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[b]Wednesday 17th Nueva 1573
[size=large]New law proposed in reaction to Akhadist extremism and extremism world wide[/size][/b]
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Satursday 7 Vintyr 1583 CE
Blair to crack down on Shunning and help immigrants affected by religious extremism following acid attack on son!

Today Blair Gobnet McLucais in a shock announcement following the prosecution of her brother Raghnall Gobnet McLucais for the acid attack on her son Aodhán Gobnet McLucais has announced a 180 degree u-turn on policies on extremism in regards to the native faith Breizhigism and its more orthodox branches. The Orthodox Union has promoted shunning in some temples in Strathae while Ultra-Orthodox Breizhighism has shunning as an official policy of the faith. The move comes after her shock conversion to Reformed Breizhighism and reunion with her son following her sons acid attack.

The reforms will now mean that Breizhighist faiths favouring shunning will now be subject to the same listing as Akhadist extremist faiths and controversial faiths like Sentrecism and Daenism possibly facing listing. This means Breizhighist faiths could face the same penalties in losing government funding and tax breaks if they get involved in shunning. The reformed act would also obligate the government to support organisations opposing shunning and helping victims of shunning as well as helping organisations with the goals of moderating extremist policies in their respective faiths on issues now including shunning.The tax implications of organisations pursuing extremist policies shall now be tied to the corporate tax rate in Strathae.The act shall also include an obligation for local and clan governments to fund services and shelters for victims of shunning. Blair Gobnet McLucais has today said in a statement "I was wrong for my support of shunning. The acid attack on my beautiful son has taught me much when it comes to tolerance and my own hypocrisy. My beautiful son was a brave amazing man while I was a immature child who was evil to my son. I don't even deserve to be called a mother and I'm sorry for all I've done. I will not be supporting any faith that supports shunning or allows it.I am calling on all parties to support the revised act that goes further in helping victims both here and abroad of religious extremism and helps us face all the issues. I call on all parties including my own to work for a more united tolerant society." She has promised to visit the Reido shine, Kevan Fionnán Neil and do a tour of moderate religious establishments and reformist groups aiming to make religions more tolerant. She today unveiled what the reformed act would look like:
Protection Against Religious Extremism Act(PARE))
Section 1
1.1:Countries with homophobic or highly sexist cultural values shall be listed for immigration purposes such as criminalisation of homosexuality or forced veil laws.
1.2: Immigration from listed countries will henceforth onwards face extra background checking and tests processes.
1.3: Flights will henceforth be banned to and from listed countries with extremism problems or homophobic and sexist cultures or laws.
1.4: All citizens on visas in the country are subject to conditions placed on new visas
1.5: Religious garments or symbols may be banned by the administrators in all public places or publicly funded places and subject to a fine if such bans are broken or may be allowed to eject the individual on such grounds.
1.6 :Upon any security services or police request any person must unveil to allow for I.D though one can request an officer of the same sex to check I.D.
1.7 Strathae shall be required to accept asylum requests of all LGBT people fleeing religious extremism in any country including LGBT fleeing homophobic laws including from listed countries
1.8 Strathae shall grant asylum to moderate reformers promoting Strathaen values of acceptance of LGBT , womens rights and equality within their religion regardless of where they are from.
Section 2
2.1: All religious buildings and organisations are to be monitored for extremism including shunning.
2.2:Any religious organisation promoting such extremist positions and statements shall be banned from operating,or banned from receiving any state funding,holding organised community events and having tax exempt status.
2.3 The government shall be required to fund programmes focused on reforming extremists, tackling religious extremism, opposing shunning, helping victims of shunning and promoting LGBT and womens Rights in religions. An Anti-Religious Extremism Fund shall be funded by a tax equivalent to corporation tax on all donations to listed religious groups and shall be put towards community engagement, programmes to protect LGBT people and women from Religious extremists and to promote Strathaen values and a Strathaen Identity. A Community Engagement officer shall be present in every town or political subdivision.
2.4 Every clan and local government shall be required to fund or provide shelters for the shunned.

Section 3
3.1: Security services shall set up a extremist preachers and religious leaders list of people who have said extremist statements including on shunning.
3.2Any speakers or religious leaders on the list shall be banned from preaching in religious buildings or leading any religious building,event or holding down a public sector, security or education job.
3.3:Any person known to attend religious places where extremism is known to be preached may be monitored by security services
3.4: Any person found guilty of hate crimes shall be stripped of citizenship automatically and fined upon third conviction if born abroad. The first 2 offences shall result in fines. The fines shall be set by the government every year.
3.5 Extremist statements or positions shall include sexist,homophobic or transphobic words or positions including in relation to gay marriage or women's rights.
3.6 The Religious Extremism Police of Strathae(REPOS) shall be set up to monitor Religious extremism ,investigate at random or upon tip-offs about religious building, organisations or preachers and administer the List of Religious Extremists

The CPP and CSP temporary leadership have today pledgded to support the moderated act and the increased protections for shunning victims. However it is expected the bill will have a hard time possibly only narrowly passing and more right wing members of the PoT rebel. Blair has called for a moderation of her own party and pledged to support candidates that have moderate stances running for clan seats in the next elections. CnT have reported at least 41 more PoT CAM's are considering leaving to join their party potentially causing PoT to lose a majority. When asked whether the changes are worth this price Blair Gobnet McLucais said "We will find a way. If the price of this improved act is losing a majority then its worth it, I cannot let what happened to my son happen to others."
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Friday 13 Alvan 1584 CE
Crisis as 43 defect to CNP

Today a crisis has happened in Strathae as the PoT government lost its majority and right to govern due too 43 CAM's moving from PoT to the highly nationalist and traditionalist CNP over the PoT's more liberal stance on extremism and Shunning.Unless it can form a coalition within 2 weeks. If a coalition is not possible within two weeks a new election for Clan Assembly will be scheduled for later this year. There are questions over whether the CPP will back a newly moderated Blair Gobnet McLucais government or would rather have a new election which would risk further rises in the number of seats for the the right wing , anti-immigration and strongly anti-akhadist CNP. The departure of 43 CAM's leaves the balance of power in the Clan Assembly as follows:

The CAM exodus has been threatened since the vote on the revised PARE that among other things including Shunning in the category of extremism, loosened restrictions on immigration and flights from countries where extremism exists to additional checks while including any country with a homophobic or sexist set of laws or majority culture broadening the countries affected by restrictions. The revised act also forced all councils to aid victims of shunning. The CNP and alot ultra-orthodox CAM's of the PoT have condemned the new act as an "attack on Strathaen traditions".The act was voted against 99 to 19 in thew PoT despite passing 119 to 102 overall due to other parties supporting the revisions.Some political experts have predicted that the CPP will support a PoT government if certain CPP priorities are met including pledges on public services and support for co-operative culture.The cabinet has had 7 people switch to CNP with these likely to be replaced by other parties if a coalition deal is reached including the deputy High Chief.
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