02-19-2017, 01:34 AM
![[Image: Ang0Mq9t.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/Ang0Mq9t.jpg)
![[Image: AC9RK1l.jpg?1]](http://i.imgur.com/AC9RK1l.jpg?1)
Zemaita - The Kingdom of Nerysia
It was silent in the old streets of Zemaita, as the religious sculptures and figures looked down to the ground, as if they almost didn't dare to look up anymore and look in God's eyes; ashamed of what happened to the Kingdom. In 1560 King Aspar had been overthrown and murdered in a palace coup by his own son, Algirdas, who usurped power by appointing Leodegar Bafuz as prime minister. The constitutional monarchy that had existed for centuries, the Golden Liberty, was gradually reduced to a memory of the past under Algirdas and his ever-growing network of collaborators, spies, agents, and puppets.
Journalists, one after another, disappeared. Others fled. Media corporations were bought by shady ''investment groups'', run by an even more shady banker called Charibert Zafulis. Some major media stations completely disappeared. Others did not change much, other than that they - when necessary - defended the actions of the government. Prime Minister Bafuz and his political party, the Union for the Nerysian People, installed a fiercely nationalist government that claimed to ''restore order'' in the Kingdom, and rapidly introduced a large amount of laws that extended police powers, curbed the powers of the judiciary, and authorized ''anti-terrorist'' measures against ''extremists'', which could include anyone who had dared to protest.
The Senate remained the most powerful counterweight to the new King. Going back almost a thousand years, the Senate consisted of the most powerful aristocratic families in the Kingdom, with far-reaching powers to obstruct the government. Although the Aristocracy was not very powerful anymore, the Senate itself did retain its constitutional powers and its members still belonged to the old aristocratic families. Some of the individual members had been ''bribed'' by Algirdas to join his side. Others he blackmailed into supporting him. Algirdas secretive Order of Navahr had infiltrated the military and police departments, and could easily make people ''disappear''. Especially the families of the Senators were vulnerable to such unfortunate ...disappearances. A few Senators resisted however, and refused to blindly submit themselves to the new King, who was nothing but a despot in their eyes. Algirdas appointed his most trusted accomplice, Prince Ricimer, to chair the Senate and to keep it under control.
Elections for the parliament meanwhile, were easily manipulated by the government with firm control over the media, security services, and even the economy as the Order spread its tentacles everywhere in search for money and power. People who voted for the Liberals risked losing their job, their welfare subsidies, or anything else they might depend on. The election campaigns of the Liberal and Conservative parties were heavily undermined and sabotaged by the bureaucracy and the media, and even their funding was being crippled as the Order destroyed any businessman who donated money to them. In general though, the authorities subtly encouraged the people not to vote at all. Publications were being spread in which ''individualism'' was being equated with selfishness and greed. Parliaments and democracy were being equated with chaos, anarchy, and instability. The foreign media was being discredited as being ''the Father of Lies''. The Media, especially in other countries, were accused of being ''a tool of power'' used by ''irresponsible journalists'' to ''entertain the masses'', while doing it all in the name of the common good and calling their views ''public opinion''. Politicians were denounced as selfish, and vain opportunists - unfit to lead any country. Especially the Parliament and the Senate took most of the attacks. ''Parliamentarism is the triumph of egoism – its highest expression.''
The new regime under King Algirdas was praised. ''Men of Honor'' had taken upon themselves ''the burden of power'', and in their wisdom, steered the Kingdom to its correct future again, not allowing themselves to be distracted by lying journalists, selfish politicians, and protecting the Kingdom from the rotting process that had already taken place in other countries.
In those mute and distant years, a dull gloom filled all hearts. Algirdas had unfurled his owlish wings over Nerysia. There was neither day nor night, only the shadow of giant wings....
An ageing man, dressed in a black three-piece suit, with a maroon-colored waistcoat, black leather gloves, and a wooden walking-stick entered the cathedral in the old town of Zemaita. His footsteps echoed through the massive building, only lit by a few candles. The man's walking stick's handle was a sculpted goat's head made of silver. It was Hilderic Lozoraitis - one of Algirdas' oldest friends and must trusted members of the inner circle. He was one of the founders of the Order, and frequently at the Navahr Castle, where His Majesty spent most of his time.
Hilderic was a man with long, unwashed black hair, and a long beard. He was feared by everyone, widely considered to be in charge of the ''Second Committee'' of the Order, in charge of destroying their enemies. Hilderic Lozoraitis was responsible for hundreds, if not thousands of disappearances over the past decades, and he allegedly venerated death and worshipped Satan.
Hilderic did not have to wait for long before another men entered the cathedral. Dressed in a long black coat, and a big scar on the side of his pale face, he came closer to Hilderic while making sure he wasn't being followed. ''Eraric. Its good that you could make it.'' greeted Hilderic. Eraric Mindaugas, another ''Grand Chaplain'' of the Order, just like Hilderic. He too was a member of the first hour, and trusted by Algirdas. Mindaugas, from the shadows, was in charge of Nerysia's military, as he headed the secretive ''Third Committee''. He spent decades on purging and modernizing the Nerysian military, and ensuring ideological purity among the officer class.
''Hilderic! That I would one day see you inside a church...''
Hilderic smiled menacingly. ''Have you seen Theodemir?'' he asked. ''I am here now.'' responded a sinister figure standing in the darkness near the altar. Theodemir was a skinny figure, with a pale skin and pale blond hair. His light grey eyes lacked any signs of a soul or emotion. Theodemir Wittke was also a member of the Order from the first hour, and in charge of the Ministry of Culture, Information & Education. It controlled the state-media, the censors, the education system, and the sciences. Wittke's agents had destroyed countless of opposition figures and dissidents in the media by spreading fabricated news of pedophilia accusations and other crimes. Nobody liked Wittke. Absolutely nobody - not even King Algirdas. But he was terribly good at his job, and loyal to the hand that fed him.
The three men shook hands together in the middle of the dark cathedral. They had to wait for one more. After a while a man in a black uniform marched into the Cathedral. He wore a black royal court uniform, with silver-coloured epaulettes, a white belt, a silver sabre, and black gloves. His black pants were tucked inside his knee-high leather boots. The man was middle-aged, with a well-kept dark-brown beard and bright green eyes. He was in every way a charming man. Azirkas, was his name, and he was the son of Algirdas, and heir to the throne. On top of that he was a member of the Senate, a General in the Royal Army, and a key member of the Order of Navahr. Azirkas, held the unique title of ''Apprentice''. Above him ranked only the Grand Master, Algirdas himself.
When the other three men noticed Azirkas, they bowed for him as deep as their old bodies could. ''We are so glad that you have arrived, my Lord.'' whispered Theodemir Wittke. ''You are so vastly different from your father.'' said Mindaugas. Azirkas smiled. ''I know. That's why I am glad that you are willing to help me.''
Then the four men busily started to whisper against each other in the dark cathedral. A change was at hand. Algirdas was an old king himself now, well into his 70's. Dissatisfaction had grown over the years, both within the society, but also within his own inner circles. But the king was blinded to such things. And like his father, Aspar, he now had a son who was impatiently waiting to claim the throne.