest and kolhar, 3 adwest

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[spoiler=Famous Companies]
Companies by revenue
Saxo-Burgh Corporation (including Mamas):  Big food and chocolate and sweet company .  Based in Brummagem.The main chocalate of the Mama's brand is Mamas Milk(milk chocolate) , Cocoa Mama(dark) , and  Roundels(Chocolate buttons), Bunny Eggs(Mini Eggs like) etc.... The company operates Mama's World a factory tour.
[Image: Mamas.png]
Peter Willig
NG-StarleyNG Starley includes Triumph, Herbert and Nuffield. The company has 4 main brands actives NG aimed at the budget sport ,market, Starley a standard market model aimed at being an all rounder brand, Triumph a sporty brand between the luxury and standard car market and Nuffield which has relaunched the affordable Minor on a new generation platform marketing it as a rival to the Petite car.The company was taken over by new owners. The company makes over 1.66 million cars from its Brummagem based plant .

Lyons-Landranger:Lyons Land Ranger(including (based in Brummagem) 2,979,948 cars(1,035,560 Lyon's, 870,166 Land Rangers, 1,065,722 Petites and 8,500 Morgan Royces.[/URL]
The group includes Morgan-Royce Cars

Goldecian Oil Company (Goldecian)
Colbert Laboratories(Medical company)
Smith-Moore Corporation: Major Pharmaceutical company.
GAE systems(Big defense company Goldecia) online retailer particuarly strong in Goldecia):
[Image: clickbuy.jpg]

Abbott Holdings Group:
Holding company for Abbott Resorts
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