Kasper Jansen:To my esteemed colleague Mr Lipton I ask him this what is easier to take away. A benefit that is not aimed at the middle class and wealthy as well as the poor or one that is universal. People simply feel loss more than gain, this is proven by science and psychology time and time again. Keeping this universal is key to making sure corporatist pigs in the future don't try to take this away to cut their taxes by a few percent.
Secondly on the point of non-citizens not receiving benefits. Why should they? They haven't paid in enough to cover benefits yet and to be frank only those who are proud enough to apply for citizenship should ever get benefits anyway. Those who can't be bothered to go through the paperwork to become citizens are not good enough to be nylanders and so nylanders should not support their laziness. Also if they fall into a lower income they always have the oppurtunity to work hard to improve themselves or jut go back home. In terms of taxes, will more taxes be needed? Yes but here is our solution . The rich pay, the greedy corporatist pigs and whores have had it good for too long . They have brought our last three presidencies have elected corporate whores with their dirty corrupt money. They need to accept with great wealth comes great responsibility. The billionaires and the millionaires need to pay to support the middle class and the poor to stop poverty once and for all for Nylanders.
Secondly on the point of non-citizens not receiving benefits. Why should they? They haven't paid in enough to cover benefits yet and to be frank only those who are proud enough to apply for citizenship should ever get benefits anyway. Those who can't be bothered to go through the paperwork to become citizens are not good enough to be nylanders and so nylanders should not support their laziness. Also if they fall into a lower income they always have the oppurtunity to work hard to improve themselves or jut go back home. In terms of taxes, will more taxes be needed? Yes but here is our solution . The rich pay, the greedy corporatist pigs and whores have had it good for too long . They have brought our last three presidencies have elected corporate whores with their dirty corrupt money. They need to accept with great wealth comes great responsibility. The billionaires and the millionaires need to pay to support the middle class and the poor to stop poverty once and for all for Nylanders.
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