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The Free Eskkyan
Amaziah Arasgain-Abbott Interview:

Fabienne Leroy:Hello Amaziah, it is an absolute pleasure to have you on the show this evening. We have had your dad on the show a number of times, but this is in fact your first appearance. Are you enjoying your stay in the capital?

AAA:Thank you for having me. Yes I very much am enjoying my stay.

FL:That is nice, particularly because your previous experience in Rambouillet was not as pleasant. Tell us a little bit about the attack.

AAA:Well I was walking home and I lived in a decent working class area at the time with my dad and my brothers. I got lost because it was getting dark and my phone was low on battery so I had no maps. I walked into "the wrong neighbourhood". You see it was an immigrant neighbourhood and I am white , I think the area had something like 55% akhadist. So I accidentally walked in and this guy approached me. I was thankful thinking I may get help but I was wrong.

FL:Oh, that is most unfortunate. I hope you were able to recover quickly. Is that what led you to get involved in politics?

AAA:Well its that day to be honest. I had this guy come say how "You white trash boy are in the wrong neighbourhood. You gonna pay." I was shocked. I said "pardon".Then suddenly him and his friends took me by force to an alleyway , beat me up really badly, they just kept pounding on me for over 30 minutes just laughing , taking photos and video etc.... by the time they finished they tied my legs to a pipe and tied my hands together. I was bleeding. I cried out in pain, I begged people passing by on the street for help but nothing came. I was just white trash to them, I deserved this for invading their area to them. In fact people were shouting white trash at me and other racist names. Eventually a kind stranger one eventually helped me, called the police and the ambulance. But that was 7 hours later, I was freezing, in hypothermia and bleeding. I was literally going to die if he she hadn't helped me. I took a week to recover in hospital but I was just praying desperately for my life. I genuinely was terrified I was going to die. I reported it to the police and they called me a liar they basically said I am white the attackers were coloured so couldn't be racist to me. That I had to have done something to provoke them, I was basically being told I was a liar. To this day they refuse to acknowledge I was racially attacked and abused just because I am white. So I got fed up and thought this needs to change. These immigrants need to respect our laws , liberties and police need to do something when they are racist.

FL:I see. You recently came out in favour of the recently formed the Alternative led by Honorine Peltier and Nolwenn Garandel. I know that your family in the past had connections to Garandel and the National Coalition through your stepmother, what led you to join the Alternative in particular?

AAA:I'm sick of Eskkya being invaded especially by intolerant faiths like Sentrecist extremists and especially Akhadists. I've studied the history of this land , its culture and tribes. The nation used to be tolerant, accepting. They didn't give a crap about stuff like whether you are are gay or straight, male or female.They didn't think a womans place is in the home. But now this bigotry is being imported especially through the akhadist faith. I'm fed up as well of our culture tolerating their racism as if its okay because they hate whites and eskkyans. The culture tolerating them making areas no go areas for whites because they need their "safe space" and I'm fed up of accepting animals dying cruel unstunned deaths in slaughterhouses because they need to meet their ritual slaughter standards. I don't care who you are racism is racism, homophobia is homophobia, sexism is sexism, and animal cruelty is animal cruelty. The Alternative is good because they don't care about this PC nonsense that quite frankly champagne socialists like Lise Lagarade don't understand. Because they no longer listen too or go to the working class areas or represent the working class.

FL:That's all very good, but why did you choose to join the Alternative rather than remain in the National Coalition?

AAA: Well I was DA I was quite "moderate" but I didn't join the CN because I don't like racism and I think sometimes the CN have some people who go too far. Now I'm not saying the party is racist itself but it just has an issue with too many members even though they are a minority. The Alternative is anti-pc but its also moderate in many regards. Do I have sympathies for the CN?
Do I understand why People vote them?
But I think we need a more moderate discourse and to accept some people have different cultures accept the fact each canton is a unique culture , the Strathaens, Gweneddians and even Eushayans and the Valenci cultures. And that means giving the Eshayans and Valencis their long overdue autonomous provinces.

