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The Masked Ball - Not a "historical" RP
Okay! So I've popped up the character form in the original post for people to fill out as well as a plot/setting overview. You can go complete them! For convenience, I've posted them below as well.
However, I'll be coming up with a form that'll walk you through creating your character's costume for the ball. It'll be a day or two before that gets done, most likely.

The Setting:

The year is 1595, modern day: the tycoon business mogul and philanthropist, the Lanlanian Baron of Bärøn, is throwing a masked ball and you have been invited! Few if any have seen this "famous" eccentric Baron in person, and the mystique and thrill of seeing the mysterious man - or is the Baron maybe a woman? - is drawing quite a crowd of interest from the party-goers! Ever quirky, the Baron has decided to make a game of the proceedings: those who can correctly identify him/her from among the party guests, or correctly guess the identities of the most guests, will win a "Fabulous Prize!" Truly, the party will be a night of games, socialization, merriment, and lots and lots and lots of drinks!

However, rumor has it that one of the guests has a feud with the "good" Baron. It would be a shame were the party to be interrupted...

Create Yo Characters:

Send the following form code, filled out with your character information, to me in a PM. Do NOT post it here, or people will know who you are.
At the end of the form is a link to follow. This link will take you to a thing to create your masquerade costume. (Coming Soon!)

[b]Real Name:[/b] [Your character's actual name. Include titles if you must. Be as insufferably elitist as you want]

[b]Party Alias:[/b] [Any name other than your real name that you'll go by while in disguise at the party. Can be whatever. Think 50's superhero names...or Furrsonas. Whatever.]

[b]Biometrics:[/b] [Hair and eye color, height, weight. Male or female? Descriptive or numbers, doesn't matter]

[b]Biography:[/b] A short bio of your character, where they're from and what they do. Family, kids, what-have-you. At least a couple sentences, but I doesn't need to be huge.

[b]Likes:[/b] [Things you really like. List or paragraph is fine, but please more than a couple]

[b]Dislikes:[/b] [Things you really don't like. List or paragraph is fine, but please more than a couple]

[b]Willing to be Baron:[/b] [Yes or no, would you like to be the Baron. Don't dead.]
[bWilling to be Killer:[/b] [Yes or no, would you like to be a killer. There may or may not be more than one.]

Now that you're done, go create your costume:

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Masked Ball - a "historical" RP - by Seperallis - 10-27-2018, 07:02 PM

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