Poll: Vote for Parties (two votes)
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Nyland Liberalists (NL)
5 21.74%
Progressive Conservative Party (PCP)
3 13.04%
Nylander Popular Alliance (NPA)
2 8.70%
Nyland Greens (Green)
3 13.04%
Ultranationalist Party (UP)
5 21.74%
New Centrist List (NCL)
3 13.04%
National Messanic Party (NMP)
1 4.35%
League of Communists of Nyland (LCN)
1 4.35%
Total 23 vote(s) 100%
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Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580
1580 Nyland Federal Elections
For President and Half the Legislature
15 Vintyr 1580

Quote:This is a thread for the 1580 elections in Nyland. The Presidency is contested, and half the legislature's seats are up for grabs. Actual in-context, rp voting takes place in Vintyr, but I'm starting the thread now because I won't be here for two weeks, and I want to make sure this gets up. I will give notification to when voting opens later.

Party Voting is CLOSED

Presidential Voting is CLOSED

Welcome to the 1580 Elections! We have a very important election this time around, but when are they not: not only are half of the legislature's seats open, the Presidency is up for grabs again! Last election saw the yellow banner of liberalism lowered from the gates of the Assembly and the White House after more than two continuous decades in power, as Tilda Morgen and a Center/Left coalition gained control of the government. Will Morgen's record in office convince the people that she's deserving of a second term? Will the growing voices of reaction and nationalism continue to grow into power, as the country - and the world - grows more polarized?

As always when we have both a presidential and legislative voting year, voting will take place in two phases:

Party Voting will start when Sal and I return from Iceland (about the 14th or 15th), and run until the end of 1580. Everyone will have TWO votes to split between all parties; yes, this is a major change from the normal procedure of three votes, but I'm still juggling things to see what the "best" system is. A list of all registered parties, and links to their information can be found below, and may also be found within the vote itself. If you don't see any parties that fit your ideals, you like, or want to create your own just for the heck of it, then you can come to this thread and set one up! If you're curious about the makeup of the past term's legislature, you can see that at the veeeeeery bottom of this post.

Show ContentPolitical Parties of Nyland:

Current Seats Affected by This Election

Nyland Liberalists : 53 open seats
Progressive Conservative Party : 31 open seats
Florinthian Liberal Union : 6 open seats
Nylander Popular Alliance : 38 open seats
Against All!: 5 open seats
Nyland Greens : 37 open seats
Ultranationalist Party : 39 open seats
New Centrist List : 40 open seats
National Messanic Party : 16 open seats

PRESIDENTIAL voting will happen closer to the end of the year, most likely the beginning/middle of Treizen, to give candidates enough time to be brought forward and seen by the public; if you would like to put forth a candidate, see the form below. Remember, anyone who wins the election will be the President of Nyland, and the person who put forth that person as president will essentially be "in control" of the direction the country will take! You get one vote for presidents, but this vote will be a ranking of your top three or four picks, depending on the number of candidates available. A list of candidates is below, as well.

Show ContentPresidential Candidate Submission Form:

Show ContentPresidential Candidate List:

Let the elections commence! Feel free to make IC posts regarding the elections, from campaigning to news, if you so desire.

1579-1580 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: pLuk8HB.png]

NCL 91 | NL 85 | UP 82 | Green 74 | SDAP 72 | PCP 54 | PAN 31 | NMP 29 | FLIB 12 | AA! 5
Name: Kasper Jansen
Party: NMP

Picture/Description: [Image: Peter-Eggers-Cafe-3.jpg]

Platform: Kasper Jansen has reinvented the NMP from ashes of the NSP. He built a broad church of messianic supporters and repositioned the party as the party of the Messianic Working class. Despite still believing in stricter controls on immigration, he has not focused on this issue making it a side issue for the party. He has instead focused on making messianic ethical economic economic proposals. One of which the basic income was rejected by other parties. He also seeks to expose what he sees as corporate buying of politicians and expose politicians he sees as Corporatist pigs or corporate whores.

His camaign is built on 6 promises:
1:Restore ethical banking:Kasper is to propose the idea of limiting interest. He seeks to stop interest rates over 8% being charged. He has also pledged to repackage student debt into government interest rates.He seeks to introduce new rules banning the rolling over of loans and companies from just adding more and more debt. His campaign on ethical banking includes penalising banks who invest in unethical industries such as tobacco, drugs , arms manufacture and arms trading.

