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05-30-2017, 02:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2017, 01:03 AM by Seperallis.)
1584 Nyland Federal Elections
For President and Half the Legislature
15 Vintyr 1584
Quote:This is a thread for the 1584 elections in Nyland. The Presidency is contested, and half the legislature's seats are up for grabs. Actual in-context, rp voting takes place in Vintyr. Legislative voting opens now, and presidential voting opens later.
Party Voting is OPEN
Presidential Voting is OPEN
Show ContentPast Elections Results:
Welcome to the 1584 Elections! We have a very important election this time around, but when are they not: not only are half of the legislature's seats open, the Presidency is up for grabs again! Last election saw the yellow banner of liberalism returned to the White House, but once again lowered when the President left his party. Will Kohout beat all the odds to capture a second term? Will the new and rising voice of moderation beat the forces of polarization and extremism?
As always when we have both a presidential and legislative voting year, voting will take place in two phases:
Party Voting will start now and run until the end of 1580. Everyone will have TWO votes to split between all parties. A list of all registered parties, and links to their information can be found below, and may also be found within the vote itself. If you don't see any parties that fit your ideals, you like, or want to create your own just for the heck of it, then you can come to this thread and set one up! If you're curious about the makeup of the past term's legislature, you can see that at the veeeeeery bottom of this post.
Show ContentPolitical Parties of Nyland:
- Nyland Liberalists (NL)
- Progressive Conservative Party (PCP)
- Nylander Popular Alliance (NPA)
- Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative (CDA)
- Ultranationalist Party (UP)
- National Messanic Party (NMP)
- League of Communists of Nyland (LCN)
- National-Communist Party of Nyland (NCP)
- New Conservative Movement (NKR)
- Moderate Coalition of Nyland (MCN)
Current Seats Affected by This Election
Nyland Liberalists : 60 open seats
Progressive Conservative Party : 28 open seats
Nylander Popular Alliance : 19 open seats
Nyland Centrist Democratic Alternative : 63 open seats
Ultranationalist Party : 58 open seats
National Messanic Party : 17 open seats
League of Communists of Nyland : 9 open seats
National-Communist Party of Nyland: 0 open seats
New Conservative Movement: 0 open seats
Moderate Coalition of Nyland: 11 open seats
PRESIDENTIAL voting will happen closer to the end of the year, most likely the beginning/middle of Treizen, to give candidates enough time to be brought forward and seen by the public; if you would like to put forth a candidate, see the form below. Remember, anyone who wins the election will be the President of Nyland, and the person who put forth that person as president will essentially be "in control" of the direction the country will take! You get one vote for presidents, but this vote will be a ranking of your top three or four picks, depending on the number of candidates available. A list of candidates is below, as well.
Show ContentPresidential Candidate Submission Form:
Code: [b]Name[/b]: (Required)
[b]Party:[/b] (Required, may be "Unaffiliated" at this time)
[b]Picture/Description:[/b] (optional)
[b]Platform:[/b] (Write some number of paragraphs highlighting important views)
[b]Political/Campaign History:[/b] (Give some info regarding their current public standing, and how they got there)
Show ContentPresidential Candidate List:
- None Declared
Let the elections commence! Feel free to make IC posts regarding the elections, from campaigning to news, if you so desire.
1583-1584 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
![[Image: edegm9V.png]](
UP 123 | CDA 125 | NL 92 | NPA 47 | NKR 41 | PCP 39 | MCN 22 | NMP 18 | LCN 16 | NCP 12
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05-30-2017, 05:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2017, 04:46 AM by Severyane.)
Name: Martin Solberg
Party: New Conservative Movement (NKR)
Show ContentImmigration:
Assemb. Solberg advocates for the ending of all refugee programs supported by Nyland's government. He takes the same stance as his party in being both anti-immigrant and anti-refugee. Despite this, Assemb. Solberg believes that rounding up refugees and illegal migrants is operationally impossible, and morally wrong and as such supports programs to offer current non-citizen residents expedited citizenship.
