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12-08-2016, 06:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2017, 11:24 PM by RC159570.)
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01-02-2017, 04:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 06:32 PM by RC159570.)
BREAKING: Emperor Quintilus Valerii I has passed away
07:00, 10 Zechyr 1581 CE
Telos, Drahen - The Imperial News Network station in Telos just received this message from the press secretary to the crown prince:
The Crown Prince, with the greatest sadness, has asked for the following announcement to be made immediately.
His beloved father, Emperor Quintilus Valerii I, died peacefully in his sleep this morning, at the Imperial Palace, Telos.
UPDATE 09:30- The Imperial Palace has released the following document to all news sources. It has been reproduced below:
Quote:![[Image: 2gsmhyr.png]](
Official Press Release
Drahen Imperial Family
The Emperor Quintilus Valerii I, died peacefully in his sleep today with the Crown Prince at his bedside.
He passed away at 05:27 Central Drahen Time, at the Imperial Palace in Telos. The Emperor had become increasing frail in recent weeks following a bad cough and chest infection. His condition deteriorated this morning and his doctors were called. The Drah Imperial Family asks the media and public to provide the family with time to mourn the death of the Emperor.
UPDATE 10:00- The Office of the Protasekretis, Gallus Statius, has decreed a 7-day national period of mouring for the recently deceased Emperor, and told reporters during the daily press conference, "Emperor Valerii I was a bastion of the Imperial Republic and his death has rocked the nation. He has lead the Empire on a straight course during his entire long rein and his wisdom and statemenship will be sorely missed."
UPDATE 11:00- The Mestran Royal Family has issued a public announcment mourning the passing of Emperor Valerii I, and has ordered flags across the Mestran Imperium to be flown at half staff. The Drah Imperial Family is a cadet branch of the Mestran Imperial Family, and both families have had very close ties to each other.
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01-04-2017, 01:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 06:33 PM by RC159570.)
Lying-in-State for Emperor Valerii I to begin tomorrow
10:00, 12 Zechyr 1581 CE
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Drahsia Hall in the Imperial Catherdial, where the Emperor will lie-in-state
Telos, Drahen - The Empire will lie in state in Drahsia Hall in the the Imperial Cathedral, where large crowds are expected to file past the coffin. The vigil procedes his last journey from the Imperial Cathedral, after the ceremonial funeral service to be interred in Saint Ammonios Chapel in the Telos Imperial Palace, traditional resting place of the Imperial household.
Members of the Imperial household will pay their own private tributes in the chapel. The lying-in-state will be followed by a ceremonial funeral service in the Imperial Cathedral, conducted by the Arch-Bishop of Telos.
The Council of State is expected to meet tomorrow morning to finalize details of the funeral service. Major planning is already in place but the timetable of events has yet to be announced.
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01-05-2017, 01:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 06:33 PM by RC159570.)
Emperor Valerii I is laid to rest
17:00, 20 Zechyr 1581 CE
![[Image: article-1349871-0CE16B72000005DC-488_634x434.jpg]](
The Emperor's coffin is carried out of the Imperial Cathedrial
Telos, Drahen - The Emperor's coffin has been laid to rest in the Telos Imperial Palace. Senior members of the Imperial family said their final farewels in a private service at Saint Ammonios Chapel.
It followed a day of national mourning during which almost two million people turned out to pay their respects along the funeral route and many more observed two minutes' silence in the Emperor's honor.
The Arch-Bishop of Telos paid tribute to his gifts of "strength, dignity and laughter" at the funeral service in the Imperial Cathedral in Telos.
The Arch-Bishop told the congregation, and the many thousands listening to broadcasts across the world, that the Emperor was like the sun "bathing us in his warm glow".
"We come here to mourn but also to give thanks, to celebrate the person and his life - both filled with such a rich sense of fun and joy and the music of laughter," he said.
The Emperor's coffin was taken from the Imperial Cathedral to the Imperial Palace accompanied by pipers, bourne on the traditional gun carriage that has been used to transport other Imperial family members.
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01-07-2017, 04:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 06:35 PM by RC159570.)