2: Put the Working class first:He plans several policies that would put the working class first. The first thing would be to set a $14 an hour minimum wage to ensure one can live on a full time wage. He also seeks to ban companies from paying CEO's too handsomely. Indeed he proposes a CEO pay cap of 20 times the lowest wage based on a 40 hour week and proposes politicians pay be capped at just 1.5 times the average wage with politicians forced to get the average wage of the country. He proposes radical measures such as trying once again to bring in Universal Basic Income and plans to fund such a plan by increasing the tax on the super rich proposing tax rates in excess of 55% individual income tax. This would mean $604,800 for an average company CEO based on paying minimum wage. If however a company is 50% staffed by seasonal or part time workers this would be based on a 20 Hour work week resulting in a $302,400 cap. This would be reviewed after two years to see if it needed lowering to 10 times the Average wage.His final big proposal is to raise he capital gains tax to 50% for any capital gains over $500,000. He would look to see if minimum wage workers could be put into 0% tax brackets.

3:Fight the corporatist pigs:He accuses all his opponents of being corporate whores and corporatist pigs paid off by the corporations. He refuses to take donations off major companies. He proposes a ban on any politician getting any donations of unions or corporations calling any money from unions and corporations bribes. He says "If someone pays a large sum they expect something in return. We have a word for this , its called bribery and our corporate whore politicians are full of dirty money." He accuses the whole system of being corrupt and calls for a working class revolution against the rich who have "long exploited the working class."

4:Support small businesses:He proposes supporting small Nyland family businesses over big business. He proposes banning big chain stores from opening past 17:30 while allowing small businesses to do so. He also proposes setting up a fund to invest in small businesses and new ideas by Nylanders especially those of a co-operative or social conscious nature. He proposes a new tax system to punish big corporations who "exploit the common man and opress SME's" by introducing a new tax rate system. The new system would be 15% for small businesses , 20% for medium sized businesses and 40% for large corporations with no exemptions.He also proposes double property tax rate for large businesses.

5:Make the Sabbath holy:He proposes banning companies from forcing workers to work on the Sabbath and possibly banning big retail businesses from opening on the Sabbath. He believes that workers need a break to focus on family and he will fight to bring this into law.

6:Neutrality abroad:Kasper proposes Nyland return to a neutral role. He condemns the world policeman role the country has took in his view and he promises unless an organisation or country directly threatens Nyland he would not send troops to die into war. He proposes a military draft for sons and daughters of politicians making politicians sons and daughters the first to be sent into a war as it "would make them think before sending others children into war."
Political/Campaign History: Kasper is a rising star in the party. He joined the party 15 years ago and has rose being the main member of the reform moderate wing socially while believing the party needs to bring in messianic economics. He proposes that the nation needs to look after the working and middle class. He believes the super rich are oppressing the poor and have immorally exploited them for selfish gain and seeks to redress this balance.He hopes to win the presidency by opposing the corporatist warmongering elite.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Name: Tilda Morgen
Party: New Centrist List

Picture/Description:[Image: morgen80.jpg]

Platform: Incumbent President Tilda Morgen hopes to be reelected to continue the reforms introduced during her first term as President of the Nylander Republic.

The reforms passed under President Morgen administration in the last four years are too many to mention, but the Federal Minimum Wage Act and the increasing social spending, along many already being discussed in the Nylander Assembly are just examples of that long list.

President Morgen promises to continue to the current economic policy, focused in economic growth and combining free market policies with more fair and balanced government regulation. She promises to keep increasing social spending, along more investment in research and infraestructures. Morgen administration hopes to increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $12 this year, and it has promised to study an increase to $14 in 1584, if economic growth continues as predicted and the Low Pay Commission gives a favourable report.

While Morgen administration has been focused to reduce economic inequality, it has also worked to decrease the corporate tax for business. She has promised to keep working to help business and companies to grow, by reducing bureucracy for new companies and easier access to credit for entrepeneurs.

Morgen also promises to keep increasing the budget for healthcare and education, and new federal programs for social housing, so youth and working and middle classes have access to affordable housing. By increasing grants and a new federal student loan plan, consisting in offering refinancing options and employer assistance programs, Morgen hopes to solve the problem of rising debt. Her administration may consider to increase funds to those states which are willing to decrease tuition fees for state universities and college, once federal revenue is increased through the new taxation system.

NCL promises to create a Federal Plan of Sustainable Energy, consisting on increasing the research and investment of green energy. The aim of the federal plan is to reduce as much as possible the dependency on fossil energy.

On foreign policy, it is not expected big changes in Morgen administration foreign policy, which combines a pragmatical defense of Nylander interest with a promotion of human rights and liberal democracy abroad. One of the key ideas of Morgen presidency is that international trade both benefit the Nylander economic but helps to strengthen peace and regional stability. Her administration has improve relations with many Brigidnan countries and it is already negotiating trade deals with WBEA, Mordvania, and other countries. Morgen believes tha this only strengthen Nylander interests but they will help economic growth at home, creating thousands of jobs at home during the next decades.

