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Return to Gable
The plains of eastern Gable had potential. Despite centuries of human expansion up the Amano river, much of the northern Kasimnini valley remained a savanna dotted by settlements and broken only in places by rivers and highways. Its population was modest and only in 1575 did it come to discover the wonders of modern technology. While the radio was modestly common, only the largest villages had even a communal television, much less a car. Still, as the southern farmlands slowly encroached on the forest, communication came with it.

Only in 1575, a year after the Lanlanians had withdrawn from Gable, did some of the more remote settlements even hear word they'd been there--or that there'd been a war in eastern hills. That the eastern hills even belonged to the same state. That they were now free citizens of a democracy who elected their leader rather than subjects of some faraway king. The Holy Lanlanian Emperor?

Information spread much more quickly afterwards, of course. The free election of President Ulrik Thorssen. The flow of Lanlanian money. The construction of the Dashinogi-Tatanisa Highway.  The defeat of the last rebel holdout. The free election of President Ulrik Thorssen. The discover of petroleum. The flow of Lanlanian money. The free election of President Ulrik Thorssen. The construction of Gable's first skyscraper. The spark of civil war in the country to the north. The expansion of the national highway. The free election of President Ulrik Thorssen.

By 1582, as televisions spread through the countryside, the peoples of the plains and hills had noticed that something was wrong. Where was their Lanlanian money? Where were their bridges? Their national highway? Their Internet? Their car? Their free vote for President Ulrik Thorssen?

Eastern Gable
19 Treizen 1586

Kofi Nze lived in a small village a few days north of Kasimano. While the immediate few kilometers north of the city were fields of privately-owned farmland, Kofi's village was located well away from civilization. Only a dirt road, that coincidentally crossed the national highway between Kasimano and Badiano connected it to the rest of the country. His village was one of the luckier ones too--there were others deeper into the savanna, barely visible from aircraft and just as connected to other settlements.

His village had no specific name, despite being visited once in the last decade by a cadre of suits claiming to be from the nation's census bureau. The Brigidnan man had promised great change would follow the census--power and phone lines would be propped up and roads would be built, the village and the lands around it would be developed, polling stations would be set up. None of it happened, of course. Kofi's neighbor had traded a chicken for the village's first radio back in '78, and the village chief had trade his mule for the first television only last year.

The television changed their lives. While they'd heard of skyscrapers, aircraft, and democracy from the radio, they didn't quite understand it until they saw it on television. The evening news had blown their minds with the first flyover the of Amarane and it happened again when they saw a jumbo jet taking off--it'd been the talk of the town for days. But they began to ask questions when the subject turned to politics.

At first, they'd been simply mesmerized by democracy--the courtrooms, the parliament, President Ulrik Thorssen. The citizens of the inner cities gleefully celebrating the exercise of their rights, and celebrating how it was available to everyone.

But not them.

"That census guy didn't come again this year," said Kofi's cousin, Mobuto. The village had many questions for this census man but no idea how to reach him. They'd thought he'd come every so often, if for no other reason than to collect their vote.

"Maybe they forgot about us?" said his other cousin, Mosi.

"Again," Mobuto replied sharply.

It was early morning and the entire village was gathered outside the chief's house again, where he'd set up the analog television. They did this every so often and especially following elections.

"Quiet kids, they're about to announce the results."

The village chief turned the volume knob and the television did what it could, "and the winner of our 6th national presidential elections is..." the young woman checked the papers in  her hands again, which'd been given to her moments earlier by a man offscreen. "Ulrik Thorssen!"

A solemn atmosphere fell over the village as the chief lowered the volume. It was a large difference from the cheers and celebration the first two victories had brought. While the older adults began to whisper to one another, the kids ran off to play and the young adults disappeared into the huts.

"You know," Mobuto said to Kofi and Mosi, "I heard the craziest thing on the radio last night. They said it doesn't have to be like this. We have more power than we think."

"Listening to the Free People's Radio again?" Mosi asked with a sneaker.

"Hey!" Mobuto shot back. "What they say makes sense. Much more sense than the CTV makes."

"They're rebels, Mobby." Mosi sighed. "Let's just grab our guns and go. I wanna catch something before the sun gets too high."
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

Messages In This Thread
Return to Gable - by Ayzek - 10-27-2018, 03:57 PM
RE: Return to Gable - by Arkiania - 10-29-2018, 06:12 AM
RE: Return to Gable - by Ayzek - 11-03-2018, 10:25 AM
RE: Return to Gable - by Ayzek - 11-16-2018, 12:34 AM
RE: Return to Gable - by Ayzek - 11-25-2018, 01:02 AM

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