FL:Oh, I apologise, I was under the impression you were a member of the CN because of your links to your stepmother. Forgive me.

So, am I right in saying that you believe there is more to Eskkya than the Braidzonig identity promoted by the National Coalition?

AAA:Yes I do believe that and that's what makes this nation beautiful even if it is maybe a little messy. Its kinda like the family at Festival of Lights you've got each uncle and grandma doing their weird thing . Being crazy in their own way and you've got the arguments but in the end we all love each other and make a great family.

FL:Right, so we have recently heard that you intend to represent the Alternative in the upcoming mayoral race in Vanet. Do you think you've got a chance in such a AD area? The AD as you are likely aware has not lost an election in Vanet in over fifty years. It is in many ways their heartland.

AAA:Yes I think we have a very good chance. You see the Socialists and the DA have forgotten the working class and middle class. They have brought this political correctness and we must accept even bigoted foreign cultures rubbish. They have accepted mass immigration stealing jobs. I reject that. I believe they are taking their core vote for unthinking brain dead sheep who will vote for them whatever. Let me tell you , they aren't and there is a tide coming of middle class and working class Eskkyans rising up and finding a new pride in their culture and country.

FL:The National Coalition has been singing the same tune for a decade and has struggled to win much support in Vanet. Why do you think the Alternative is different?

AAA:I think its because we aren't anti-laurentian. We accept that that culture is now part of Eskkya. We understand we need both Laurentians and traditional Eskkyan communities to work together. I also think its because I have some key policies that would bring Vanet together and put Vanet first.

FL: Do you think the fact that the Alternative split from the Democratic Alliance will help your chances?

AAA:Yes because we can siphon off their voters but don't think its just the DA voters who will vote us. We'll get the middle class because we cover a lot of their issues such as relatively low taxation unlike the socialists and we will get a lot of the working class because we put them first. We protect them by opposing immigration by putting locals first in services. So they get access to services first, the council homes first, the jobs first. Basically the working class will have a fighting chance against the invading army of Akhadists and immigrants and we will put an end to Akhadism's bigotry and spreading of hate.

FL:If elected, what is the first three things you'd like to implement in Vanet?

AAA: Number One: would be to abandon the political correctness cancer that is growing in the city. I'd rid the police of it , rid all the services and departments. I put locals first once again

Number Two: I would bring back funds from the state that Vanet has lost and deserves. I would fight for a fair share from the state and not stop until Vanet gets a fair deal.

Number Three: I would protect the community by dealing with crime. Increasing the police budget and getting them to focus on immigrant areas to deal with the source of crime in the city. The immigrant community and eliminate the homophobic and sexist bigots as much as possible from the city.

FL: Thank you Amaziah. Should Akhadist and other minorities be worried if you're elected Mayor?

AAA: Absolutely not. If they are not homophobic or sexist bigots or racist against whites or committing crimes they have nothing to fear. I want to protect the moderates in those communities as much as I want to protect the traditional Eskkyans. This political correctness cancer is as bad for minority moderates as it is for white working class and middle class. The bigots affect their own communities as much as they affect working class communities and the middle class.

FL: Is there anything else you'd like to comment on before we bring this interview to an end?

AAA: Just that I'm sick of the socialists and DA time and time again betraying the middle class and the working class. They are told they are "racist" when they see their culture being murdered in front of their own eyes by bigoted imported beliefs and they dare to voice concern. Its not racist to want people to respect Eskkyan values of love, acceptance and equality. I have black , ostaran and white friends I get on with all but I also hold them to the same standard. I think its racist to expect lower from our immigrants than native Eskkyans.

FL: Thank you once again Amaziah for taking part in this interview and I wish you a good day.

AAA: I wish you a good day too.Thank you for your amazing hospitality
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