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Flo Talk
So I've thought for a while about starting up some periodical thing like I used to do with those bathtub readers. I don't think I have the time to make long ones like that, but I think it would still be kind of fun to post something every so often sort of like a publication.

I've settled on Flo Talk, for now. It's going to essentially be a series of op-eds about topics I find important or pertinent. These don't necessarily have to be IC or OOC topics, just things I find important. I'm hoping I can post them monthly in the gentleman's club.

Flo Talk is kind of a soapbox for me, in a way, and I'll use it to illustrate my feelings on certain topics (more for myself than anyone else) but also to maybe drum up conversations on those same topics. The posts I make will entirely be my own opinion, rather than any official stance, and there will certainly be opportunities to rebut or critique what I say, my hope is that we can start conversations and learn more by communicating our ideas. While I certainly won't force myself to, I do hope I'll try to approach problems from multiple angles and sides to create a nuanced analysis of a given problem or topic before reaching a conclusion (if I even do, some problems are far too big to be solved simply).

So, I'm thinking I'll post the first one September 1st. Does anyone have any ideas for my first topic? If not I'll just pick something I feel is important.
Copied from chat:

"You should talk about the small and dwindling diversity of our food sources and diets, how 14 food sources make up nearly all our calorie intake (and something like 5 of them make up 80%? 85% or so?), and how dangerous this actually is to food security. Maybe about how nearly every crop we grow comes from two, maybe three - at most - lab-created corporate seed sources instead of hybridizing from the old and disappearing diversity of seeds we used to have."

Sal is also chanting "Podcast! Podcast! Podcast! 'Gimme a topic and I'll research it' podcast!"
I'm not even sure how I would go about making a podcast, but more or less yeah, it would be a monthly "podcast" in the form of blog-style posts.
Some other ideas for topics that I came up with in the meantime were

Immigration and how it effects the economy (hint: it's difficult to pin it down as entirely positive or negative)
Americanism and Christianity: how two opposing ideologies are wrongfully united
The Incoming Population Crisis: (Overpopulation is the least of our worries)
Much Ado about Privacy: Why you Might as Well Not Care at All
The Paradox of Long Life: The Societal and Economic Pressures of Three Digit Lifespans
Driverless Cars: The Future is not so Simple

Just some titles and taglines I came up with

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