Tiejungo Supreme Court rules that current refugee policy illegal
14, Dien 1595
Tiejungo Supreme Court
Haesong, Tiejungo- The High Court has ruled in a 5-2 ruling today that the government of Tiejungo was in violation of Article 16, Subsection 7 of the constitution, which states that due process should be provided to all individuals, regardless of citizenship status. The court stated that the government was not providing asylum seekers and refugees proper due process by providing only a two week hold on in the detention area before they were deported. The court found that in many cases, processes were not explained to the people who were placed in the centers, and no legal support was provided before individuals were deported. In the ruling the judges stated that all deportations would be immediately stopped until the government could provide individuals will due process hearings and ability to access legal support.
This is a major victory for the Tiejungo For All moment, also known as #T4A, a student-driven group protesting the government refugee policy. who submitted the lawsuit this past Ochtyr. The group issued a short statement saying:
Quote:"Even though this ruling is a landmark victory for refugees and asylum seekers, the Tiejungo government is remains silent and still on the atrocities occurring in Hoinom and Tieguo. We call on the central government to join hands with other countries in condemning the actions of both of these states and take further action against both."