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Nyland's Foreign Policy
NCDA is willing to make some changes on Nyland's foreign policy, or rather making a reality during this term some already designed projects. Although this would require the approval of Kohout and the rest of the cabinet, obviously, I believe they would be acceptable for them.

1) Skathian integration. NCDA believes that further Skathian integration is required for the stability and prosperity of the continent. So we would propose a permanent council formed by most Skathian countries, including Nyland. This may involve:
  • Permanent headquarters, with a General Secretary and delegates from each country. Decisions likely made by consensus.
  • A confederence of Skathian heads of state or Foreign Ministers/Secretaries of State at least every three/six months.
  • Ideally, a basic Human Rights treaty, and similar institutions to the Council of Europe. If there are too many "bad boys" in Skathia and we are willing to accept them, well, we may opt to something more like a "Skathian Arab League".
  • A free trade agreement between Skathian countries (this may already exists between some Skathian countries, I suppose, though).
  • There is not supposed to be further political integration, freedom of movement, etc. This is not supposed to be a Skathian European Union, at least for a while. Just a official forum to solve differences and bring more stability to the region.

2) A Trade Agreement between Nyland and other non-Skathian countries, mostly Ostara, similar to the real-life so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Why a Trade Agreement? Because free trade is good, or at least Nyland centrists and moderates may think so.
Why Ostara? Because until very recently, there is not much political or economic integration in that part of Siora. Also, Ostara -especially Southern Ostara- has proven to be a rather unstable and divided region. The treaty would not only bring economic prosperity, open new markets for Nylander corporations, but also increase Nyland's influence in that part of the world. And help to the stability and development of those countries as well.

This could be done in two different ways:
  • A) A Trade Agreement between Nyland and Ostaran countries, which may include nations such as Kortoa, Hôinôm, Singan, Mayari, Tiejungo, Sainam, Jandrea. Maybe even Kazemura and, eventually, Svarna and Akitsu.
  • B) If there is not much enthusiasm for the first proposal, this could be also done through a more general Skathian-Ostaran Trade Agreement (some kind of Trans Skathian-Khivan Treaty) including nations such as Sequoia, Maurnnia, Bisica, the Mandavines, etc, along the already mentioned Ostaran countries.

Both proposals are not thought to be decided immediately. The idea is that the project started during Tilda Morgen's presidency, being developed by Secretary of State Helga Myhre, and therefore there were already some talks about it - although nothing official came from them so far. But the idea is that both projects could be finished and approved during the current presidential term - if possible.

In any case, Secretary of State Lenna Schankenberg will do soon a tour through Ostara, to discuss this and other topics, so reply if you are interested for a visit.

Any suggestion is welcomed, about these or other topics.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
The UP already doesn't support the not TPP on principle. As for further Skathian co-operation, that is something to be looked at...Nylander first though

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

I think you will have a hard time passing any sort of TPP deal, that being said, I feel I need more knowledge on how important manufacturing is to Nylands economy.

Free trade pacts like this one can be pretty devastating for manufacturing, but for a service economy (like the US) it can have a lot of benefits --- for those not in manufacturing.

I can't imagine manufacturing being a large hirer anyway, especially if we're a bit accelerated. Automation is a serious enough threat to manufacturing jobs.

I feel as though this would be a difficult sell for Moderates. I think you would find moderates on both sides of a vote, but more in favor of free trade than not.
Can at least the mentioned/interested Ostaran countries say if they are up for a diplomatic visit to discuss this and other affairs? Thanks.
Kazemura is if that's in the cards. Especially given Belay.
kazemura is brigidnan, fool

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