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The great reclamation
President Thongerlo looked out the window of his work office in the Federaal house, his presidential palace where he works from, the months of hard work paid off. The parliament has passed his leglislature making it possible to unite the splintered lands of greater Sternland whatever it takes.
The leaders from all the other states arrived in the capitol in a timely fashion, by motorcade from either their respective countries or from the military airbase where their flights had landed in the past couple of hours.

Hotels rooms were occupied, days past finally the Sternlander leaders convened in the large parliamentary building to discuss. The subject at hand, reunification of the greater sternland. The former legendary empire founded by Stylo the great first of his name, emperor of sterns protector of (A18) where the sterns were chased away from in ages past.

President Thongerlo stepped up to the speaking platform sweating, knees weak. He started speeching our lands have become a bowl of spaghetti. Not the good kind of our mothers and our grandmothers. We have been divided we’ve face economic crisis after crisis. We the federation of Sternland have a proposal for you, all men from greater Sternland we must unite or face extinction.

The entire room went into uproar some cheering others booing, some in protest others proclaiming their loyalty. The speaker of the house slammed his wooden hammer on his wooden anvil and yelled ooordah ooordah in his microphone the room silenced over a couple of moments.
The president continued his speech we will not have a big debate, we do not have any time to spare you all know the necessesity of this action, on the other side of the mountains lies a threat to all of our fates. It will eat us all if we do not all act and unite under a single banner. Even yee of little faith will be swallowed whole!

Discussion once again erupted with the same routine happening once again. There was no unanimous agreement it seemed.
You all know that this will happen said the president. Under our leadership we WILL be able to puch back against our northeastern threat and crush them.

Some fell silent in thinking others yelled out never will we submit to the Federation of Sternland!
We will now go to the vote, years of diplomatic talks have prepared us for this very moment. Said president Thongerloo. The votes casts are counted and weighted automatically in terms of population

Everyone their voting machines turned on. Lights on the voting counter lit up with orange lights. Slowly everyone casted their votes. The votes where officially in the speaker announced them as follows.

The representatives, with legal power to decide on this matter of northern sternland started to protest, they stood up. And proclaimed if it is war, you want you will get a war! We will not stand for unification we will remain our own sovereign state!

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