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Silvanias, the Meritocracy of

[Image: SsAdb0b.png]

The Meritocracy of Silvanias
Common Name: Silvanias
Capital: Granosti
Demonym: Silvanian
Official/National: Silvanian
Recognized/Regional: Silestrian, Irlasi, Jandrean
Ethnic Groups
Silvanian, Silestrian, Irlasi, Angirisian, A’sirian
Government: Meritocracy
Head of State: Queen* Helena Lerovska III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Kellya “Lia” Supremi
Legislature: Bicameral
Upper: Silvanian Senate
Lower: Silvanian House of Commons
Establishment: 1035 
National Motto: Merit comes to those who want it least.
National Anthem(s): TBD
National Animal(s): Silvanian grey duck
National Color(s): Silver, gold, and purple
National Flower(s): Silvanian chrysanthemum
Total: 335,262.07
Water (%): 4.4%
1584 Census: 44,005,331
Density: 131.26
GDP (PPP) 1584 Estimate
Total: 1,681,927,700,480.00
Per capita: 38,221.00
Currency: Silvanian coin
Gini (1584): .561
HDI (1584): .842 
Timezone: UST +8
Date Format: dd/mm/yyyy
Drives on the: right
Calling Code: 90
ISO Code: SL
Internet TLD: .sl

*Note: The Queen is merely a figurehead. She has no power or authority and doesn’t affect the government at all. Her position is only for ceremonial purposes. 

<Links to be updated later>

Current Parliament Make-Up 
(To Be Updated After Each Election)

The parties, party leaders, and political affiliation of the parties of Silvanias are listed here:

  • Communist Party - Rain Barbella - ultra-left
  • New Socialists Party - Bernard Salamander - far left
  • Green Party - Kellya "Lia" Supremi - left
  • Democratic Party - Eira Tullea - center-left
  • Libertarian Party - Mark Chang - centrist
  • Women’s Conservative Party - Sirina Seklas - center-right
  • Men Unite! - Seth Killasi - right
  • Right-Wingers - Maria "Sabbie" Stylo-A-Bille - far right
  • Fascists Against Commies - Peter Tamsos - ultra-right

House of Commons

The House of Commons is made up of 310 seats. In this House, each party besides independent gets at least one seat regardless of how many people voted. Currently, Silvanias has eight parties. 

[Image: 25d2a28869ddac81ed5fc2672bc14109.png]

Green Party: 101 seats (32.6%)
Democratic Party: 79 seats (25.5%)
Women's Conservative Party: 41 seats (13.2%)
Libertarian Party: 36 seats (11.6%)
Men Unite!: 20 seats (6.5%)
Right-Wingers: 17 seats (5.5%)
Independent: 12 seats (3.9%)
Communist Party: 3 seats (.9%)
Fascists Against Commies: 1 seat (.3%)


Senators are not elected by the people, but are chosen by a committees from each party of the House of Commons. The number of Senators each party gets is based on the percentage each party consists of. So for example, the Green Party, which makes up approximately 33% of the House will get 33 seats. But here’s a chart to explain better.

[Image: 279e7184b611507a51a2944eeeb48ac8.png]

Green Party: 33 seats
Democratic Party: 26 seats 
Women's Conservative Party: 13 seats
Libertarian Party: 12 seats
Men Unite!: 6 seats
Right-Wingers: 5 seats
Independent: 4 seats
Communist Party: 1 seats
Fascists Against Commies: 0 seats

Total Parliament

Parliament as a whole has 410 seats, with the Green Party being the majority. Its make-up looks like this:

[Image: 4085d6287cdb0bf6161bc0e50254454e.png]

Green Party: 134 seats
Democratic Party: 105 seats 
Women's Conservative Party: 54 seats
Libertarian Party: 48 seats
Men Unite!: 26 seats
Right-Wingers: 22 seats
Independent: 16 seats
Communist Party: 4 seats
Fascists Against Commies: 1 seat
Silvanias Religion

The recognized religions of Silvanias are Irlasi, Ostrid, and Akhadism, but the most widely used and official religion of Silvanias is Irlasi despite only 23% of its citizens ethnically identifying as Irlasi.

There are twelve main gods which make up the Irlasi religion. Their names are Arkalos, Seamus, Ofsprea, Terrameda, Rathmena, Marius, Amori, Acroles, Afrimisia, Haemesh, Trevor, and Dimetri. Most temples throughout Silvanias contain twelve shrines with symbols of each particular god or goddess in order to differentiate them.

