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Marzanna History
Hahk has reminded us that we ought to sort out the new history of Marzanna, considering the old one was built off of the old map. a link to the Google Doc where we started (but never got very far) is below. It contains some interesting notes regarding the formation of modern nations by Nents, basically that we should avoid the "proto-Kubanizans became tribal Kubanizans, then tribal Kubanizans formed a kingdom, then the kingdom formed an empire, then modern Kubaniza is formed" cliche.

So far, all we have are the proto-Vostics migrating from the Far East to Marzanna across those big ass mountains (which I forgot the name of), forming the "Lower Vostics" of Severyane & Co. and the "Upper Vostics" of Duran (inventing these terms literally just this moment). Then some guy from Galasia named Alexios comes along and writes The Alexian Chroncicles, which give us an IC historical look at ancient Marzanna. Alexios also gives us our alphabet.

So, as I helpfully added after this:

First empires appear?

Nomadic invaders?

Interactions with Mahkal Empire?

Interactions with Galasia?

Rise of the Kubanizans to world domination? Total Kubanization of the Galaxy

What's next? I believe we were considering the idea of nomadic invaders, possibly causing an external pressure which led to the first fully-formed and fully-functional states. This external pressure could also have been applied by the Mahkal Empire, or a combination of both.

A further note: we want to make sure that we keep our historical development reasonably in line with the rest of the world (unlike last time, where we were totally out of alignment). There are some reference dates at the top of the Doc.

Google Doc:
I like the idea of external pressure, and marzanna forming a union to fight against them.
I don't think a "union" is probable, except perhaps some sort of empire at some point. I meant that the external pressure would force the otherwise decentralized Vostic tribes and kingdoms to centralize and form more robust state structures.
I'm pretty sure we've already retconned what used to be Eesti's nation since he vanished, but that still leaves several Ukrekian nations:

- Karjelinn
- East Kaljurand
- West Kaljurand
- Harmajaa
- Sappa

Karjelinn, Harmajaa and Sappa (henceforth referred to by me as the Ukrekian Shield because it's less of a mouthful) should be fairly easy since they all share Saamo culture (IRL Saami/Sapmi/Lappish) and all are located in that little cluster.

I imagine the Kaljurands are fairly removed from the events of the others due to geographical displacement if nothing else, so I guess there we need to figure out what caused that schism.

I had created a few pages regarding the Saamojedi peoples and language but I don't know what the current state of the Wiki is. The infobox was definitely broken last time I checked. But I do still have some basics written down on the Old Old Forum that I could bring over.
Therefore I propose that the lands of the former Valiszfoldek be absorbed into the greater Kubanizan Federation, as is only right.
I think that we ought to use the Mahkal Empire as the external pressure. They lost the Azrean peninsula to the Lanlanians in the mid-200's BCE, they could have tried to regain some lost glory through conquest in the north. Perhaps they conquered some of Marzanna, or tried to, and this led to the first centralized kingdoms.
The Mahkal are reasonably strong up (though certainly declining) until the Sentric and Angirisians beat them into submission in 340. They could've well had a presence in Marzanna after 200 BCE, that helped them win the wars they did in the south.

Also, Jam, I vaguely remember mentioning a horde-like group visiting Geinland from your area in the mid-400s. Is that around the time you're looking for a nomadic horde to ravage you?
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Is that 400s CE or BCE? In either case, it's not what I was really looking for, no.

E: However, that is good to note for when we get to that part of the history.
I've written a few things on the doc that I'll summarize here. We don't have to keep them if we don't want to.

The Mahkal Empire, after losing Azreae to the Lanlanians, decides to make up for the loss by invading Marzanna. They push into Saratov and Kubaniza, subjugating some Vostic tribes and forcing others to pay tribute. Soon after this, some tribes form the Kingdom of Ory.

Around 90 BCE, the Mahkal Empire incurs large territorial losses to the Sentrite and Galasian Empires in the south, causing weakness that allows many subject Vostic tribes to revolt. One of these tribes, the Kobnians, become preeminent in the former Mahkal territories in Marzanna, and eventually come to dominate most of Marzanna after defeating Ory. These nomadic warriors also raid the Mahkal Empire.

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