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The Order
The Order
by Fornbrand Gullhapp

Table of Contents

Lantel 1: A Brief History
Lantel 2: Military and Cleric Hierarchy
Lantel 3: Rune and Order Doctrine


The Order is a fascinating, enigmatic organization. Despite its role as the subject of my study for the last several decades of my life, I feel I have yet to even scratch it's surface. Though it's history has been relatively well-preserved by a variety of sources, little is known about how the organization works—the inner machinations of arguably the most powerful political and military entity of our age. Indeed, our only source for such information is the organization's agents itself, which are unsurprisingly selective with their admissions.

It is widely accepted that orders flow from a being—a man, perhaps—that they call "Hjort", or "Lord" is Old Sidgardian. Some—myself included—speculate that this Hjort is actually Anstathjor—a Sidgardian noblemen from northern Sigard...who lived several thousand years ago. Anstathjor is believed to have been the founder of the organization's predecessors—Dan Kragsyadeva don Krastbün. In it's later years, it acted as his housecarl and was originally believed to have died with him in the Battle at Krastbün. Indeed, that famous battle against the Blackspawn is now associated with the birth of the Order. But more on that later.

The modern Order is headquartered at what is called Dan Krastelbasilika—the Crystal Basilica. It is built quite close to Krastbün—the location of Anstathjor's manor—if not directly above it's remains. It further has presence in nearly every noble and neutral state in Andlosheim. It's frankly frightening how deep the organization's hands run in some state. The Order is directly responsible for the banning of practicing magic in countless states, and is also behind the effort to extermination the Wyver Dragons and their people.

This influence and power is similarly expressed in the Order's military might: seemingly unrivaled by the mortal realm. Despite my years of study, I have been unable to establish an accurate count of the organization's ever-expanding forces and fortresses. What I can confidently say, however, is that the Order recruits from nearly every state and race—though is predominantly human—and has facilities in nearly every noble and neutral society, purportedly for the purposes of fighting the wicked and Blackspawn. The most notable exception is the Starslagen Samvarjne, the Grand Confederacy, which has long denies the Order territory and permission to operate unchecked within it's borders. Perhaps they've something to hide, the Starslagen.


The Order's patron deity is Gothjor, who was once an angel in the service of Lag. Gothjor has changed somewhat from his time in Lag's service, though he is nonetheless held as a chief god of justice, righteousness, and the crusade against "evil."
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

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