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The Romulans - Episode I: The New Republic
[Image: romulanlogo.jpg]
The Romulans

The City of Romulus
Fein 3rd, 1555 CE

As the sun rose over the ancient city of Romulus, a cool breeze settled upon the land. For this was the day that the long-awaited Romulan Republic would be proclaimed to the world.

For Tydarius, a man of forty-six years of age and had only recently overseen the local militia before being tapped to lead the new Republic, it was a test he had every intention of passing. Centuries had passed since the original founding of Romulus, but hardly ever before had the Romulans been widely known to the rest of the world. From behind the shadows, Romulus watched as the great empires of the world rose and fell, as colonies were established and soon became nations of their own, and as conflict spread and affected the entirety of Siora. Though there was temptation of the part of Romulan leaders of the past to enter the global arena, such temptations were never surrendered to, and Romulus remained largely hidden. Despite such a curtain, Romulus maintained trade with a number of nations, including the mighty Severyans to the north and the ancient Angirisians to the south. Tydarius knew that the greatest test facing the Republic now was the repatriation of the hundreds of thousands of Romulans and their descendants scattered across the world. Tydarius knew that the reason so many Romulans left was they felt they had no state, no country to call their own. With the establishment of the Republic, the new Proconsul hoped that the far-flung Romulans would return home and help build a stronger Romulus. Only then could the Republic successfully challenge the aggressive Remans and the shadowy Nerazim.

At about quarter-past nine in the morning a military aide entered the Audience Chamber, which Tydarius had temporarily made his seat of power while the still-in-design Plaza was under construction. Upon seeing the aide, Tydarius walked out of the chamber and made his way to the Senate Hall. There was gathered the elected representatives of the various districts of the city of Romulus, the smaller nearby towns and surrounding countrysides. Outside the Senate Hall was a gathered crowd who awaited what was being referred to as the "Inaugural Address" of the new Republic. Military personnel scrambled outside of the Hall, and a squadron of Warbirds flew overheard. The flag of the new Republic proudly flapped in the wind above the Senate Hall and in various spots across the city. The old Government Triangle was adorned in green and gold, and the sights and sounds of a modernizing city were echoing in the background behind the gathered crowd.

After what felt like an eternity for some in the crowd, bells began ringing out in the Triangle and across the city. Nine o'clock had arrived. A procession of Senators, judges and other government officials began emanating from the Senate Hall. A few moments later, the Proconsul of the Republic emerged to face the crowd. He bowed to the crowd before raising a hand into the air, saluting the crowd with the famed Romulan greeting. Thousands of hands went into the air with the same salute, others began clapping, others cheering. This went on for a few minutes before a man dressed in fancy garb and carrying some large stick, began banging in on the marble steps of the Hall. He yelled out, "Here, here you all noble Romulans! And hear the Proconsul!" He then turned to Tydarius, who acknowledged the man and then turned to face the crowd. He let out a silent sigh, clasped his hands behind his back and began his speech...

"Fellow Romulans, I come to you in the wake of recent events to issue a call to reason. Let no Romulan deny the perils of our time. While we battled one another, divided by the petty strife of our common history, the tide of a greater series of events is turning against us, threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished. It is time for us as Romulans and as individuals to set aside our longstanding feuds... and unite. The tides of an new world order are upon us and we must seek refuge upon higher ground lest we be swept away by the flood. The old Romulus is no more. Whatever semblance of unity and protection is a phantom, a memory. With our enemies near us and uncertain nations left unchecked, who will you turn to for protection?

The ever-changing form of the world around us built by our fellow man is self-evident. We have seen our brethren abroad, their homes and communities persecuted and devastated by the calculated blows of reactionary forces. We have seen first-hand our friends and loved ones consumed by nightmarish hatred created and stirred upon by those who seek to do their fellow man harm. Unprecedented and though unimaginable they may be, these ARE the signs of our times. The time has come, my fellow Romulans, to rally to a new banner. In unity lies strength; already many of the wayward factions of our nation have joined us. Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole, capitulating only the seat of power you see before you. And for as long as I am allowed by your voice from this seat, I shall watch over you.

From this day forward, let no Romulan make war on any other Romulan. Let no Romulan agency conspire against this new beginning and let no individual consort with alien powers, and to all the enemies of Romulus, seek not to bar our way, for we shall win through, NO MATTER THE COST."