Show ContentMilitary:
Assemb. Solberg believes that protecting the life and liberty of Nyland's citizens means having a military that is second to none. He opposes any cuts to the current military budget and advocates for the further expansion of Nyland's armed forces. Assemb. Solberg believes that the Department of Defense's non-discretionary budget should be expanded from the current $263 Billion to $550 Billion, and the discretionary budget to upwards of $3 Trillion. Assemb. Solberg wants to add an additional 200,000 troops to Nyland's military as the first step in bolstering our defensive capabilities. Assemb. Solberg also advocates for the modernization of Nyland's outdated naval fleet and air force. Assemb. Solberg affirms that a stronger military means a stronger Nyland and a more peaceful world.
Show ContentForeign Policy:
Assemb. Solberg supports situational interventionism, recognizing the fact that some international situations require a strong hand to fix, a hand that only Nyland can provide.Assemb. Solberg affirms that support of the military-industrial complex is paramount as a supplier of jobs, and a method of maintaining Nyland as a strong and independent nation. He advocates supporting burgeoning democracies world-wide. Assemb. Solberg recognizes that nations like Carpathia and Akitsu pose dire threats to democracy and the world.
Show ContentEconomics:
Assemb. Solberg endorses the New Conservative Movement's ideals of free markets and capitalism, favoring supply-side economics, hailing it as the only method of maintaining Nylander socio-economic, innovative, and technological superiority. Assemb. Solberg supports broad tax cuts for corporations and small businesses, and incentives to keep manufacturing at home. He also supports tariffs on internationally produced goods being imported to Nyland by Nylander companies. He also stresses that while free markets do provide material goods in an efficient way, they lack the moral guidance human beings need to fulfill their needs.
Show ContentWelfare:
Assemb. Solberg takes the party line on welfare, encouraging the people of Nyland to support private institutions that provide for their fellow, down-on-their-luck citizens. He believes that welfare should be a step up, rather than a way of life. As such he supports legislation that provides for the unemployed, so long as they actively search for jobs. Assemb. Solberg opposes single-payer health care. Assemb. Solberg advocates setting up programs to assist charities, orphanages, and homeless shelters.
Show ContentAbortion:
Assemb. Solberg is staunchly pro-life, with the exception of cases that involve special circumstances. These circumstances in which he thinks abortion should be an option include situations like incest, rape, and cases where the mother's life is threatened.
Show ContentMental Health:
Assemb. Solberg supports the expansion of Nyland's Mental Health facilities and support networks. He believes that to end what many are calling a mental health epidemic the state must proffer much-needed support to Nyland's mentally ill citizens. Assemb. Solberg believes that it is time to end the stigma against the mentally ill and recognize that they are normal people facing unfortunate problems. Assemb. Solberg advocates for the dedication of $200 Billion in additional spending to support mental welfare programs.
Political/Campaign History: Martin Solberg was elected to his first public office at a young age, for a politician. He was elected to his hometown City Council at the age of 29 and served as a Councilman for two more terms. After his tenure as a Councilman, he decided to run for his district's representative. It was here that he first tasted defeat in his political career when he was brutally defeated by the popular incumbent candidate. Martin took a break from politics for two years, after which he returned victoriously, securing a place in the legislature as an Independent politician. He would hold the seat successfully for three more terms and eventually join as a member of the New Conservative Movement. Now, at 43 he has been put forward as the NKR candidate for President.
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05-30-2017, 11:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2017, 11:05 PM by BrumBrum.)
Name: Martha Kann
Party: NMP
Picture/Description: ![[Image: anna_kinberg_batra_f_marcus_johnson_leanderfotograf.jpg]](https://vä orm:[/b]
Immigration:Martha Kann advocates limiting immigration to a hard quota of hundreds of thousands a year and to put income floors of at least $35,000 a year for immigrants. She also proposes requiring at least one adult in the family having a degree in order for the family to be allowed in. She proposes the rounding up and deportation of all illegal immigrants.
Military:Martha Kann proposes keeping military funding as is while opposing any foreign intervention using military only for defense of Nyland. She believes Nylands military interventions have all done way more harm than good.She calls for war crime trials on all commanders if one innocent civilian is killed.