The largest temple dedicated to the gods resides in Hirlas, as that city is primarily made up of Irlasins (those who are both Irlasi religiously and ethnically). Those who only practice Irlasi identify as Silvanians, Silestrians, or Irlasi normally.

The religion itself is based off of an ancient pre-Angiris polytheistic religion. It has been known to have been derived from the old Praetoss culture of Aiur, one of the First Three Cities before the Angirisian Empire.

The names of the gods changed after the Galasians attacked Aiur. They then changed again when the new Angirisian Empire formed. The religion then diverged after the Civil War when Silvanias split from Angiris. It was then that a new name for the religion was made, that name being Irlasi in order differentiate itself from the old Angirisian religion. The religion grew from being a miniscule faith in Angiris to being the official religion of Silvanias as time went on.

Most of this religion is based on myth, but for the devout Irlasi, the mythology instills a sense of morality and hope within them, as with most religions and faiths. The main text is called the Tolmeus. According to the foreword, the book was written by Arkalos’ scribe, Eclamesus, a mortal demigod son of Rathmena who wrote down the stories which the gods had told him.

The twelve gods of the newest form of the religion are as such:

Arkalos (Ar-kay-lohs): the ruler of the gods, god of the weather.

Seamus (say-ah-mis): god of the sea, rivers, lakes, etc.

Ofsprea (off-spray-ah): goddess of marriage, fertility and family

Terrameda (tare-ah-meed-ah): goddess of agriculture

Rathmena (rahth-meen-ah): goddess of law, knowledge, and war (strategy)

Marius (mah-ree-is): god of war (battle), the sword, and archery

Amori (ah-mer-ee): goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure

Acroles (ah-croh-lees): god of the sun, the desert, and music

Afrimisia (ah-frih-mee-shah): goddess of the moon, the forest, and writing

Haemesh (heh-mesh): god of fire, stone, and blacksmithing

Trevor (treh-ver): god of thieves, athletes, and trade

Dimetri (dih-mee-tree): god of ecstasy, celebration, and alcohol
A Look at Silvanias’ Political Parties

Each potential Prime Minister was given a basic form to fill out which details their political party’s views. Then, such forms were retyped and published.  

Communist Party (CP)
  • Rain Barbella
  • Ultra-left
  • Government
    • The government will own and control every aspect of society for the greater good of the people. Under communism, everyone will be equal economically and social. There will be total wealth redistribution. Under this government, everyone will be classless, as the greatest threat to humanity is social classes.
  • Environment
    • The environment is not a main concern of the government. The main concern of the government is to make sure that everyone is productive. However, as soon as industry is controlled by the worker, the government will work to reduce Silvanias’ carbon footprint.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • A woman has the right to choose at any period of time, even in the third trimester, what she wants to do with her body. There will be government funded abortion clinics set up throughout the entirety of Silvanias under Communist Party rule.
    • LGBTQ
      • A citizen has the right to choose who they want to marry, whether they be same sex or opposite sex. The marriages will have equal treatment from the government.
      • The government will be funding clinics which will help transgenders transition to their desired sex. Furthermore, all-gender bathrooms will be encouraged and required in every facility that chooses to have a bathroom.
      • Therapy for LGBTQ citizens will be encouraged and funded by the government, should they choose to seek it out.
    • Drugs
      • All drugs and alcohol shall be banned, as they are bad for one’s health. Those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol shall be sent to mandatory government-funded rehab, and those in possession of drugs or alcohol shall be arrested if they are not addicted to it. The alcohol and drugs shall be seized and disposed of.
    • Guns
      • The only guns allowed will be the ones carried by officers of the law. All other guns will be seized and destroyed or sold to neighboring nations. Guns do more harm than good according to Communist Party officials.
    • Healthcare
      • There will only be one form of healthcare. It will be funded by the government.
    • Additional
      • All private property will be abolished. The government shall seize all means of production and put them back in the hands of the oppressed worker. There will be no property rights, therefore, as everything will be owned by the government and by extension the people as a whole.
  • Foreign Policy
    • The most important policy is interior policy. The government will not be concerned with foreign nations unless attacked or threatened.

