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Voice of Siora 7 - Eskkya
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Voice of Siora International Music Competition

1586 - Eskkya

The Contest

[Image: slider_grandchoral.jpg]
Inside some concert place in Rambouillet, Eskkya.

[Image: 201532114154223291.jpg]
Outside some concert place in Rambouillet, Eskkya. Hey, don't look at me like that.

In the first phase of the competition, the Studio Phase, the selected artist or group will produce a song to be broadcast on the Sioran Broadcasting Alliance's partner stations and to be streamed via the official Voice of Siora website. Two weeks before the final event, this batch of entries will be open to public vote - but these performers will need to save their best for last, because unlike many competitions, this Preliminary Vote does not assure final victory, nor does it serve to eliminate the underdogs!

With five lucky nations taking an extra six points with them as the crowd-pleasing favorites, all of the artists will need to come up with a brand new song for the Live Phase of the competition. In this round, the musical representatives will go head-to-head with their international counterparts in a live showdown complete with audiovisuals, choreographed routines, and maybe even pyrotechnics to earn the final votes of each nation's representative committee.

Which nation will take home the gold? Which nation will come out as the dark horse? Which nations will thrill and wow the audience? One thing's for sure - Siora is in for a treat!

The Host

[Image: christine-queens-tour-dates-2016.png]
I really like the poses she makes, honestly. Hey, if Eskkya can't be bothered, neither can I!

Eskkya was selected to host the seventh Voice of Siora International Music Competition after taking gold in 1584 with Roselyne Lavigne, finally breaking the second-place curse. Eskkya is hosting the competition in Rambouillet, it's capital.

Join us in Eskkya, and let the most entertaining band win!

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Voice of Siora International Music Competition

1586 - Eskkya

Studio Phase Entries

The following songs are entries for the Studio Phase of the Voice of Siora song contest. These will be up for Preliminary Vote before the Live Phase later this year. Participating nations are reminded to have all Live Phase entries in by the close of the Preliminary Vote. Good luck, and we look forward to hearing more from Siora's talented artists later!

> > Vote Here < <

Show ContentSpoiler:
Behesht ['Paradise'] - Googoosh

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Sagapao - Giorgos Alkaios

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Родина ['Family'] - Adil Aidosov

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Rock rural ['Rural Rock'n'roll'] - Los principiantes

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Sowieso ['Anyhow'] - Mark Forster

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Kiss Me - Sivan Shavit

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Get Down Tonight - Elle & the Pocket Belles

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Work Song - Hozier

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Túp Lêu Lý Tuông ['Home of Happiness'] - Tuyêt & Dào Quang Chi

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Song in my Head - Martha and the Muffins

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Heliumpallo ['Helium Balloon'] - Reissu

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Touch - Gfriend

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Raskerya ['The Warriors'] - Aliyah Ayrakuz

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Gott Mit Uns ['God's with us'] - Sabaton

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Lakalaka ['Scurry'] - Te Vaka

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Stardust - Children with Media

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Za Ljubav ['For Love'] - Mara Kotozek

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Shake Off The Perfect Drug - Nine Inch Nailpolish

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Why - Teddy Bundgaard

Puerto Seguro
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Inolvidable ['Unforgettable'] - Cheo Feliciano

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Blockbuster - Nemo

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Forgotten - Junko Sumio
Alternate Link:

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Chiborio - Buranovskiye Babushki

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Scully's - Lunasa

Svarna Surya
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Zara Zara Navvaradhe - Akhila

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Le long de la route ['Along the Road'] - Zazz

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Rakstu Rakstus ['Scripts'] - Aneka Balode

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Voice of Siora International Music Competition

1586 - Eskkya

Siora has spoken, and the five artists who will be heading into the Live Stage with an extra six points in their back pockets are:

Sabaton of Lanlania,
Buranovskiye Babushki of Severyane,
Aneka Balode of Videjszeme,
Te Vaka of Luah'u,
Gfriend of Kortoa.

Great job to the winners of the Preliminary Vote, and best of luck to all participants for the remaining half of the competition.  We'll see you all in Rambouillet for the Live Phase!

[Image: 2017060713_Et07%20-%20Troyes%20D%20-%20Header.jpg]
This is where a caption would go, if Eskkya had been managing this competition and making these posts.