Foreign Policy:Martha Kann would ensure Nyland follows a strict neutrality policy with the world withdrawing any foreign military operations and leaving free trade treaties which are killing the working class economy. She proposes the imposition of tariffs on countries with "exploitation wages" of up to 200% tariffs in order to make it cheaper to buy from high income countries.
Economy:Martha Kann proposes a 5% hike in taxes on big corporations to fund a 5% cut in corporation tax for SME's and Co-operatives. She proposes banning government funding going to companies shipping jobs abroad and putting a "Nyland first" policy into effect. She proposes setting up grant programmes for native nylanders(those born in Nyland) to set up businesses. Finally she proposes a minimum basic income funded by taxation in order to provide decent standard of living for all.She would fund programmes by taxing the super rich and millionaires so they pay their "fair share" and the elites finally get taxed.
Campaign Finance and corruption:Martha Kann believes the elite are using campaign finance to bribe officials into doing policies against the working class majority and that these enemies of the people and corporate whores need dealing with. She proposes public funding for all elections, forcing declaration of all important ties.She would also ask all federal law enforcement to investigate all politicians for corruption and evidence of of companies bribing them to take positions on policy.
Welfare:Martha proposes cutting off immigrants who are not citizens from most welfare and requiring all immigrants to have health insurance paid for by insurance companies. She proposes a basic income for all citizens and proposes grants for those on welfare to start new businesses. She proposes that the government put in place structures that pay for childcare if one wants to work.
Healthcare and Education:Martha would push for free education and health from cradle to grave through a single payer Nyland Health Service and a single payer Nyland Education Service covering free tuition, books , and uniform as well as trips from nursery to university level for life with up to 3 degrees covered by the government. She also proposes promoting apprenticeships.
Abortion:Martha Kann proposes a ban on abortion in Nyland except in cases of rape. She will fight to stop the genocide of babies.
Law and order:Martha Kann would focus on victims first. She proposes up to life sentences for rape and pornography and the removal of the death penalty in favour of solitary confinement for terrorists and threats to society. She proposes that any community sentences be a minimum of 52 full days a year. She proposes that crime should be treated seriously accusing current governments of putting the criminals first. She proposes the banning of all entertainment in jails and only allowing religious literature in jails in order to reform criminals. The ban would include on entertainment books , tv and access to the web. 'Criminals would be allowed one newspaper a day. Food budgets would be cut to basics so no luxury food will be offered to prisoners and she would cut any festive dinners. She would ban any sweets or deserts in jail . Prisoners would get a basic breakfast, lunch and dinner. Prison would be made a real deterrent.She proposes solitary stints of 3 days for any misdemeanor , even minor ones.
Media:Martha proposes a media neutrality act which would require all news to be "neutral". She would introduce a Media Neutrality Commission . The commission would give media news networks 2 years to meet conditions or face losing their News Broadcasting License. She would introduce a News Broadcasting License and a Entertainment Broadcasting License. Comedy would still be allowed to have a bias.
Political/Campaign History: Martha Kann is a rising star in the NMP. She has been a city councillour , Nyland Assembly member and now is running for president. She is seen as stunning , charismatic and often is seen in working class dives. She hopes to capitalise on this to win the presidency.Her campaign slogan is "Nyland Kann be great again!".
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Name: James Douglass Brockenborough
Party: Nylander Centrist Democratic Alliance
Platform: Brockenborough has proposed a slightly increase of spending, and introducing education and labour market reforms in order to make Nylander economy more competitive. At the same time, he proposes to introduce single-payer, which he believes it is a pragmatic and feasible health care reform. He has also promised an increase on investment on infraestructures.
Brockenborough has also proposed improvements in law enforcement, and more transparent and efficient judiciary system. Despite being considered left-leaning inside the New Centrist List, he has supported President Kohout's Military Modernization Act. On foreign policy, he has been described as a "realist interventionist".
On immigration, Brockenborough has rather proposed to keep the status quo. He has declared that anti-immigration legislation would only cause Nylander economic to be less competitive and sustainable, and therefore "making our country poorer and weaker".