New Socialists Party (NSP)
  • Bernard Salamander
  • Far left
  • Government
    • The NSP government will be involved with making sure the lower and middle class get what they deserve. It is working to redistribute the wealth with more taxation on the rich. NSP’s government will take a rather proactive role in society.
  • Environment
    • Global warming and climate change are one the greatest threats to humanity. Under NSP rule, the environment will be one of the top concerns of  
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • Women have the right to choose if they want to and when to terminate their pregnancies. Furthermore, the government will give more funding to clinics and facilities which do abortion procedures.
    • LGBTQ
      • All citizens have the right to marry whomever they so choose. To deny this right would be considered a breach of civil rights. As for benefits, same-sex and opposite-sex marriages shall receive equal benefits from the government.
      • Transgender individuals have the right to undergo hormone replacement therapy, and sex change processes. To deny them of this right is a breach of civil rights. Also, transgender and all-gender bathrooms will be encouraged.
      • Refusing an individual service due to their gender identification or sexual orientation will be highly frowned upon and a fee will be enacted on all business who reserve the right to refuse service.
    • Drugs
      • Under NSP rule, marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco shall continue to be legal. Possession of any other type of drug will result in heavy fines, and if one is a user, government-mandated rehabilitation. There will also be research into psychedelic mushrooms and potential legalization.
    • Guns
      • To own a gun, a citizen will have to go through extensive background checks, including a mental illness test, and a two-week government funded course on how to properly use and own a gun. Gun shows and ordering guns online will not be permitted. One must also go through the gun registration process and must own a conceal and carry permit.
    • Healthcare
      • There will continue to be single payer healthcare underneath the NSP government provided to you by a government subsidy.
    • Additional
      • There will be new progressive income taxes affecting those who make more than 500,000 Silvanian coins a year in addition to the current progressive taxes which end at 300,000+ Silvanian coins.  
  • Foreign Policy
    • The NSP shall work tirelessly to ensure peace. It shall not concern itself with war unless threatened or attacked. The foreign policy is basically, the Silvanias government will only intervene in order to assure peace.

Green Party (GP)
  • Kellya “Lia” Supremi
  • Left
  • Government
    • The government will be guiding Silvanias’ citizens in the right direction to make the most ecologically conscious and moral decisions. It is there to only ensure the equality of all, and as a side note, to help the environment.
  • Environment
    • Climate change is the single most dangerous threat to humanity. Environment has always been the Green Party’s top concern, and Silvanias is now known for its very clean air, even within the capital city.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • A woman has the right to choose if she wants to terminate her pregnancy at any time period. She may choose to go to any pre-existing clinics to do so. The government will not increase funding, nor will it decrease funding, as the funding for abortion clinics is already substantial.
    • LGBTQ
      • An LGBTQ citizen of Silvanias is entitled to the same rights as any heterosexual, cisgendered citizen. This includes the right to marry, the right to work, the right to serve in the armed forces, and any other right guaranteed to cisgendered heterosexuals.
      • Transgenders have the right to seek out gender reassignment treatments and may not be denied by any government funded hospitals. Healthcare, assuming it is not single-payer, must also provide coverage for the treatments which these individuals seek. Furthermore, all-gender bathrooms are not a requirement for businesses, but are highly encouraged by the government.
      • LGBTQ citizens may not be denied the right to receive service at any establishment they walk into. Those who refuse service to anyone based on their gender or sexuality may face action in court.
    • Drugs
      • Natural drugs like marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, peyote, and tobacco will be legal for recreational, medicinal, and spiritual use, but drugs like cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin and morphine, and ecstasy shall remain illegal for recreational use. Alcohol will not be considered a drug and shall remain legal.
    • Guns
      • To own a gun, a citizen must make sure there is a safety lock on the gun to prevent possible fatal accidents. They also must go through a psych evaluation and have a background check. Citizens who have been convicted of a violent crime may not own a gun. Citizens who do not pass the psych evaluation may not own a gun. All guns must be registered, and gun shows should not be allowed, but online ordering is okay.
    • Healthcare
      • The current single-payer healthcare system (SNHS) shall continued to be funded by the Green Party government which originally passed it.
    • Additional
      • In order to continue the Green Party’s environmental regulation efforts, there will be new carbon taxes which mostly affect big corporations. This is to encourage a switch from coal and natural gas to solar and hydropower.
  • Foreign Policy
    • The Green Party tries to stay out of international affairs to avoid a war, but if invited to an event, the Prime Minister shall attend and be rather diplomatic.

