Valentina de Liaño stood up to speak on security . She said " United Breighighist Duchies believes strongly in the stability and security of the continent especially against a rising tide of terror from certain groups.The Florinthian Swan and the increase in aakhadic and religious extremist attacks is a perfect example of such an issue. For this reason we believe a joint database for police throughout the continent with easy extradition is essential if we want to maintain security with nations able to put in requests easily. While a multi national investigative bureau would be good we believe that such an organisation must have strict monitoring to make sure its not biased in its rulings and should not be given free reign. Another good option would be to have a shared border force database which shows up people who have been denied entry or deported in other nations and what for. This would help stop bad guys hiding or going to other nations and on that database nations could request to put a no entry order so if they manage to sneak out they get extradited straight back to country where they are suspected of a crime."
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