On education, Brockenborough has proposed a more progressive system in order to make college affordable for working and middle classes, lowering tuition fees and endind the increasing problem of student debt. He has also proposed to further implement an education reform aimed to improve and strengthen trade schools.
He has also promised to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour before the end of his term, while he has promised to remove bureucratic obstacles to the creation of companies and increasing credit to new entrepeneurs. He believes that a "tax revolution" is no longer needed after the 1579 tax reform, but that the taxation system could be improved through some limited reforms, such as introducing a further progressive scale, lowering corporate tax if economic growth decreases, or introducing environmental taxation.
Brockenborough has scolded the calms by conservative candidates who support a ban on abortion, declaring that such policy "would only increase and rise the number of abortions" while "threatening women's lives" at the same time. He has added recently that "such kind of crackpot fanaticism...does not belong to this century". He has promised to veto such legislation as president if it were ever passed by the parliament. However, although, the Nylander Centrist Democrat Alliance electoral platform has supported a pro-choice stand, Brockenborough has promised that no reform on this issue is expected without a wide support of most political groups as he believes that it "is a serious issue in which wide consensus is required". Such consensus should be realistic and pragmatic enough, he has declared.
On foreign policy, Brockenborough has been described as a "realist interventionist". He has proposed to further strengthen and modernize Nylander Armed Forces, through constant, reasonable and gradual investment. While he has declared that Nyland commitments must be realistic, he believes that Nyland needs to show the moral leadership that very often "Nyland has been afraid to lead", as the only way to protect Nylander interests, which can only be assured under the strangthening of stability and rule of law, and regional cooperation. He has declared that Nyland should have the "responsability to protect" populations from mass atrocity crimes and human rights violations and to promote democracy and Nylander values.
Brockenborough, however, is also a proponent to strengthen diplomatic initiatives, and he has promised to further develop and lead regional cooperation in Skathia, in order to protect Nylander interests and improve stability along the regions, on the fields of economic trade, national security, and military policy.
Political/Campaign History: James Brockenborough was a SDAP member for more than twenty years, after joining while studying Law and Constitutional Jurisprudence in the University of Rosdam. He was elected to the Nylander Assembly for first time in 1564, being reelected three times. In 1578, he resigned in order to join a position in the Department of Homeland Security, under the leadership of Secretary Alexandrine Leville.
Brockenborough, however, was disappointed about how radicals were taking over the SDAP during and after the leadership of Agnetha Norup. He left the SDAP in early 1580, only a few months before the alliance between SDAP and PAN resulted in the creation in the Nylander Popular Assembly, which Brockenborough regarded as "a political cult of unelectable mountebanks". He joined the New Centrist List in late 1580, and in 1582 he was elected to the Nylander Assembly again, where he has been working recently mostly on labour and health care issues lately.
He announced his candidacy to Nylander Centrist Democratic Alliance in early 1584, and was elected candidate on Septem 1584, after defeating Emma Nystroem and former Speaker Lenna Schenkenberg in a contested primaries.
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06-06-2017, 11:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-06-2017, 11:40 PM by Seperallis.)
Name: Anders Kohout
Party: Moderate Coalition of Nyland
Political/Campaign History: Born in Flåleandshem as the son of Nentsian immigrants, Anders Kohout grew up in a working family, continuing and completing his Bachelors in engineering despite taking a job full-time to support his mother after the death of his father. Moving to Gainsborough after graduation, the young Kohout eventually grew tired of "shitty uncontested candidates," running for and earning two terms as mayor of the city before landing a seat in the Federal Assembly following the 1574 elections.
In 1580, Kohout was elected President of Nyland as a member of the Liberalists. He defeated the previous president Morgen on the back of his "new liberalist" campaign, seeking to change Nylands right.
Once in office, however, it became clear that "Nyland's right" would fight back, and fight back they did. Opposed by the controversial Karllson Caucus, Kohouts legislative agenda continued, time and time again, to be defeated despite having the votes to succeed. This led to Kohouts eventual leaving of the NL. This remains a controversial event in its own right, as a President has never actually left their party while in office. Around the same time a group of MPs from various parties had formed their own party, the Moderate Coalition of Nyland. Kohout, after much deliberation, decided they best aligned with his ideals and joined on the assumption he would run on their ticket for President.
