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Illuminating the Dark Kingdom
[Image: DOZFsaO.jpg?1]

Zorog Island - Near the South Pole

Thousands and thousands of kilometers away from Blauhavn, at the other end of the planet, a radio operative was at work in a station located at Zorog Island. Few people had ever heard of this island - located south of Skathia, close to the south pole. Even fewer knew that it belonged to Nerysia. It was a useful island to own for a number of reasons - despite the arctic climate. It served as a transit place for international air traffic trying to reach the south pole. Researchers from other countries such as Nyland or Kazemura would occassionally land on Zorog island before moving on. There wasn't much to do or see here however. Much of the island was so-called ''Restricted Area'', meaning that foreigners were not allowed to enter.

Our radio operator was named Aznas Tevenner. He was an employee of the so-called Trojan Group. Trojan Group was a Nerysian-based private security firm. ''This is Alpha to Foxtrot, do you receive me?''

Aznas listened to the radio message coming in. ''Foxtrot to Alpha: Loud and clear. Proceed.''

Only minutes later, a small black aircraft took off from the island and quickly climbed to enormous heights. As the aircraft vanished in the skies it set its course towards the south coasts of Nyland. For an hour Aznas and a few colleagues had to entertain themselves at their station, surrounded by their equipment and far from their families and home. They played some cards, went out in the extreme cold for a smoke, or watched some TV series they had downloaded earlier. After a while, Alpha made contact again. It was sending them photo's. Images of the sea began to be uploaded - with little light-grey dots visible in it. The crew quickly identitied those as ships. Zoomed in pictures provided with extra details that showed these could be Nylander military vessels. That was up to the experts to determine however. The crew were glad that Alpha was working and sending through its aerial photo's.

Aznas Tevenner reported the operation's status to his boss. For that he had to leave the radio station, face the extreme cold that his parka would only stop for about 30 minutes, and get into a snow jeep to drive to the Trojan Group Building Nr. 14. Once he arrived there, he went through the security checks and crossed the austere, Spartan corridors towards the office of his boss. His boss, Valdrik Velaitis, was a particularly unpleasant man. He was tall, always calm, but always distrusting towards his subordinates. He could be intimidating, and he was manipulative. But no one ever dared to speak evil of Mr. Velaitis. He was not a man you wanted to have a conflict with. This was his island. And here he was king.

''Come in.'' Velaitis said, after Aznas knocked on his door. ''Sit.''

The room was as Spartan as everything on the island. Velaitis had a desk, a chair, and a few screens hanging on the walls that showed him all the relevant information he needed. Aside from a few chairs, he had a little table, a coffee machine (capable of producing only one kind because Velaitis couldnt be bothered to add milk to the machine), and few archives. ''And?'' Velaitis eventually asked, without even bothering to offer Aznas a coffee.

''The operation is active, sir. We are receiving the first images of what appear to be Nylander military ships. Coastguard, probably. We are ahead of schedule. I am expecting the first images of mainland Nyland in 40 minutes.''

Velaitis stared at Aznas with his large eyes. After a moment his face seemed to relax somewhat. ''Good. That is good. Do you have a family... Mr. Tevenner?''

Aznas was somewhat taken aback by that sudden change of subject. ''I ehm. I have a girlfriend in Blauhavn, sir. We plan to marry next year. Is there anything to worry about?''

Again an awkward silence. ''You're good at what you do here. And we like that, at Trojan Group. I like that. We may have a special job for you. But you would have to go and live in Nyland for that.''

Aznas did not know how to respond. What on earth could he be doing for the company in Nyland? He was of much better use here at the island. ''I do not fully understand, sir.''

''You don't need to. Think about it, and go back to work. In due time, I shall ask whether you accept to be stationed in Nyland. Your services to our company will be appreciated wherever you perform them.''

Moments later, Aznas was standing outside the office again. He closed the door behind him, and kept standing there in the abbandoned hallway - rethinking that entire conversation. What was that all about? Stationing in Nyland? How? Where? Just when Aznas wanted to move on, he could hear that his boss was making a phone call. It was muted, but he could hear just enough. ''We are approaching Nylander air space. Tell our Lord that the first images have already come in.''

Messages In This Thread
Illuminating the Dark Kingdom - by Nentsia - 11-12-2018, 03:02 PM
RE: Illuminating the Dark Kingdom - by Nentsia - 11-14-2018, 09:58 AM
RE: Illuminating the Dark Kingdom - by Nentsia - 11-18-2018, 07:51 PM
RE: Illuminating the Dark Kingdom - by Ayzek - 11-20-2018, 04:45 AM

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