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SIFA Friendlies
In case you didn't know, our most gracious deity is building a program that will allow blac and I to easily input matches to generate proper SIFA rankings a la the Coca Cola Rankings Fifa has. This will help us have a much more realistic simulation, as seeding will be properly done and it won't be so much work to build rankings. Plus, our old rankings were pretty damn stale.

Now, with that extra time, I think we can begin doing friendlies again.

I can schedule some random friendlies each year, and input them into the ranking program. I won't be posting these since there will be many of them and they'll be mostly meaningless, but if you would like, I can score certain friendlies that you would desire, and post the results.

Keep in mind, the importance of this is that, for nations that don't really get into major events very often, this is their chance for points outside of qualifiers. You can't do a million friendlies, mind you, but you can still do some. People who regularly request friendlies will probably get more accurate rankings.

Teams schedule friendlies for a lot of reasons, to test out young players, to generate hype among local fans, and probably most important to prepare for important matches.

They prepare by playing matches against teams that are similar to the ones they will be playing or teams from nearby that have "similar footballing cultures". They also play in certain climates that may be similar to the ones they will be going to. Altitude is especially important to prepare for. When the US prepares to play in Estadio Azteca (in mexico city) they often play and train in Denver to help acclimate to the high altitude. When Mexico played the US in Columbus last year, they prepared by playing several friendlies in the US beforehand. (Ironically, over the last four years Mexico has played something like half of their total matches in the US).

So, if you would like to schedule friendlies, use this form. If you really want the results posted, I can post them after I input them into the scorinator. Make sure your team doesn't do more than 10 or so friendlies unless there is an important reason.

~~~ I've decided I will post the results. I'll post them in the request posts after I score them. ~~~

[b]Friendly Request[/b]
[b]Team Name:[/b] <<insert team name here>>
[b]Year:[/b] <<Self explanatory, 1586, etc.>>

Home Team - Away Team
Home Team - Away Team
home Team - Away Team
Friendly Request
Team Name: Florinthus
Year: 1586

Florinthus 2-2 Almaniania
Florinthus 1-2 Angiris
Florinthus 3-2 Sainam
Florinthus 3-2 Oslanburg
Sequoia 0-3 Florinthus
Puerto Seguro 0-2 Florinthus
Nyland 2-0 Florinthus ~~ in Puerto Seguro
Magentina 1-4 Florinthus

Friendly Request
Team Name: Oslanburg
Year: 1586

Oslanburg 3-1 Tiejungo
Oslanburg 2-1 Singan
Oslanburg 2-1 Gehenna
Oslanburg 1-1 Millerainia
Severyane 3-0 Oslanburg
Bisica 1-2 Oslanburg
Goldecia 2-2 Oslanburg
Taeunus 0-0 Oslanburg


The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Friendly Request
Team Name: Ceribia
Year: 1586

Ceribia - Nentsia
Ceribia -Valland
Ceribia - Adwest
Ceribia - Hylis
Sequioa - Ceribia
Skoven - Ceribia
Almaniania - Ceribia
Millerainia - Ceribia

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Friendly Request
Team Name: Nyland
Year: 1586

Nyland - Sainam
Nyland - Damahal
Nyland - Lanlania
Nyland - Drahen
Millerainia - Nyland
Almaniania - Nyland
Severyane - Nyland
Sequoia - Nyland
Friendly Request
Team Name: Puerto Seguro
Year: 1586

PS - Nentsia
PS - Karjelinn
PS - Millerainia
PS - Nyland
Lusby & Corwyn - PS (in Magentina)
Magentina - PS
Keszaria - PS
Hoinom - PS
Friendly Request
Team Name: Videjszeme
Year: 1586

Videjszeme - Valisfoldek
Videjszeme - Arkiania
Videjszeme - Kubaniza
Videjszeme - Karjelinn
Goldecia - Videjszeme
Ceribia - Videjszeme
Skoven - Videjszeme
Valisfoldek - Videjszeme
Friendly Request
Team Name: A'sir
Year: 1586

A'sir - Svarna Surya
A'sir - Kortoa
A'sir - Lomarre
A'sir - Kyrzbekistan
Angiris - A'sir
Calgarov - A'sir
Biyra - A'sir
Ga'bath - A'sir
Friendly Request
Team Name: Angirisian Empire
Year: 1586

Angirisian Empire - Mestran Imperium
A'Sir - Angirisian Empire
Florinthus - Angirisian Empire
Angirisian Empire - Drahen
Severyane - Angirisian Empire
Angirisian Empire - Taeunas
Ga'Bath - Angirisian Empire
Angirisian Empire - Solhaven

Friendly Request
Team Name: Solhaven
Year: 1586

Angirisian Empire - Solhaven
Falsea - Solhaven
Drausany - Solhaven
Taeunas - Solhaven
Solhaven - Adwest
Solhaven - Cynas
Solhaven - Goldecia
Solhaven - Severyane

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams


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