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OOC Planning for Shimazu Crisis
Depends on how strong the case is against her. If the investigation has all their ducks in a row... less than a month? Depends. But we can have them wait a few months; will be a good time for a new PM to be chosen. Among other people.
So updated plan: reversion to the original. Sort of.

Kazemura will drop the Red Paper and announce their intent to seek reunification under a federation. This will also be a power play by the Empress against her relative, the Mad Emperor (the “baddie” for the next expansion). As we discussed, Chikasu will likely balk at the idea of there being a Monarch, even one limited in power. Shimazu may be more favorable on the whole. That being said Kazemura will try to meddle in the upcoming election discreetly to get a pro-Federation force going. That’ll likely fail beyond Shimazu. Tensions escalate, and everything breaks out over Shimazu; Kazemura will use the moment to attempt to not just (re)claim Shimazu but bring Chikasu into the fold and form the foundations for the federation. Attention will then turn eastward towards that small island that holds the symbolic throne which I should name soon as the Mad Emperor makes his move.

Possible points of divergence include:

1. Chikasu gains a pro-federation government: Kinda self-explanatory. The war gets skipped and the terms of the new foundation are a lot smoother. Heiwana will likely be a lot more democratic on the whole.

2. Something goes awry and Kazemura can’t close the war with Chikasu fast enough: The ensuing war becomes a three way battle for the fate of the archipelago between Kazemura, Chikasu, and the Mad Emperor’s State. Drubang likely complicates it further with their expansion. Things get ugly and destructive. Fast.

3. Kazemura fails: The Mad Emperor will still initiate his expansion and will be in a position to take control of the archipelago as no major force can arise to oppose him in the region. An authoritarian Heiwana would likely emerge unless someone stops him... or another shift takes place that no one could ever imagine...

It’s the commies
The chance of a pro-federation government is basically zero at this point. I can accede to Shimazu being "more favorable", but it'd still likely be more mixed reaction than "YEAH, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, YEEAAAHHHHHHHHHH."

That aside, I trust you recognize that waging total war against Chikasu will drain both Chikasu and Kazemura, consequently weakening both of them for the fight against Skeletor.

Given what I've heard so far, it's certainly possible that Skeletor would attack the celestial throne while its closest defender (Pikachu) is fighting for ITS RIGHT TO EXIST against the EVIL KAZEMURAN SCUM.

Das great, das great. "Reverse expansions" (where you take control of a state that eats yours) are totally a thing I can approve.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Figured they’d be zero lol. That being said, mixed response is still acceptable; makes reconstruction easier if Kazemura pulls through.

Yeah, Skeletor (I like that) would likely attack the island during the war. At that point Chikasu and Kazemura would probably have to make a choice and probably choose to finish out their war. If Kazemura pulls out the win the Empress could use that to whip up support to push back the tide of authoritarian evil while glossing over the whole “I’m still Empress” thing. Some democratic reforms would probably have to be undertaken to smooth some things over and to paint the coming conflict as one between democracy and authoritarianism.

Whether Skeletor wins or not depends on a few circumstances. But with Drubang’s expansion, Skeletor would probably have choice words... and more than a few guns aimed that way to secure that territory. Kazemura might choose to strike then.

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