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Nonsense The Soyabarian commonwealth
The Soyabarian commonwealth
The treaty between memberstates

This treaty is binding to all member nations. And shall be upheld by all signatory nations

1.All primary nations signed accept the soyabarian emperor/empres as either their direct head of state, has sworn fealty to the Soyabarian emperor/empress, part of the empire of Soyabar or are secondary nations.
2. Secondary nations are defined as nations who do not accept the emperor/empress of Soyabar as the highest govermental body but more restriction applies ad they are coperants
3. Both primary and Secondary nations will allow free trade between members of the commonwealth Visa free travel also applies within the commonwealth
4. All primary and secondary will support eachother in defensive war
5. thee sciences have to flourish
the soyabarian empire signs this as a primary nations
New zealmark joins as a primary nation
The anthem of the commonwealth

Unbreakable Union of freeborn Nations
Great Soyabar has welded forever to stand!
Created in struggle by will of the Peoples,
United and Mighty our Soyabarian Land!

Sing to our Motherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Brotherhood Strong!
Flag of the commonwealth, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!

Through tempests the shadows of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where the great emperor did lead,
Be true to the people, thus emperor has reared us,
Inspired us to labor and Valorus Deed.

Sing to our Motherland, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Happiness Strong!
Flag of the Commonwealth, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!

Our army grew up in the heat of grim battle,
Barbarian invaders we'll swiftly strike down.
In combat the fate of the future we'll settle,
Our commonwealth we'll lead to eternal renown!

Sing to our commonwealth, Free and Undying,
Bulwark of Peoples in Bravery Strong!
Flag of the Soyabarian commonweatlh, Flag of the people,
From Victory to Victory lead us on!
Further defining secondary nations
  • like previously said Secondary nations are defined as nations who do not accept the emperor/empress of Soyabar as the highest govermental body but more restriction applies and they are coperants
  • Secondary nations get only half of the seats in the commonwealth parlemaint that a primary nation would get. This is to ensure that the nations that have more commitment to the commonwealth have more power than those who do less
  • Secondary nations will be full trade partners of the commonwealth and don't need visa's to travel inside of the commonwealth, tough people coming in from a secondary nation will need to show their passport upon entry.
  • Taxation is also half of the primary nation.
  • Free movement of goods with the commonwealth tough the sending costs are still higher than the primary nations.
Treaty on primary and secondary nations are run
  • Both primary and secondary nations have their own respective goverment
  • Primary participants decide for themselve if the position of the soyabarian emperor is merely ceremonial or has a seat in goverment and influence
  • New zealmark by commonwealth law only accepts the Soyabarian emperor as ceremonial head of State
  • The commonwealth has its own goverment elected by the people of the commonwealth tied to national elections.
  • The national elections are syncornized and are every 6 years
  • As long as the commonwealth only consists of New Zealmark and Soyabar the commonwealth goverment will be devided 50-50
  • If the previous clause is no longer correct, a percentage will go to each member country based on population
  • The soyabarian emperor will always be the head of the commonwealth
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

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