President Morgen has declared that her administration has showed that it is possible to promote democracy and human rights in a pragmatist but efficient way. She argues that the sanctions issued against Svarna Surya and Akitsu has helped to stop the spread of authoritarianism in the continent, and they are not likely to be lifted if they are not further changes inside those countries. Morgen believes that Nyland has the responsability to promote the ideas and values that founded our republic, but she expects that her administration will be more focused on constructive diplomacy in her second term as president.

Political/Campaign History: Morgen, 55, was a leading member of the Green Party, before leaving the party and joining NCL in 1568. He was elected MP that year for the Tynning-Campus constituency, and she has remained a member of the Nyland Assembly from that year until 1576, active in many parliamentary committees, and becoming Speaker of the New Centrist Group in late 1573. She was also First Secretary of the New Centrist List from 1570 to 1573, before being elected as General Secretary of NCL in 1573, replacing Helga Myhre.

She was officially nominated and endorsed as presidential candidate in early 1574 by the Citizens' Assembly of the New Centrist Alliance. In 1576, she was unexpectedly elected President of the Republic, defeating the NL candidate, Andreas Liljeström, by once points.
Name: Frode Henningsen
Party: Ultranationalist Party

Picture/Description: Linked Above

Platform: Frode follows the ideals of Nylander independence in all aspects. Nyland cannot allow itself to become dependent in any manner, whether it is economically, politically, or militarily. If it did so, Nyland’s independence and sovereignty would gradually erode and its hard-fought years of independence would be reversed.

In foreign policy, he believes that Nyland is destined to become a world leader, but must look after its own interests first and foremost. The national security of Nyland depends upon the security of its neighbors and its region. Skathia must be kept free of Brigidnan, or any other type of non-Skathian, interference and meddling, as it would ultimately lead to interference in Nyland’s direct interests. Therefore this policy must be held sacrosanct and regional peace and stability is in Nyland’s interests.

Thus he is also a proponent of the modernization and expansion of the Nylander military as achieving any of the goals stated in his foreign policy would be futile without a proper military force to back those aims.

In domestic policy, the state is the embodiment of the people. It looks after the people’s interests and has their needs in its heart. Without the oversight of the state, the people would be swallowed up by malevolent, greedy forces in society. Regulation of industry is necessary to prevent abuses, and the state’s primary concern in this arena is the protection of the workers. Therefore, the state must regulate businesses in a way that would both protect the livelihoods of the workers while not smothering innovation and entrepreneurship and the ability of industry to provide plentiful jobs.

Taxes are society’s contributions to the state, which in turn spends those taxes for the betterment of society. Henningsen is in favor of a progressive tax model, whereby taxes are lower for poor and working-class citizens; allowing them the financial breathing space they need to improve their lot and rise in prosperity. Tax rates gradually climb as they reach the middle class, and peak at 40% for the upper class. While he admits his tax plan is similar to the one passed by President Harrow, he believes that the rates involved are to low and must be adjusted accordingly.

The rich have benefited from the warm embrace of the society which has allowed them to acquire so much wealth; therefore they have a duty to give back to society through the state. Taxes are to be spent in those areas which are of greatest importance to the betterment of society, especially defense, education, and social security.

Political/Campaign History:  Frode Henningson, 49, is the Chairman of the Ultranationalist Party and a member of the Federal Assembly. He joined the Ultranationalists early in his political career.

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Name: Anders Kohout
Party: Nyland Liberalists

[Image: DLTjLDu.jpg]

Political/Campaign History: Born in Flåleandshem as the son of Nentsian immigrants, Anders Kohout grew up in a working family, continuing and completing his Bachelors in engineering despite taking a job full-time to support his mother after the death of his father. Moving to Gainsborough after graduation, the young Kohout eventually grew tired of "shitty uncontested candidates," running for and earning two terms as mayor of the city before landing a seat in the Federal Assembly following the 1574 elections.

Put Nyland first to make Nyland first
Past administrations have failed our country; proponents of these failed governments will look back on our reduced debt and shiny new tax code as great successes for the nation, but nicely balanced books mean nothing to millions of our poor, both the unemployed and the working struggling to find reasonable work and make a living supporting themselves and their families in our heartland communities.

Past governments, right up to our current madame have failed the people of Nyland; yes, even Karlsson & Harrow. Tell me, what use is a strong, growing economy if millions of people in thousands of communities across our country are left behind to fend for themselves, with no hope of support in a "high-tech" market that disregards them as so many backwards savages that need to "get with the times?" Are we not citizens? Are we not people? Don't we deserve to be treated better than a disposable commodity?