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Voice of Siora International Music Competition

1586 - Eskkya

Live Phase

[Image: slider_grandchoral.jpg]

The time has finally come for the Live Phase of the 1586 Voice of Siora international music competition!  Droves of hopefuls from all across Siora have poured into Rambouillet to cheer on their nation’s competitors and favorite artists in a two-day spectacle.  Big wins in the Preliminary Vote still fresh in the minds of those in attendance have only amped up the buzzing excitement even further, and memories of Roselyne Lavigne's dazzling 1584 Voice of Siora performance have created big expectations for this year’s production.

After a night of song and celebration, the current contestants were brought onstage and received big cheers and huge applause from the audience. The songs they will be performing were announced as each artist or group of artists took the stage with big smiles and bigger pride in their homelands.

The air is alive with excitement, the songs have been announced, and the artists are raring to go.  By the end of the day, Siora will have chosen its winner and the next champion of the Voice of Siora international music competition will be crowned. Best of luck to all participants in the Live Phase!

> > Vote Here < <

Show ContentSpoiler:
Hamzad ['My Soul Mate'] - Googoosh

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Με δυο μαρμάρινα φιλιά ['With two marble kisses'] - Giorgos Alkaios

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Paradise - Adil Aidosov

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Salta ['Jump!'] - Los principiantes

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Chöre ['Chorus'] - Mark Forster

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Watering Tears - Sivan Shavit

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Swingin' Together - Elle & the Pocket Belles

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Take Me To Church - Hozier

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Làm Quên ['Family story'] - Tuyêt & Dào Quang Chi

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Echo Beach - Martha and the Muffins

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Joutsenetkin jäätyy kiinni jaloistaan ['Swans Frozen to the Ice'] - Reissu

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Kona - Gfriend

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Byergam'Ut ['Dance of Fire'] - Aliyah Ayrakuz

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Karolinens bön ['The Carolean's Prayer'] - Sabaton

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Lalama ['Encounter'] - Te Vaka

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Nausea Nostalgia - Children with Media

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Neka mi ne svane ['Do Not Let me Down'] - Mara Kotozek

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I Really Like A Hole - Nine Inch Nailpolish

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Still to find - Teddy Bundgaard

Puerto Seguro
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Anacaona - Cheo Feliciano

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Himalaya - Nemo

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Regret - Junko Sumio

Show ContentSpoiler:
Dlinnaja Dlinnaja Beresta I Kak Sdelat Iz Nee Aishon ['Very long birch bark and how to turn it into a turban'] - Buranovskiye Babushki

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Aoibhneas - Lunasa

Svarna Surya
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Akkineni Akkineni - Akhila

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Dans ma rue ['On my Street'] - Zazz

Show ContentSpoiler:
Es Aatnaacu Uguntinju ['I came with a spark in my soul'] - Aneka Balode

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Siora Has Spoken: Videjszeme Takes the Win!

After months of anticipation, the seventh Voice of Siora Song Contest concludes in Eskkya!

[Image: CToMA_3XIAEnj23.jpg]
Who knew?

The day of the competition saw each nation - some still riding the high of having taken with them the six points from the preliminary vote and others anxiously hoping to come out as the dark horse of the competition - perform onstage with a vast range of visual and audio effects at their disposal: huge crystal screen displays, hundreds of lights, trapdoors and moving floor pieces, projectors and pyrotechnics. And of course, they brought with them their own visionary talent.

[Image: ea02761ea976f0af4d91317901e36a57.jpg]
Something about Sabaton from Lanlania.

[Image: 1661276.jpg]
Something about Reissu from Karjelinn.

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]
Something about Martha and the Muffins from Jandrea

[Image: Sistar_on_June_9%2C_2012_%282%29.jpg]
Something about Gfriend from Kortoa.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
Something about Aliyah Ayrakuz from Kyrzbekistan.

[Image: nin_live.jpg?resize=520%2C245]
Something about Nine Inch Nailpolish from Nyland

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
Buranovskiye Babushki from Severyane is honestly the best. I mean, seriously. Who doesn't like old ladies?

Although every performance was spectacular in their own right, there could be only one winner at the end of the night, and that honor has been awarded for the first time to Videjszeme, for their entry 'I came with a spark in my soul' by Aneka Balode.

[Image: 7df5c581af26083287-48117079.jpg]

And so we give another hearty congratulations to our first place winner, Videjszeme! We look forward to seeing you host the next competition!

The Voice of Siora committee also extends a big congratulations to second-place winners Buranovskiye Babushki from Severyane, and third-place winners Nine Inch Nailpolish of Nyland.

Lift your voices in celebration, Siora!

Click here to see how each nation distributed its points!

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