As soon as the last word left Tydarius's lips, a roar emerged from the crowd. There was no denying it anymore. The Romulan Republic had arrived.

Some hours later, as festivities across the city continued to transpire, Tydarius sat alone back in the Audience Chamber with a glass of wine. Proud of what he saw outside, Tydarius smiled to himself. He was about to build a nation.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams


City of Romulus, Senate Hall
Fein 6th, 1555 CE

The Republic Senate had been created during the negotiations on the Romulan Constitution, which served as the foundation of the new Republic. It replaced the old Council of Wards, which was basically the business and political leaders in the various districts of the city-state of Romulus. Its powers were similar to that of aldermen or city councilors in other larger cities in the world. When the Senate assumed legislative control over the city after the adoption of the Constitution, the Council was disbanded despite the fact that the city of Romulus itself retained its own separate city council.

The first days of the Senate were filled with spirited debate over who was to be the first Proconsul, and little else was accomplished. After the election of Tydarius as Proconsul, actual policy debates began to take form. The day's sitting on the 6th of Fein was the first time the Senate was officially meeting since the Inauguration, and anticipation was high as to what the day would look like. As senators entered the chamber from wherever it was they were before, the chatter amongst them was about the possible interactions between the Chairman of the Senate, the venerable Alidar Jarok and Proconsul Tydarius. Chairman Alidar had been in his seat for fifteen years, having been held over from the Council of Wards and subsequently elected by a unanimous decision as the first Chairman. Alidar had been somewhat vocal in his opposition to Tydarius's election as Proconsul and worked to elect his rival, Valdore. After Tydarius defeated Valdore at the polls, it was believed that the new government would seek to unseat Alidar as Chairman. Tydarius, however, knowing the high esteem in which Alidar was held by the Romulan people, informed the Senate that his government would be grateful to the Chairman if he retained his position. Despite this assurance from the Proconsul, many senators were unsure if any lingering hostility existed between Alidar and Tydarius that might cause tension and fracture the nascent government.

At 10 in the morning, a gavel pounded on the dais looking over the Senate Hall, and a booming voice called out, "Order! Order in the Hall!" Chairman Alidar then entered the hall, officially calling the Senate into session, "Order, order. Let it be known that this day's sitting is now officially commenced. Since this is the first day that the Senate will have convened since the events of the Inauguration, the initialization of our agenda shall begin a bit differently. At this time, I would like to summon the Proconsul to join the Senate in the chamber to take his seat."

At that moment, the doors of the chamber opened and Proconsul Tydarius entered the chamber. He bowed to the Chairman, and upon reciprocation assumed his seat in the chamber.

The Chairman continued, "I would like to take this opportunity to remind members that even after the events of the Inauguration, the standard protocols of the Senate remain unchanged and that it is incumbent upon all members, government or opposition, that we respect the protocols we previously agreed to. Though I do not believe anyone would willingly violate these protocols, I must make it clear that while this body meets in this chamber that the Chair is the prime authority in the Senate." With those last words, Alidar slowly turned his gaze towards Tydarius, staring at the Proconsul with a look of steel upon him. For his part, Tydarius let himself smile slightly as he glared at the Chairman. The Chairman was trying to assert power, Tydarius thought to himself, for he knows he shall have a hard time with me here.

After a few moments, the Chairman said, "With that said and made clear, it is at the discretion of the Chair that I invite the Proconsul to make a statement to this body if he so wishes." Tydarius perked up. "Does the Proconsul wish to speak?" asked the Chairman. After receiving an affirmative reply, the Chairman gestured towards the podium in the center of the room. Tydarius walked over and stood at the podium, gathered himself for a few moments, and then began to speak:

"Mr. Chairman and honorable members of the Senate, it pleases me greatly having known that I stand in the position I do today confirmed by your ballots that I share in the great responsibility of overseeing our new nation with such men and women to whom - despite any disagreements we may have on certain matters of policy - I have the utmost respect for.

Fellow citizens, I stand here mindful that what actions we take today will have a great and lasting impact on we view ourselves as a people as well as have a lasting impact on how the world at large views our Republic. What we do in this chamber will set precedents for future governments to follow, and we must ensure that the decisions we make today give our descendants a stronger government and a stronger nation that they can be proud of. It is at this time that I share with you the vision I have for the coming future.

