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OOC: 1579 Akitian election observers
Okay, so here is the OOC topic where I'll answer the questions of anyone who wanted to have sent election observers to Akitsu for the 1579 elections. Since this is an OOC topic, everything I say here will represent IC fact (unless explicitly stated otherwise). Ask any questions you want, I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Just some basic facts:
  • Polls, especially exit polls, are still completely banned.
  • This was done entirely with electronic voting, there were NO PAPER BALLOTS.
  • Voter turnout for this election would be around 45%, and the real figure would be the figure the Akitian government uses so they'd report about the same in voter turnout. This is a significant decrease from the average voter turnout in Akitsu, and is an even further decrease from the last election that the fascists did. The fascist government would argue this low turnout was due to the fact that emergency elections were only held 1 year prior (in other words they'd blame "campaign burnout").
  • Parties other than the ones listed were allowed to participate. Now, the parties that were banned in this post wouldn't have been allowed to participate (because, well, they're banned), but parties like the Nationalist Party, Liberal Democratic Party, and Democratic Party (the three largest parties in Akitsu pre-coup) would've been allowed to campaign. They just didn't even get a single seat in the National Legislature.
  • Yes, the above means that the ones I listed are the only ones that won any seats. In case you haven't noticed they all have several key positions that match up - namely their support for militarism, Akitian nationalism, and some form of state involvement in the economy. Their foreign policies would also be really similar. The main differences in policy would come in domestic policy, with most of the parties being some variation of right-wing and there only being one party that one that's left-wing.
  • All writing in the poll booths would've been in traditional characters - which haven't been taught in Akitsu for decades (at least 60-70 years). As such, much of the younger generation wouldn't know it. The only people who would be guarentee'd to know traditional characters are the elderly and young far-right ultranationalist neoconservatives (neoconservatism in Akitsu would more closely resemble neoconservatism in Japan than say, neoconservatism in the US or any other country).
That's all that I can think of for now, go ahead and ask any questions you have now! I'll also add any info I forgot to mention in new posts, if any comes up.

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OOC: 1579 Akitian election observers - by Zabuza825 - 10-13-2016, 12:13 PM

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