Democratic Party (DP)
  • Eira Tullea
  • Center-left
  • Government
    • DP’s government would like to set a precedent for future governments to come. It will only get involved in matters which it deems Silvanians cannot think or do for themselves. Its main goal is to make sure that everyone has equal rights under the law.
  • Environment
    • The government will encourage research into more efficient ways to produce the same products, but with less carbon emissions. The Democratic Party supports alternative energy, but it is not above coal and natural gas.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • A woman has the right to choose, but in the third trimester, it is recommended not to terminate. The Democratic Party will neither increase nor decrease government funding to hospitals which support abortions, but it will express its dissenting opinion on third trimester abortions, except in cases where the mother’s life is at risk, which is why most third trimester abortions happen.
    • LGBTQ
      • Any LGBTQ citizen deserves the same rights as anyone else. That is the main standpoint. They deserve the right to marry, the right to work, and the right to serve in the armed forces like anyone else. Anyone who is a citizen gets the same right.
      • Transgender citizens have the right to get the procedures they need. The Democratic Party believes that healthcare has the obligation to provide transgender citizens coverage for said procedures, but it also believes that the hospitals are not obligated to perform the operations, even if covered.
      • The right to refuse service is an important right. The Democratic Party expresses disdain for those who refuse to give service to LGBTQ citizens, but still believes that the business owners have the right to do so.
    • Drugs
      • The Democratic Party is in favor of marijuana legalization. Since it already legal, there is no need to change it back. Like the NSP, it will fund research into the effects and benefits of the legalization of psychedelic mushrooms and peyote, to see if they are something worth legalizing or if they should stay illegal.
    • Guns
      • Standard background checks and a safety lock on the gun is all the gun regulation needed. However, citizens who own guns shall be required to register their guns with the government. Failure to do so under Democratic Party rule may result in seizure of said gun, and a hefty fine.
    • Healthcare
      • The Democratic Party supports government funded healthcare for those who want it and need it most. Private healthcare businesses shall also be able to operate simultaneously.  
    • Additional
      • No additional comments.
  • Foreign Policy
    • Diplomacy is the best policy. Warfare is the last resort for the Democratic Party, but the party has no problems with building up arms, at least in secret. DP shall also be kind to any refugees and immigrants who come to the border. However, under DP rule, the process shall become more extensive.

Libertarian Party (LP)
  • Mark Chang
  • Centrist
  • Government
    • Very small government intervention. The LP promises to scale back big government. Ideally, there would be no government, but there are some laws to be kept.
  • Environment
    • Businesses should be able to make their own regulations in terms of how environmentally friendly. The LP believes that the populous and Silvanias’ renowned scientists will help lead businesses in the right direction, environmentally speaking.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • A woman has the right to choose at any moment, but the government does not need to fund the facilities where she gets an abortion. The government will not fund anything relating to abortions under Libertarian rule, but women have the full liberty to do whatever they want with their bodies.
    • LGBTQ
      • The government should stay out of home affairs, meaning that people should be able to marry whoever they so please. This issue does not concern government, and under Libertarian rule, there will be no government intervention. As such, it will be illegal for courts to not issue marriage licenses because that would be government intervening in the home. But the LP would like to get rid of marriage licenses altogether.
      • Transgenders can be whoever they want to be. It is not up to the government to decide who or what they can and can’t be. That being said, the government will not intervene on anyone who refuses to give transgender citizens treatment. Nor will it intervene on private healthcare companies who don’t cover transgender treatment.
      • As for the right to refuse service, it is a right, so it will not be infringed upon. The government will not intervene on the right to refuse service, nor will the courts. If the business denies service to LGBTQ citizens, it does not deserve their patronage and money. And that is the business’s choice.
    • Drugs
      • All drugs will be legalized. The government shouldn’t have to “save” a person from themselves with these ludicrous laws. A person should have the common sense to stay away from heroin, and if they don’t, early death to them. The Libertarian Party believes that relaxing drug laws will not affect drug usage at all. It will just get a bunch of people out of prison and will open up a lot of new economic opportunities.
    • Guns
      • The government should butt out of gun laws. Every person within Silvanias will have the right to bear arms. The sellers can decide whether or not they want to do background checks on their customers. There shall be no regulation in the arms manufacturing business either, besides restrictions on releasing cruel and unusual weapons - definition to be discussed later.
    • Healthcare
      • The government should also butt out of healthcare. Underneath the Libertarian Party, healthcare will be privatized again. Realizing that some cannot afford healthcare, however, the government shall offer a cheaper, basic plan funded entirely by those who purchase it, and only to those who qualify.
    • Additional
      • Do away with the process of marriage entirely. No marriage licenses at all, no special benefits. If people want to be married, that is their decision. They can have a ceremony. The government doesn’t have to get involved.
      • The idea of separation of church and state will be brought back. There are currently subsidies going to Irlasi, Ostrid, and Akhadic establishments to encourage people to get their spirituality back. The subsidies are unnecessary and need to be scaled back.
      • The freedom of speech is very important. No speech should be censored. “Hate” speech has been censored for far too long. Someone once said, “Your liberty to swing your fist ends at the other man’s nose,” and that is something the LP will uphold.
  • Foreign Policy
    • No foreign policy. Silvanias will only attack when attacked and will reach out when reached out to, but other than that, it will not be looking for alliances under LP rule. Its internal affairs are more important. As for border security, it’s not a main concern for the LP.