As a nation, in unity lies strength. But what good shall unity be if there is no steel to call upon when that unity is tested? It is incumbent upon us that we not only strengthen our armed hand but our entrepreneurial hand as well, for one cannot exist without the other. My primary focus is to give power to our economy by strengthening our trade ties with the rest of the world and by encouraging entrepreneurship at home. To do this, I am proposing that we reduce taxes upon businesses so that they may invest in additional capital, both technological capital and human capital. I also propose that we reduce the burden on our citizens with a broad reorganization of our income tax code followed up with a reduction in overall income tax rate. This shall be buoyed by a reduction in the payroll tax rates and a reduction in sales taxes on common goods. It is my hope that with these actions, our citizens will be more inclined to spend more money on goods and services, which will largely offset the projected loss of initial revenue upon the affectation of the tax reductions.

In manners of trade, I believe that in this time where our nation is still economically fragile, we do what we must to insulate ourselves. I am therefore requesting that the Senate take up the question of protective tariffs which will safeguard our industries and increase revenues from imports. I imagine some of our potential trading partners across the world will not be initially pleased with these tariffs, but in order for our industrial base to continue its upward trend of growth we must ensure that they will be insulated from foreign pressures and competition while at the same time still encourage foreign trade opportunities where and when we get them.

It is my hope that we come to a resolution on these matters quickly and with the best interests of the Romulan people in mind. I close by saying that over the next few days, I will be formally putting together a government that will both speak for me when required and also carry out the decisions that I make as Proconsul. I am of course open to suggestions from all Senators, and I say to all members now that my door is always open. I yield to the Chair."

A round of applause erupted from the members of the Senate as Tydarius move to take his seat, only interrupted by a call of "Order" from the Chairman.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams


The Romulan-Reman Borderlands
Treizen 28th, 1555 CE

The city-state of Remus, some several hundred kilometers away from the burgeoning Romulan Republic, was becoming increasingly alarmed at the sudden rise in power in Romulus and feared that the new Republic would try to take over - whether diplomatically or by force - the rest of the city-states of the Quadrant. Even so, Remans had grown to distrust, even outright hate, the Romulans and did everything they could to undermine Romulus.

With the establishment of the Romulan Republic, the Remans organized their own nation, the Reman Hegemony, to try and check Romulus's influence. War seemed inevitable between Romulus and Remus, and tensions were further inflamed by the news that in coming days the city-state of Sienae would be putting to its citizens a referendum to join the Romulan Republic. The Remans were not amused by this move, and sought to gain its own allies. However, unlike Romulus who was expanding via diplomacy, Remus was expanding by force. Within two weeks after the formal establishment of the Romulan Republic, the Hegemony stormed the city-state of Nequencia, overthrew the local government there and established a Reman governor. At the same time, the Remans appeared poised to attempt to march on Sienae to prevent that city from joining the Romulans.

With this activity occurring in the southern end of the Quadrant, panic filled the northern cities of Brea and Nimbus and the southwestern city of Virinat. Officials in all three cities became worried that if the Romulans and Remans were that intent on expanding their power in the Quadrant, it would only be a matter of time before their armies came marching on their cities' doorsteps. The three cities formed a pact called the Trimetro Alliance, a defensive pact which the three cities thought would guarantee one another's safety in case of war. The Alliance increased the strength of local militias and began to organize financial efforts when and if war came.

For its part, Romulus watched these events unfold with some measure of confusion. Though they figured Remus would act so aggressively, the Romulans did not understand the panic and worry of the Alliance cities. Proconsul Tydarius largely ignored the Alliance and focus squarely on the issue with Remus, as the Hegemony seemed very interested in trying to stop the entrance of Sienae into the Republic. Tydarius sent a small Romulan army to Sienae to demonstrate the Republic's resolve and to perhaps show the Remans that the Romulans had some muscle to flex and were not afraid to use it.

Vintyr 4th, 1555 CE

With the year ending, the Quadrant found itself divided in thirds. The Trimetro Alliance possessed the most territory, covering the north and western parts of the Quadrant. The Romulan Republic controlled the center of the Quadrant and the Reman Hegemony controlled the eastern part of the Quadrant. All eyes appeared to now lay upon the central city of Sienae, which was voting on whether or not to join the Romulan Republic. The Remans were not willing to see that happen, and threatened to attack Sienae if it voted to join Romulus. The Romulans threatened a reprisal if such an invasion was initiated.

