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Tuscarawan Hierarchy campaign, 1579-1580
Hierarch Electoral Campaign - Debate

The first and only Hierarchical electoral campaign debate between the three major candidates took place in Akwesasme on the campus of Akwesasme University. It is the only live chance for people to see what the three men who seek to rule the Dominion are all about, and no doubt the High Council is indeed watching.

Here are just a few samples from the debate...


Hiawatha: The conversion to the gold standard has been able to stabilize our currency but it will take time for our economy to fully see the growth that we can still achieve. Our fair tax rates, among the lowest in the world, is attracting great investment and jobs are being created. Our greatest concern remains our budget shortfall, which amounts to somewhere near 277 billion. We will eventually need to make cuts where possible in order to reduce our deficit and prevent us from mounting a massive level of debt.

Artaxerxes: The gold standard is holding us back. We made a mistake moving to that system and it shows in the stagnation of our economy. Perhaps a more solid alternative would be to free-float our currency and allow it compete with other major monies. If allowed to free-float, the wampum would already be in position to compete with the Lanlanian valta, Oslanburgan vrun, Nylander daler vrun, Mestran denari and Angirisian septim, which are considered the some of the strongest currencies in the world, within five years. But even a free-floating currency will not stem the flow of investment. While our taxes have been low, we need to reap the rewards of good growth and while I do not suggest a tax increase any time soon we must build up our coffers so that we can set forth on spending projects that will be essential to our Dominion being a global economic competitor for years to come.

Timour: My two opponents continue to overlook the fact that it is our workers who drive the economy and when they are prospering, then the Dominion prospers. Yes, low taxes help but that has not translated to decent wages for the working class in the Dominion. In fact, since the Florinthian Evacuation average family incomes have only increased by an average of 1,300 wampums. This is far below most nations around the world, and is among the worst in the Mandavine Sea and Avidna regions. We need to focus on our workers for our future economic success.

Artaxerxes: With respect to Mr. Timour, our workers are not the only driving force of our economy. The consumers also are a big part of the economy and when they prosper, everyone including workers do much better. Consumers spend more money, companies and stores make more money and thus workers are able to earn more money.

Timour: Councilor Artaxerxes, you again miss the point. Companies and stores are not raising wages to the levels they should. They are hoarding money and denying it to good, hardworking decent citizens that bust their rumps day in and day out to earn a decent living for themselves and their families. That is our biggest problem and with respect to you, sirs, neither of you seem to have a plan to help the worker.

Hiawatha: For shame, Mr. Timour! Who are you, sir, to say that we have no plan to help the middle class? Each one of us on this stage today wants to see all of our people do well.

Timour: Then why, sir, do you propose a further lowering of taxes on corporations with no incentives for workers?

Hiawatha: I do. I plan on instituting earned income tax credits for all middle and lower class citizens as well as child tax credits up to 900 wampums for each child in a family.

Artaxerxes: Putting conditions on tax credits is not exactly the best idea, Mr. Hiawatha. I think there should be at least some universal base line for all taxpayers so that nobody finds themselves cheated out of their hard-earned money. Anything above that might be considered conditional. But why limit such credits to earned income and how many children one has? Why not provide tax credits for university students? Surely the sums they spend on their education warrants some consideration, would you not say?


Artaxerxes: It is important for the Tuscarawan Dominion to begin the institution of a policy of universal neutrality. No favors to any country or alliance over others. History shows what sort of terrible damage such entanglements can bring upon a country. While economically we may be tied to one country or another, geopolitics is a whole other story.

Hiawatha: With respect, Mr. Artaxerxes, impartiality is almost always partial. It always to tends to favor one side, and this is always inevitably leads to dangerous consequences. What we need to do is focus our political capital on countries with which we have strong trade relations. That way we reduce our risk of alienating other nations and we insulate ourselves from aggressive states.

Timour: Limiting ourselves to nations with whom we have interests is patently unfair. We should have minds open to all nations, not just those who make us money. I believe we should have a proactive foreign policy that is firm but fair with all countries.

Artaxerxes: I agree with Mr. Timour on the idea of a proactive foreign policy agenda, but where I differ with him is this: we cannot continue to align ourselves wholeheartedly with countries who are known to be bad players on the world stage. This is one wrinkle we need to take into account. Now to Mr. Hiawatha's point, I must respectfully push back on his statement. Impartiality is not partial. It is a signal to the rest of the world that our Dominion cannot and will not be forced into a compromising position that we do not or will not wish to be involved with.


Timour: It is important that while we retain our traditional identity, it is important that we allow our people live their lives as they see fit. If that means legalizing homosexual marriage or legalizing certain drugs, then so be it. But we cannot continue to try and legislate people's lives.

Artaxerxes: With respect, Mr. Timour, it will take legislation to enact the sort of changes you wish to place. You would have to repeal some of these prohibitive laws and then replace them with friendlier and fairer laws. Relying on simple cultural change is impossible because it may very well never change. We are going to have to change the laws. Pure and simple.

Hiawatha: Both of these gentlemen don't understand that the culture is just fine as it is and the laws are already fair. Most people do not want a change. So why try and "fix" something that is not broken? It's an example of overreach by a activist Hierarchy that we are not prepared to go through.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams


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RE: Tuscarawan Hierarchy campaign, 1579-1580 - by Aerandariel - 10-17-2016, 07:23 PM

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