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A Meeting of Monarchs
In the year 1583, a small private jet with the the seal of the Royal Family of Lomarre landed in the capital city of Adwest. A swarthy 40 year old man with a formal cap and military suit exited followed by two men clad in black suits and sunglasses. After walking off the runway, where he shook the hands of a few Adwestens he didn't know but where clearly important, he began to exit to the terminal of the airport.

The King of Lomarre decided to personally head on a long and brutally boring flight to Adwest. The the only thing keeping his mind off his homeland being the food and the sleep while in flight. King Frederico or Frederick to an Adwesten, had followed the advice of his late brother, King Giovanni IV, to peruse relations out east. Although he had already accomplished this with the Kingdom of Goldecia, it would only be for however long his marriage to the queen lasted. If he wanted a lasting relationship, no other way would do than to sign on paper.

His Royal Majesty had been told that he would meet the Queen out of the public eye and was told nothing else. His guide, who was an underling of the queen, had been told to keep information need to know. The Kings reply had a humorous tone to it, "I didn't think it would be in a public café so that is good," He paused and continued. "Lead on, just give me the scenic route if at all possible."

A few of the King's entourage had joined him not far behind. This included the ambassador to Adwest and her husband, Gianna and Ugo Baldelli. Also accompanying were a few foreign advisors and treaty writers. Lady Baldelli was fluent in the local language and was able to act as the translator for the meeting if so required.

Meanwhile, King Frederico's family remained at home, where his wife would be regent in the meantime and his heir Vittorio-Emanuele was off in private school. As much as he had hoped to bring his son along to his first foreign trip, it would have to be to a less...controversial nation.
[Image: palacio-belvedere-de-viena.jpg]

Balfonheim, Adwest

It was nearly three in the afternoon this particular Tolven day, and the arrival of King Frederick at Gregory III International Airport was greeted by a full honor guard from the Royal Adwestene Constabulary and her drum and fife corps. He was met by the Count of Laxenhive and Lord Protector of Adwest, Neil Gore-Culross, who would, for the most part, serve as the Lomarren monarch's tour guide until his meeting with his counterpart in this country.

There was no better man to do the job nevertheless; Neil had been appointed by Sophia as Lord Protector of Adwest a little over two weeks ago. He was the third nobleman to hold such a prestigious title within the realm, and had tremendous shoes to fill. Much of this included continuing imperial restoration after the demise of Garithos Ashford, and it was instrumental to seek foreign support for this.

Neil Gore-Culross did not waste time. Talks between Adwestene and Lomarren leaders at increasingly higher levels have been in place since at least the previous decade, and the new right hand of Sophia made it his priority to finalize these. His efforts paid off of course, with the sovereign of Lomarre himself already within the soil of the fatherland and eager to come to an agreement of mutual interests.

When the chatter died down and the rest of the formalities came to an end, the Lord Protector led the Lomarrens to their waiting diplomatic vehicles.

King Frederick of Lomarre got just what he desired as his entourage of vehicles began what would be his final trip for the rest of the day - a scenic stroll through the heart of Adwest. A drive of not more than twenty minutes from the airport all the way to Balfonheim provided more than enough sights the Lomarrens could feast their eyes upon, especially during their arrival in the Inner City.

For many major urban centers throughout much of the world, the most prominent features were skyscrapers of different varieties which represented affluence and power. In this corner of Kvaenna however, national identity was a more important factor when it came to laying down the groundwork for the capital.

Balfonheim, a city as old as time itself, was unique in that regard. At the very core of it all was a mountain, where the seat of the Adwesene royal family was grafted into. Extending outwards from it was a tiny portion of private woodlands and then further was Old Balfonheim or what was commonly called the Inner City.

The Inner City was as mysterious to many as it was famous; it was a district that took up 1/3 of Balfonheim's total area and served as the hub of Adwest's traditional powerbrokers, separated from those who did not possess the blood of nobility and churchmen regardless of wealth. Despite such an accurate depiction, what the Inner City actually looked like was unknown to much of the world. Photography of anything by non-Adwestenes was strictly forbidden, and even tourists were not allowed inside. To be invited to the Inner City was the highest diplomatic privilege afforded to foreign leaders and diplomats, and was a sign of recognition by the Adwestene monarch and High Nobility of a guest's stature.