Women’s Conservative Party (WCP)
  • Sirina Seklas
  • Center-right
  • Government
    • The WCP plans to create a more conservative government, but not so conservative as to infringe on the liberal majority. The new conservative government will be slightly smaller with less government intervention.
  • Environment
    • The WCP recognizes the importance of the environment. However, it is not a top priority. That being said, it does not believe that climate change is caused by humanity. Therefore, funding into environmental research shall be cut back significantly, and will be returned to the people in the form of a tax break and possible tax returns.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • Under the WCP, it shall be encouraged that the woman see her pregnancy to the finish. The government will not fund any hospitals or clinics which do abortion procedures. However, it will not be illegal for a woman to choose to have an abortion, except after 20 weeks of pregnancy. In cases such as rape, teen pregnancy, and where the mother is harmed, the law shall be waived.  
    • LGBTQ
      • The WCP recognizes the right to marry whomever one so pleases, and will not infringe upon that right. However, it also recognizes a smaller court’s right to deny a couple a marriage license.
      • Transgender citizens do not get any more rights than the average citizen. For the bathroom issue, they must choose the one which they feel most comfortable being in, but the WCP will not fund any installments of all-gender bathrooms nor will it offer incentives to any establishment which has all-gender bathrooms.
    • Drugs
      • Only tobacco and alcohol shall be legal under WCP rule. There has not been enough research into the effects of marijuana to keep it legalized, so the criminalization of marijuana will be put back into effect (except for the medicinal use) following the election of the WCP’s Prime Minister, assuming she wins.
    • Guns
      • There shall only be brief background checks to ensure that no one who has been convicted of a violent crime shall own a gun. Besides that, guns shall be able to be owned by anyone who purchases one.
    • Healthcare
      • Healthcare shall be privatized again. Those who qualify, however, will be offered a cheap, basic version of healthcare provided by the government, and funded by government subsidies.
    • Additional
      • The WCP plans to suggest the idea of a flat income tax instead of the current progressive taxes in place. Regardless of whether or not the flat tax idea floats, the party shall be working to lower the current progressive taxes.
  • Foreign Policy
    • The WCP will make more efforts to form alliances with neighboring countries. Silvanias will stand by those alliances with WCP rule. She will also be defended at any cost.

Men Unite! (MU!)
  • Seth Killasi
  • Right
  • Government
    • The government shall be a patriarchy again, especially with a male leader. Most efforts shall be for the benefit of Man. Man, being men only. Men are the top priority, as they have been discriminated against for too long underneath the matriarchy. The government itself, however, will be much more conservative.
  • Environment
    • The environment is not a top priority. Making sure that Silvanias has a low unemployment rate is more important than the environment. MU! will care more about the environment when the unemployment rate is fixed.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • Abortion should be illegal except in cases where the mother’s life is being threatened. Every life has great potential, but if the fetus is harming the mother, there is no point in losing one life for another. In every other situation, however, that life must be saved. Those who perform illegal abortion procedures will have a hefty fine put on them.
    • LGBTQ
      • MU! won’t get in the way of private affairs. LGBTQ citizens can do whatever they so please that makes them feel better about themselves. Under MU! the government won’t get involved in matters such as marriage, gender reassignment, bathroom usage, etc.
    • Drugs
      • Only tobacco and alcohol shall be legal underneath MU! The party supports the criminalization of marijuana use again, except for medicinal use. MU!, however, will require those who get a medical marijuana card to be registered with the government. The government will not provide protection against employee discrimination for those with a medical marijuana card either.
    • Guns
      • The right to bear arms is very important and shall not be infringed upon. MU! will get rid of all regulations and restrictions involving gun ownership, and gun use.
    • Healthcare
      • Healthcare shall be entirely privatized. There will be no option for government funded healthcare. However, the individual districts may use the money the government gives them to fund a “free” district-wide healthcare plan if they so please.  
    • Additional
      • The oppression of men underneath the matriarchy shall finally be over. MU! plans to fix the loophole in the Equal Pay Act which allows men to be paid slightly less than the average woman.
      • MU! plans to end the “He was aroused, so he wanted it” and the “His scant dress style was asking for it” arguments in court cases. There are also efforts to have more positive outcomes in abuse court cases, where the woman is usually ruled in favor of and the man is called “weak.”
      • Contraceptives for men shall become more affordable underneath MU! Furthermore, MU! will be working to make sure men can easily have access to procedures like vasectomies.
  • Foreign Policy
    • Strong alliances are important to MU!’s leader. He plans to reach out to nearby countries especially, and see if they are interested in alliances. He also plans to increase arms manufacturing. He feels like underneath the current government, Silvanias’ national security is very much at risk, especially with the loose border security.