This brings us to today. For the first time in Nylands history, an incumbent President will be running for a different party.
The platform decided by the Moderates involves two pillars: progress and cooperation.
Progress is defined in this case as forward motion. Progress for the Moderates involves slight but key tax reforms. They wish to adjust the personal tax rates to help take the burden off of individuals. Furthermore, they wish to ensure certain key items are removed from the VAT. These items include medical supplies and hygiene products. These tax reforms are small but will have great effects on the average Nylander.
The Moderates also want to do serious work on health care reform. The current healthcare system is not working for Nylanders. The exact status of this reform is to be determined. The party has not yet decided, but they will make healthcare reform a serious goal for the upcoming term.
The Moderates are interested in common sense foreign policy that remembers Nyland's important role in the world without becoming an overbearing player on the global stage. Nyland has a role as chief defender of democracy and Nylander values abroad and should never shy away from defending the helpless from monstrous acts. Kohout also wishes for Nyland to establish a new organization for Skathian cooperation.
Cooperation is key as a retaliation to the problems of the previous term. The previous Kohout term was hindered by divisiveness and an inability to cooperate. The Moderates seek to work with all MPs to establish positive change for all Nylanders. They do have goals but are willing to compromise with other parties who seek positive change.
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Name: Astrad Bengtsson
Party: Nyland Liberalists (NL)
Political/Campaign History:
Astrad Bengtsson is an assemblyman of the federal legislature from Aselkam, and one of NL's longest serving assemblypersons. Dubbed "the King of Isort" by both supporters and critics, Bengtsson has served in the assembly representing his district for the greater part of 40 years; prior to that, he served as mayor of the city for another decade, presiding over the city's largest and most prosperous period of growth during the region's oil-drunk building boom.
Bengtsson originally attempted the presidency in 1580, but lost the NL primary to President Kohout. Now, with Kohout's leaving the NL party ticket and Milan Vuletaski's refusal to "run against a sitting NL president," Bengtsson won the 1584 primaries in an easy sweep. Though often regarded as one of the "old guard" of the Liberal party, he's taken great pains to distance himself from the so-called "Karlsson Caucus," feeling sympathetic to their ideals but appalled by their methods and unreasonable unwillingness to negotiate.
It's time to bring proper liberalism back to Nyland. Liberalism is the trust in man, not only as an individual force for good, but in the institutions he builds for himself. The entire democratic world is built upon the foundation of the Liberalist ideal, the free market, the primacy of the sanctity of man, and responsible finances.
The first and foremost responsibility of the government is to defend the country and its people from harm by crime and foreign aggression. In what way does fighting foreign wars on foreign soils for foreign benefit keep Nylanders from harm? When our people and our country are attacked, wherever and in whatever capacity that might be, then we have the duty to react with aggressive and overwhelming power, but it is not right for a President to sacrifice the lives of brave men and women in foreign adventures. It is our duty as the greatest democracy in the world to lead by strength of example, not by jingoistic force of arms.
Speaking of responsibility, it is our duty as elected stewards of the people, to represent all Nylanders. Taxes affect everyone, and everyone in Nyland at least deserves to be treated with some basic respect when it comes to how we spend those taxes. How disrespectful the left has been, then, in greedily clawing for more money, with no idea as to what they're going to even DO with any of it! It is our duty as keepers of the purse to not only spend wisely the funds with which we have been trusted, but to not take more than is necessary to pay for what we need. It is not the government's responsibility to steal from the pockets of taxpayers without a plan already in place, and especially not to waste for social engineering experiments for no other reason than to "use it or lose it."
Fiscal Responsibility is more than just balancing a budget, it is about knowing when a program doesn't need the ever-encroaching hand of federal government intervention.
It's time we get back to defending the freedoms of the people, defending the Constitution. Year over year, extreme leftist policies have slowly eroded the freedoms of the people and the powers of the states as they seek to concentrate authority in Nykoping so as to make it easier to enact their damaging regressive agendas. Enough of that! Nyland is far to vast and diverse a place with widely varied needs for a bunch of political mobsters on union payrolls in Nykoping to create their "daddy knows best" nanny-state, siphoning the rights of the people in the name of an amorphous "greater good", and have us not fall apart.