Crown Prince Valerii Quintilus II proclaimed Avtokrator of Drahen
17:00, 10 Septem 1581 CE
![[Image: king-spain--7_2947574k.jpg]](
The Avtokrator in the Imperial Senate during the swearing-in-ceremony
Telos, Drahen - Crown Prince Valerii Quintilus II, has become Drahen's new Emperor, succeeding his much-revered late father Emperor Valerii Quintilus I. He accepted the throne in a televised ceremony following the offical invitation from parliament, formalizing his ascension.
Emperor Quintilius I, one of the Siora's longest-reign monarch's, died on 10 Zechyr, following a chest infection. The late-Emperor was widely seen as a pillar of stability during his reign, though he has been criticized for his open support of the Green party, which has been described by several opposition parties as having nationalist and populist tendencies.
The crown prince had been expected to become the next Emperor the day after his father's death, but Protasekretis Gallus Statius at the time said that he had asked to delay the official proclamation so he could mourn. Instead, the crown prince was coronated in a special ceremony one month after the death of the late Emperor, in the Imperial Senate building.
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01-07-2017, 10:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 06:35 PM by RC159570.)
Emperor Quintilus II makes state vist to Mestran Imperium
11:00, 30 Ochtyr 1581 CE
![[Image: 2941C58000000578-3106197-image-a-24_1433180760929.jpg]](
The Avtokrator departing from Telos International Airport on a DAF transport aircraft
Telos, Drahen - Emperor Quintilus II departed today on a 14-day state visit to the Mestran Imperium, his first state visit since ascending the throne 50 days prior. The Emperor is planned to receive the Mestran title of Arch-Duke of Drahsia, as has occurred with all Emperor's since the restoration of the Drah Imperial family as a cadet branch of the Mestran Imperial family over 300 years ago. In addition, the Emperor is expected to make several state visits throughout the Mestran Imperium, and several talks between Drahen and Mestra are planned.
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01-23-2017, 12:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-25-2017, 08:41 PM by RC159570.)
Emperor Valerii II Announces Science Initative
07:42 AM UST, 5 Tolven 1581 CE
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Isle Spei
Isle Spei, Isle Spei- At a press conference during a visit to Isle Spei Emperor Valerii II announced the continuation and expansion of the Drahen 1600 program, which had been started in 1570 by his father Emperor Valerii I. The Drahen 1600 program was created as a effort between the Emperor and the Office of the Protasekretis as a government-wide initiative to prepare Drahen for the 16th century. The development had a specific focus on economic, military and infrastructure development, with the with an estimated spending of over one trillion imperial credits over the last ten years, meaning the Drahen 1600 program is by far the single most expensive government initiative since the founding of Drahen. The Emperor pointed to the economic development brought on by increased spending by the government, stating that the program had created over 1 million jobs since it's incption. Emperor Valerii II stated that adding a scientific portion of the Drahen 1600 program is necessary stating, "the scientific prowess of Drahen is just as important as any other facet of the Drahen 1600 program." The new scientific initiative includes additional Drahen funding for the joint Drah-Mestran initiative on Isle Spei, in addition to increased funding for the Drahen space program, civilian nuclear programs, and increased scientific grant funding. Though the increase in funding has been welcomed by the Drahen scientific community, critics of the Drahen 1600 have denounced the program and the new initiative as being "cost-inefficient" and stating that it will increase the national debt significantly with some estimates estimating that the Drahen 1600 will nearly double the national debt over the next 20 years.
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DSA announces development of manned space program
15:00, 14 Treizen 1581 CE
![[Image: pslv-lead1.jpg]](
Recent launch of the R-6
Imperial Drah Space Center, Drahen- The Imperial Drah Space Agency (IDSA) announced the development of a manned space program, called Project Astra, as part of the Drahen 1600 development program. Project Astra consists of three major systems, the development of the R-7B man-rated launch vehicle, an orbital vehicle with a 14 day mission time, and a Drah astronaut training program. The IDSA expects the program to cost some $5 billion in R&D, but during the news conference the Director of the IDSA stated, "The price is high, but our calling is higher. The IDSA has been hugely beneficial to Drahen and the research and development that goes into Project Astra will be of benefit to all Drah citizens."