Right-Wingers (R-W)
  • Maria “Sabbie” Stylo-A-Bille
  • Far right
  • Government
    • R-W will change the government entirely. It is currently far too liberal and requires a lot of change.
  • Environment
    • The environment won’t be a concern at all for the R-W government. The fact is climate change is a myth, and even if it isn’t, it isn’t caused by humans. Underneath R-W, there will be massive deregulation. Jobs should be brought back to Silvanias.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • Abortion must be illegal, except in cases of rape, teen pregnancy, and where the mother’s life is threatened. The government will defund all hospitals and clinics which do in abortion procedures.
    • LGBTQ
      • Silvanias’ courts are not required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples if it conflicts with the court’s moral beliefs. Same-sex couples, however, will not be barred from getting married.
    • Drugs
      • Tobacco and alcohol can remain legal, but marijuana has to go. It has affected too many minds with its legalization, so it will be criminalized again. It shall be criminalized for not only recreational use, but also medicinal use. There has not been enough research, in R-W opinion, to support the medicinal use of marijuana.
    • Guns
      • The R-W will not only get rid of all gun laws, but it will also be funding the SAA (Silvanias Arms Association) to encourage gun ownership amongst Silvanians.
    • Healthcare
      • Healthcare shall be entirely privatized. There will be no version of government healthcare. For disadvantaged citizens, market forces will work well enough to provide them cheaper healthcare.
    • Additional
      • No additional comments
  • Foreign Policy
    • There needs to be more border control. Right now, there is barely any border control. R-W will be looking to increase border security. However, that does not mean isolating Silvanias. The party will uphold any alliances it currently has and will be looking forward to working with other nations in the future.

Fascists Against Commies (FAC)
  • Peter Tamsos
  • Ultra-right
  • Government
    • The government shall be fiercely nationalist, and will control most aspects of society for the greater good of the nation and its people.  
  • Environment
    • “Global warming” and “climate change” are myths and even if the climate is changing, it is certainly not caused by humans. FAC is going industrialize Silvanias again, and will create millions of new jobs this way.
  • Civil Rights
    • Abortion
      • Under no circumstances should abortion be legal. Every single human life, including the fetus is important. The mother should see her pregnancy to the end regardless of the circumstances. Every child has the potential to be a useful asset in the FAC government and therefore, it would be treasonous to kill off that life.
    • LGBTQ
      • All LGBTQ citizens should be subjected to mandatory, government-funded conversion therapy. There is no useful purpose for any LGBTQ citizen in the new FAC society, and therefore, they must be converted. Conversion therapy will also create a more unified populous. Everyone shall finally be equal in the eyes of the gods.
    • Drugs
      • All drugs besides alcohol and tobacco shall be prohibited.
    • Guns
      • Guns shall be allowed to be owned by officers of the law and soldiers. There will be programs, however, which will allow arms to be in the hands of civilians.
    • Healthcare
      • Healthcare shall be privatized again. Horrible government-provided healthcare shall be a thing of the past underneath FAC.
    • Additional
      • Nationalism will be mandatory. Those who do not have pride for their country shall be considered dissenters and have basically committed treason. No longer shall it be legal to burn the Silvanian flag, metaphorically or literally.
      • Irlasi will be the only religion allowed in Silvanias in order to preserve Silvanian culture.
      • Every citizen of Silvanias will have to serve in the Silvanian Armed Forces for at least 3 years underneath the FAC. This is to build up Silvanias’ strength as a nation. She will not have a lack of defense any longer under FAC rule.
  • Foreign Policy
    • Other nations are merely there for the benefit of Silvanias. Nations who do not provide any benefit to Silvanias shall either be ignored or considered an enemy. That being said, the FAC plans to uphold any alliances it has or creates.

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