For hours throughout the 4th, officials in every one of the Quadrant powers watched as Sienae made its decision. The Remans reported that they had assembled 12,000 men to the outskirts of Sienae. The Romulans had fewer troops facing them, but would likely have the advantage of playing defense. Hegemony gunboats were seen patrolling waters thought to be under the control of the Republic. At a quarter past nine in the evening, the final decision had been declared in Sienae…

It was joining the Republic.

The Remans were furious. The Romulans were pleased but nervous at the same time. The Alliance was stunned. Sienae, with little militia to speak of and with a much smaller Romulan army separating it from a stronger Reman army, stood on its feet and defied the threats of the Hegemony.

45 minutes crucial minutes passed. The Quadrant waited with bated breath to see if the Hegemony would open fire. In the meantime, Reman and Romulan diplomats scurried back and forth, trying to forestall the impending conflict. The two leaders of Romulus and Remus met in a private video conference to try and come to some agreement.

"The people of Sienae made their choice, General Obisek. I do not understand what it is you are so angered by." said Proconsul Tydarius.

Facing him on the other side of the viewscreen was the commanding General of the Reman Hegemony, Obisek, a tall, proud man who hated the Romulans with a passion. "We had a vested interest in the independent well-being of Sienae, Proconsul. Your Republic has interfered with our interests, and we intend to make our displeasure generally known!" he exclaimed.

Tydarius leaned forward in his chair, and said, "By opening fire on Republic troops and worse yet opening fire on civilians? Come now, General, you cannot tell me that you are so blinded in your hatred for us that you would be willing to put civilian lives at risk simply because you want to settle a score with us."

"It is YOU who are putting civilian lives at risk with this action! It is YOU and your weak Republic government that has brought us to this point! The Hegemony will not stand for this treachery!" Obisek exclaimed.

"Do you not realize that if war breaks out here and it gets to the point where I know you are wanting to take this that there is bound to be an international 'peacekeeping' force at our doorstep? Come now, Obisek, I know you have seen what happened in distant Tambossa. In Wadiyah? Kaljurand? I am not willing to see that happen here. Especially over something as petty as being mad over a free people making a choice that could have just as easily gone the other way." Tydarius fired back.

Obisek began to become even more visibly angry as Tydarius spoke. After several seconds of silence, Tydarius asked, "Is there no way that you and I can come to some kind of arrangement so that our peoples do not start slaughtering each other wholesale?"

"Yes," replied Obisek, "you and your Republic not interfere with the trade matters and dealings between the city of Sienae and the Hegemony. That you give Sienae autonomy to handle its own affairs."

"We have no problem about letting local officials handle affairs in their jurisdiction. But Sienae is now a Romulan Republic city, and as such our laws apply to it just as their own laws applied before. Now if it is trade you are so worried about then I have no issue with taking before our Senate a treaty that affirms your Hegemony as a favored trading partner and to lift most tariffs on goods coming out of the Hegemony and vice versa." Tydarius said.

Obisek replied, "Not good enough."

The Proconsul let out a heavy sigh, then said, "Then what else do you have in mind?"

"Your Republic can control the city, but it is not to be garrisoned." Obisek said.

"Are you kidding me? Why in the hell would you want such a stipulation?" Tydarius snapped.

Obisek said, "I am not willing to allow you to use Sienae as a stationing post so that the Republic can launch attacks against the Hegemony."

"I have no interest in doing that anyway, General. We do not use military force except when provoked, much like your trying to do now." Tydarius said.

Obisek lifted his head slightly, sneered, and replied, "So you say. But for now, consider this issue resolved... for now." The viewscreen cut off. Tydarius shuddered, then began to call on his military advisers for a report on the situation on the ground. The Romulan commanders reported that Reman troops had begun to back off from their positions and turn back toward Remus. Some injuries were reported, but were determined to not be of military origin. As dawn broke on the 5th, the Romulans could claim a small victory; they had survived the first test of their resolve. The Remans were still seething, but even they realized that war would not have been the best policy... at least not yet.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams


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