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Black Lives Matter, Social Justice, Charlottesville, Alt-Right/Left, etc.
Mr. Lomarre and I have had an interesting discussion regarding Black Lives Matter, the recent events in Charlottesville, Senor Trumps response to said events, the alt-right/left, etc. etc. etc. (there are a lot of connecting threads on this topic, so forgive me if I don't list them all.

He has agreed that we may both discuss this matter in the gentlemans club, as gentleman, rather than clog up the chatbox. Really this is the proper place for these sorts of discussions anyway. It gives people time to think about their responses, formulate them, frame them correctly, and then execute them properly.

As a sign of respect for him and his viewpoint, I will give Mr. Lomarre, someone I have known (as much as you can know someone via the internet) since at least 2012 (jesus has it been that long...), the right to begin the discussion and present his arguments first.

Mr. Lomarre, you have the floor o/o/o/o/o/o/

To anyone who may participate, be advised regarding the rules:

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