The King of Lomarre and his delegation were driven at a leisurely pace as soon as they passed the highly guarded walls which separated the Inner City from the Outer City. Down the southern half of the two kilometer Kailbruy Boulevard - which bisected the Inner City - they drove, passing, among others, residential spaces housing grand palaces and structures. The epitome of Adwestene architecture and conservatism could be found nowhere else, evidenced by the ancient structures which lined the streets of Old Balfonheim.

At the edge of the horizon and from inside their vehicles, the Lomarrens could catch sight of Stormwind Mountain and the residence of the royal family itself, although today's arrangement would not exactly take them there. Whoever was allowed into the personal spaces of the House Durnador was a matter firmly under the sole discretion of the sitting monarch. High-ranking officials were selectively chosen, and especially foreigners, irrelevant of their rank.

This was nevertheless a non-issue for the Adwesene Foreign Ministry, which arranged the technical aspects of visits like these. The Inner City was replete with many empty but well-kept venues for any and all kinds of events. In the place of hotels and the like, the Foreign Ministry could easily use any of the many palaces and castles dotting the district as they were usually not the main place of residence for the Lords who owned them. Setting up and tidying these places was also not a problem, as the Lords who owned them always kept their staff all throughout the year to maintain these second homes.

Usually, these grand residences were only used whenever a noble from outside Balfonheim obtained an important promotion in the national government demanded their twenty-four hour presence in the capital. Or when their children were sent to study in the capital. In extreme cases of national emergency, many nobles would also hole up in the Inner City away from their domains, under the protection of the Grand Army.

This month was not a time for any of those three scenarios, and so many of the palaces of the Adwestene aristocracy found themselves without much residence but kept well in their pristine and stately conditions.

The meeting today of King Frederick of Lomarre and Queen Sophia would take place in the Balfonheim residence of the House Eriengord, the Counts of Trabrus in western Adwest. The Lord Eriengord VI - a stalwart ally of the Queen - did not have much business in the capital, and had already lent his residence numerous times for official state functions. It was by far the favorite of the Foreign Ministry to rent, although this probably owed itself more to the fact that Minister Callaghan especially liked its design, among other reasons.

The convoy of vehicles carrying the Lomarrens stopped in front of the marble staircase, where Queen Sophia awaited them at the top. Behind her were handpicked members of her court, most of which were in full evening dress. In a few seconds, the meeting of real monarchs would commence.
|| Democratic Republic of Mayari ||

There is no solution to the peasant problem but to wage armed struggle, conduct agrarian
revolution and build revolutionary base areas

As the convoy parked, and his limousine came to a halt, the King looked at his watch and soon after looked through the tinted windows of his limo, "Right on time."

As the driver opened the back door and Frederico exited the vehicle, the King fixed his tie. His attire was that of a formal military uniform; a royal blue suit and tie with a couple of medals. Also a white sash to show his sign of royalty according to Lomarre's military tradition.

He placed his hat on his head and motioned towards the ambassador who was holding a small wooden box. Frederico took a hold of the box and slowly made his way to the stairs, giving quick looks at the architecture and surroundings.

As the King and his party were halfway up the stairs she softly whispered, "I think it would be apt to try and charm the Queen, Your Royal Majesty."

The King grinned softly and turned his head slightly, "I believe I left my charm at home, but I will try nonetheless, Ambassador. I think this will go well."

Ambassador Baldelli gripped her husbands hand and looked to the King, "I'm still not certain that Adwest is open to the idea. They seem to enjoy remaining reclusive to outsiders."

Frederico faces forward and remained silent as he climbed the final step. The King scanned the welcoming party standing in front of him and smiled to greet them. A strong and heavy voice matched the strong accent of his homeland.

"Bonjourno, it is the greatest of pleasures to meet you all. An honor especially to meet you Queen Sophia."

The King opened the gift. Inside the small box was a rolled up treaty and two diamond crested necklaces built by handcrafted and sought after Lomarren jewelers; both items would lay upon soft royal blue velvet.

As Ambassador Baldelli, her husband and other dignitaries greet the Queen's cabinet, the King reached down to Sophia's hand and kisses it as a sign of greetings. "You will not regret the gifts. I will admit one of them benefits us both. If you have a place that is more quiet and secluded we could go right to negotiations; however I am the guest, and I will do as the host asks."

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