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Survey of Kolhari Diaspora
Title says all. I want to get a general idea of where Kolhari Diaspora communities are and their relations to the countries that they live in.

I'm going to focus on areas that have significant diaspora communities, which I am (completely arbitrarily) defining as a population of about 7,000 or more.

I'm doing this because of something I'm thinking of doing with Kolhar. I'm considering having Kolhar start a program to encourage Kolhari diaspora, particularly refugees who left Kolhar during the war, to return to Kolhar. This would also involve various economic incentives, and the establishment of something similar to hoshū jugyō kō. Basically, the Kolhari government would set up supplementary weekend schools for Kolhari people living abroad. All classes would be conducted in the Kolhari language, and the curriculum will focus on Kolhari language, Kolhari culture, and math (Kolhar uses the dozenal counting system, so yeah they'd have to teach math in their own way). The goal would be to promote Kolhari culture in Kolhari diaspora communities, and to make it easier for Kolhari diaspora children who have not been to Kolhar to adjust to Kolhari culture should they choose to repatriate.

If you are interested, please feel free to fill out this form:

[b]Country:[/b] The name of your country.
[b]Kolhari population:[/b] Number of people who are ethnically Kolhari.
[b]Generations:[/b] How many people would there be in each generation? 1st generation would be people who are not born in the country (ie, immigrants), 2nd generation would be children of immigrants, 3rd generation would be children of children of immigrants, and so on.
[b]First language:[/b] How many of these people speak Kolhari as their first language? Keep in mind that it is possible to have more than one "first language", especially for children that are raised bilingual.
[b]Citizenship:[/b] This is where I want you to put what countries these people have citizenship with, either the Kolhari Imperium (Democratic Kolhar) or the Federal State of Kolhar (Fascist Kolhar).
[b]Dual nationality:[/b] What percent of these people have the nationality of the country they reside in? Keep in mind that technically neither Kolhari state recognizes dual citizenship. Fascist Kolhar will require their citizens by law to renounce all other citizenship, or lose their own citizenship if they don't, while democratic Kolhar will simply treat all citizens as their own and ignore any other citizenship they may hold.
[b]Any other notes:[/b] Anything else of note that could potentially impact any RP that you want to put here.
Country: Goldecia
Kolhari population: 612,510
Generations: 50% 1st Gen 30% 2nd Gen 20% 3rd gen or more
First language: 45% 1st 55% 2nd
Citizenship: 70% Kolhari Imperium 5% Federal State of Kolhar
Dual nationality: 65%(with Kolhari Imperium and Goldecian)
Any other notes: Anything else of note that could potentially impact any RP that you want to put here.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Country: Republic of Mordvania
Kolhari population: A few thousands.
Generations: Most of them would be first generation, likely refugees from the war.
First language: Most of them would speak Kolhari as first language, I suppose. Their children are probably bilingual.
Citizenship: It is likely that most of them would have citizenship from the Kolhari Imperium, although Mordvania wouldn't block immigration from the Federal State of Kolhar (unless there is a reason to do so).
Dual nationality: The Republic of Mordvania doesn't allow dual nationality. Naturalization is only available after 10 years on the country (so maybe not many would be technically available), down to 5 years if they came under the age of 18.
Any other notes: Legal residents are allowed to vote in local elections in the Republic of Mordvania after 5 years of permanent residence in the country.
Country: Florinthus
Kolhari population: as many as you want, really
Generations: Many first generation, as florinthus has been targetting refugee migrants. Surely there are some others, but mostly migrants.
First language: Kolhari for the refugees and first generation folks, their children likely are bilingual, or potentially trilingual as florinthian schools offer second languages, such as lanlian, oslanburgan language, laurentian, etc.
Citizenship: If they came in as refugees they would easily become florinthian citizens. the previous administration made this process very easy.
Dual nationality: Florinthus doesnt force them to remove their other citizenship, so their dual citizenship wouldnt be questioned by the florinthian government.
Any other notes: Florinthus is very migrant friendly, so we wouldnt be sending any kolhari back. If you'd like, you could roleplay a kolhari community in one of flolands major cities. Florinthus resettled migrants into various cities across the federation with a keen eye to ensure culture groups had similar neighbors, so Kolhari might be encouraged to settle in a Lienes suburb or Tarleton, etc. they arent forced to, but I imagine many would to help with familiarity.

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