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Operation ATOMEYE
The driver offered a curt "yes, sir," in affirmation and opened up the engine. Barnes peered out with his binoculars, seeing an endless treeline and the long, flat expanse of N26 East ahead of him. This mission wasn't high enough on Regional's priorities to require on-mission aerial reconnaissance, so they would have to make do with what RegIntel had told them: no signs of habitation, no signs of entrenched forces, no signs of any human activity. As far as they knew, the Elian had abandoned Merkov and the town and port servicing it when the first bombs began to fall eight years ago.

The rumbling of the APCs along the highway intensified to a dull roar as ninety-nine other FC200s followed suit behind them. The Coyotes uneventfully tumbled up the road until odd steel shapes littered across the three-lane freeway stopped them: tank traps. Instead of the typical funnel formation, designed to force enemy vehicles into a single line of fire, the Coyotes encountered an inverted funnel, seemingly designed to funnel an enemy to their west into a single line of fire for eastern defenders.

As if that weren't enough, there were scorches and pockmarks in the asphalt on the western side as if defensive fire had indeed come from the west. Barnes couldn't make heads or tails of it, and the APCs rumbled the 'wrong way' through the funnel without ambush or incident. They dutifully chugged along onto Regional Highway 66 East, noticeably bumpier and less comfortable to ride on than the national highway they had used previously (grid square O8). The driver noted that they had arrived at O8, the natural intersection of their groups, and halted the column. The APCs circled up in case of attack and Barnes let the men out for a short rest in the middle of the four-acre safe zone created by the encircled vehicles. They ate from their tasteless rations, relieved themselves, and cracked wise about their 'mission to nowhere.'

Barnes kept in radio contact with the other detachment, who dutifully reported that they were a few miles behind Barnes' main force and closing quickly (grid square O11). Barnes' detachment had perhaps a half-hour to strategize and scan the horizon before their comrades came and they would advance further.

Capital Unit 1 Wrote:Bronze Regimental Team A
Position: O8
50x FC200 Coyote
[small]45 Vehicle Petrol Canister per[/small][small] (-5)
20 Standardized Vehicle Ammunition per
250 Infantry
Sgt. Arnold Barnes onboard[/small]
Capital Unit 2 Wrote:Bronze Regimental Team B
Position: O11
50x FC200 Coyote
[small]44 Vehicle Petrol Canister per[/small][small] (-6)
20 Standardized Vehicle Ammunition per
250 Infantry[/small]

Messages In This Thread
Operation ATOMEYE - by CONCENTRAL - 03-21-2017, 04:00 PM
RE: Operation ATOMEYE - by STRATCOM - 07-13-2018, 03:57 AM
RE: Operation ATOMEYE - by STRATCOM - 07-24-2018, 10:08 PM
RE: Operation ATOMEYE - by STRATCOM - 07-26-2018, 10:30 PM
RE: Operation ATOMEYE - by STRATCOM - 07-28-2018, 05:10 AM

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