We are a country built on the principles of Liberty, be that freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom to live your life how you very damn well please. Let the people have a choice in how to live. Let the people have the freedom to better themselves and grow beyond their station, and not be saddled by the leftist shackles of excuses and debt and victimization. It's time to bring the power of governance back to the states, where it belongs. For God's sake, let's bring some freedom back to Nyland.
It's time to bring proper liberalism back. It is time for responsible governance.
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06-11-2017, 12:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2017, 01:11 AM by Blacaria.)
Name: Victor Kjær
Party: Ultra Nationalist Party
Death Penalty: He remains committed to the use of capital punishment for crimes such as first degree murder or when multiple fatalities are involved.
Gun Rights: As a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms, he will oppose restrictions on gun use and ownership, and promise to become a champion for Nylanders who fear that a more left-leaning government will come after their guns. The right to bear arms is one of our fundamental values and it must be defended. Period.
Traditional marriage: union of one man and one women, has served as the foundation of our society since the very beginning. Societies that have abandoned traditional marriage, and by consequence the family unit, lack social cohesion. Thus he remains committed to the concept of traditional marriage and will do my absolute utmost to ensure it remains the foundation of our society. Nonetheless, he opposes the hateful rhetoric of the NMP that divides communities and families, and intend to defend the rights of LGBT persons to live their lives as citizens of our great nation. It is not up to the state to discuss what goes on between two consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes.
Abortion: Pro-life and will therefore fight to outright ban abortions after 6 weeks except in circumstances that pose a risk to the life of the mother.
Foreign Policy: He believes that Nyland is destined to become a world leader, but must look after its own interests first and foremost. The national security of Nyland depends upon the security of its neighbors and its region. Skathia must be kept free of Brigidnan, or any other type of non-Skathian, interference and meddling, as it would ultimately lead to interference in Nyland’s direct interests. Therefore this policy must be held sacrosanct and regional peace and stability is in Nyland’s interests. Thus he is also a proponent of the modernization and expansion of the Nylander military as achieving any of the goals stated in his foreign policy would be futile without a proper military force to back those aims.
Economy: He supports broad tax cuts for corporations and small businesses, and incentives to keep manufacturing at home. He also supports tariffs on internationally produced goods being imported to Nyland by Nylander companies. He also a staunch supporter of Nyland first policies when it comes to any kind of trade deal
Political/Campaign History: Victor Kjær , aged 40, is of Oslanburgan and Eskkyan origin. He currently serves as an assemblyman for the UP and has previously served as a state legislator and as a member of his local city council. He has quickly risen in the party, becoming one of its most popular representatives during his first term. During his second term, he became known as a somewhat moderate voice on some issues, such as LGBT rights, compared to more senior and hawkish members of the party, though he has always voted in line with his party.
His victory in the UP primaries to become their Presidential pick came as a surprise to many in the party, as he was viewed mainly as an underdog to the more hawkish members in the running.
The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
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The Ceribian Federation
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Greetings, Nyland! Hello, Siora!
As elections being to swing into full campaigning gear, early polling is showing a rout for the new Moderate Coalition as many previously NL seats are expected to swap to the MCN, not only from legislative defeats but also from legislators swapping party rolls due to the ongoing intra-party controversies within the Liberalist camp. the New Conservative Movement is expected to gain more seats, while the UP is expecting a stunting of its erstwhile constant growth.
In the presidential arena, incumbent candidate Anders Kohout has enjoyed broad support despite - or because of - his switching party as he maintains sizable backing in pre-election polling, though not enough support to win the elections outright. Ultraconservative candidate Victor Kjær isn't projected to be too far behind him however, and with no candidate claiming majority support, it's anyone's guess as to how subsequent rounds of voting beyond the first might go.
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Elections update: Polls closed early last night. All precincts are yet to report, but exit polling shows a broad shift in Nyland's political power structure.