05-24-2019, 03:53 PM
Henriette Anhuos (CSC):
I would like to reiterate the comments made by my colleague Mr. Steenman and emphasize the value this project will add to Nyland in terms of connecting our very large country in a way not yet done. This is a bold bill, and one that deserves our support.
I would also like to respond to the comments made by my colleague from the Nyland Liberalists. There are, in fact, feasibility studies for a project like this though I should acknowledge that a majority of these studies have been done on smaller lines. For what we've learned from those studies, there is high demand in the three hubs my colleague Mr. Steenman described. What we seek to do is build significantly in those hubs specifically, and then link them up. We won't be running as many trains across the country and the focus will be on the hubs, especially early on.
Referring to your comments on the market and demand. Anyone who spends time commuting, or knows anyone who is commuting, in the Nykoping area, can acknowledge there is plenty of demand for travelling intermediate distances around the city. Flights from Nykoping to Nyvattendel are scheduled multiple times an hour during peak commuting times.
We've been in communication with state departments of transportation as well as the federal DOT. The mayor of Nykoping practically begged us to get this done.
I understand it is in a Liberalists nature to be afraid of government action, but reducing our efforts to "a few maybes" is a bit far-fetched.
I would like to reiterate the comments made by my colleague Mr. Steenman and emphasize the value this project will add to Nyland in terms of connecting our very large country in a way not yet done. This is a bold bill, and one that deserves our support.
I would also like to respond to the comments made by my colleague from the Nyland Liberalists. There are, in fact, feasibility studies for a project like this though I should acknowledge that a majority of these studies have been done on smaller lines. For what we've learned from those studies, there is high demand in the three hubs my colleague Mr. Steenman described. What we seek to do is build significantly in those hubs specifically, and then link them up. We won't be running as many trains across the country and the focus will be on the hubs, especially early on.
Referring to your comments on the market and demand. Anyone who spends time commuting, or knows anyone who is commuting, in the Nykoping area, can acknowledge there is plenty of demand for travelling intermediate distances around the city. Flights from Nykoping to Nyvattendel are scheduled multiple times an hour during peak commuting times.
We've been in communication with state departments of transportation as well as the federal DOT. The mayor of Nykoping practically begged us to get this done.
I understand it is in a Liberalists nature to be afraid of government action, but reducing our efforts to "a few maybes" is a bit far-fetched.