Single parents are holding down three minimum wage jobs just to provide food, clothing, and shelter for their children. Supposedly middle-income families are finding themselves exceedingly squeezed by rising costs of services in our nation, subsisting on ramen and soylent because they make too much for support and too little to know where money for their next meal, their next rent payment, their next medical bill will come from. The Liberalism of the past cannot provide the answers to these problems, locked into the age-old trap of "oh, the markets will decide." Well, the unfettered hand of the markets had their chance, and through exponentially rising medical and drug costs, have proven they cannot handle the tasks of modern governance. It is time for a new Liberalism that can meet the demands of our new world, one that remembers its promise of responsible governance.

Oh, Morgen & her green-coated cronies of the Red Guard will make you think they can fix it all with their social welfare programs, but in reality, no one person can meet these challenges except the Nylander people, through our collective grit, our inventiveness and entrepreneurship. We don't want your handouts. We don't want blanketed in stereotypes and told what is best of us, handed everything we need and told not to worry. We don't want to feel useless and helpless anymore in a country that wants to forget the working poor even exist and grows increasingly dismissive when we have to point out, again and again, that we are still here, we are Nylanders, and we are not doing well. We want to look after ourselves, to feel useful and worth something, not to society but to ourselves and our families. We want to work.

Platform: "Get Nyland Working Again"
Work we shall. Under my administration, I will mandate that all goods and services paid in any part with federal funds, must be 100% sourced, created, offered, managed, and otherwise made in Nyland. We will begin a massive public works project, the largest this country has ever seen, to not only fix but modernize and even futurize our crumbling, failing, outdated infrastructure in this country, creating hundreds of thousands of new stable, good-paying jobs for the next decade and beyond...all new highways, waterways, railways, even our power systems, waterworks and airports, all made with Nylander materials and craftsmanship.

I will actually fulfill the broken campaign promises of past failed governments, and expand and modernize our country's military, quadrupling its size, creating nearly a million new jobs and ensuring that our servicemen and women receive the support they've long been neglected. If we are to lead by example as bastions of freedom and democracy in this world, then our words and actions need weight behind them, and I will make sure our freedoms, our words, our democracy is backed by the very real promise that Nyland can and will pursue every option to defend ourselves and our interests in the world.

I will reform and expand higher education opportunities in our country, starting with grants to the states to expand free vocational education opportunities to communities that sorely lack them and help people gain the technical skills and apprenticeship help they need to enter the workforce. Then, we will introduce grants to the states to make all public, in-state college education free for all walks of life, followed by a forgiveness of all federal student loan debt in good standing, because no modern country can hope to succeed and be the best without a highly educated people supporting it, and we will make this country the greatest its ever been and the greatest the world has ever seen.

All of which can and will be paid for out of our current budget surplus. As a matter of fact, I will reduce taxes on every Nylander, and especially our poorest, by eliminating federal taxation of goods necessary for life such as foodstuffs and personal health and hygene supplies, returning hundreds and thousands of daler a year to each working family. The government should never seek to profit from its poorest citizens as they struggle to acquire the bare necessities of life, and it benefits no one to enact punitive taxes on select groups when our country enjoys the largest revenue stream in its history; it's time to return that money to the people.
Presidential Voting is OPEN
With the election season coming to a head, polls are showing a possibly very large shift in the legislature.

Most surprising, however, is how very neck-and-neck the presidential race has become. With Kohout once the clear first-round front-runner, the race has tightened considerably over the last month; while either Kohout or Morgen are expected to pull off a close win, the margin of error is still close enough that the dark horse Henningsen could pull off an outside win if he can rally enough 11th-hour support from voters.

This really is going to be a close one, certainly the closest in recent memory, if not the history of the country; it's very likely the winner could be decided by electoral technicalities.
Polling has closed. Votes are being tallied.
Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1580, Final Results

Anders Kohout wins election as the new President of Nyland

Presidential results:

Kasper Jansen (NMP)Tilda Morgen (NCL)Frode Henningsen (UP)Anders Kohout (NL)
FIRST ROUND20%30%20%30%

Federal Assembly Results:

1581-1582 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: PjFztrw.png]

UP 104 | NCL 96 | NL 96 | NPA 84 | Green 65 | PCP 51 | NMP 30 | LCN 9

The 265 seats up for grabs this election were split as follows:
NL - 64 (+11)
PCP - 28 (-3)
NPA - 19 (-19)
Green - 28 (-9)
UP - 61 (+22)
NCL - 39 (-7)
NMP - 17 (+1)
LCN - 9 (+9)

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