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OOC Discussion: Arrenland vs. Brymme
(06-11-2017, 04:45 AM)Jamzor the Jaxxor Wrote: Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: Arrenland
EC.'s Government Type: Constitutional monarchy

Campaign Setting: 1584 - 1585
Campaign Goal:
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Informational Links: Arrenland wiki

When did you last have an Expansion? March 2017
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Arrenland hasn't had any major conflicts in recent history.
Why do you seek to expand? IC: Arrenland and Brymme have been going at it for a long time now. Brymme was formerly under Arrenlander control until about 70 years ago. The new government of Arrenland is notably aggressive with a firebrand chancellor who wants to turn Arrenland into a world power. Conquering an old rival and solidifying control over the eastern Kvaennan waters would fit nicely into that goal.

OOCly: I've wanted those islands for a good while now. Also my hopes for mainland conquest have been all but crushed by certain uncooperative parties.

Campaign Plot
The Brymmish people are the descendants of a mixture of Arrenes and Taeunasians, and today Brymme is an independent republic. Brymme was once an Arrenlander vassal state, with its own ruling prince who swore fealty to the king, even after traditional feudal vassal-liege relationships had been abandoned in Arrenland. This was a special concession to the Brymmish, allowing them to maintain a degree of autonomy.

Starting around 1506, at the same time as republican insurrections plague Adwest and fifty years after the republican revolt in the southern United Provinces led to the establishment of an independent Taeunasian Republic, there is a surge in republicanism and anti-Arrenland sentiment in Brymme. Many see the Prince of Brymme and the aristocracy as Arrenlander puppets. In 1510, a republican protest in the city of Brocctun turned into a riot, which turned into a revolt. The revolt spread rapidly throughout the island, and many nobles, alleged “collaborators,” and ethnic Arrenes were murdered. Without going into too much detail, Brymme eventually threw off Arrenlander sovereignty and became an independent republic.

There has been some tension between the two states in recent years. Most recently, Brymme has been accused of supporting separatist groups in Arrenland’s remaining overseas territories, particularly the island of Carruth, and there have been some near-miss incidents between naval patrol vessels of both countries.

After the firebrand new chancellor takes office, he takes a hard stance against Brymme. He demands that the Brymmish government immediately end all support for separatist groups in Arrenlander territory. The Popular Party-controlled parliament passes a bill banning any organization operating in Arrenland from taking funds from Brymmish government or private sources. When a separatist group with alleged ties to Brymme commits a terrorist attack in Carruth, the chancellor orders the seizure of all Brymmish financial assets in Arrenland. In addition, he orders more aggressive patrols of territorial waters, leading to a violent incident between two naval vessels. The exact details of the incident are not clear, but both sides blame the other.

Eventually, one thing leads to another and a shootin’ war breaks out.

The Arrenlander government will attempt to justify the annexation of Brymme as a return to the old order before the bloody and illegal republican uprising. The family of the last reigning prince of Brymme still lives in Arrenland, and they will probably be put on the throne.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
A war between two nations? Plenty of opportunity for the usual involvement there. The Taeunasians might decide that they have a special interest in intervening, considering their proximity to the islands in question.

How your country may evolve from success
After decades of idleness, Arrenland may come out of this conflict with a feeling of pride at their accomplishment, and a wave of support for Dunstan's ideas of turning Arrenland into a world power, thus leading to more international involvement (of the aggressive kind) in the future.

How your country may evolve from defeat
The people's opinion of Dunstan might drop significantly if he returns home in defeat, so to speak. He campaigned on aggressive, glory-seeking, power-building rhetoric, and he can't even manage the old rival Brymme? Arrenland's future imperialist prospects might not look so good.

Flo has expressed a willingness to RP Brymme, while I believe Ikar may have expressed some interest in getting Cynas involved. Note that the actual conflict will take place after the defense pact with Adwest was signed, so keep that in mind. If there are any questions whatsoever, feel free to ask them.

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