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Act I: Our Slumber is Over
Date: 1 Tolven, 1587
Time: 2:40 AM
Location: Chikasu National Senate, Chikasu

"This is a ridiculous waste of our night, ladies and gentlemen," boomed the voice of Yuuki Yamamoto. Yamamoto was the eldest member of the Chikasun Senate, at a impressive 73, and certainly had the views to match. A titian of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party and the hero of the Hatsayuki Naval Incident—the closest thing to a conflict Chikasu had experienced in decades—Yamamoto held considerable sway over the Senate and even the House of Representatives. Viewed favorably by the media, a father figure to many younger politicians, and commanding respect from even his critics, Yamamoto was a politician you'd want agreeing with your views. Unfortunately for President Kazue Maki and her Social Democratic Party, he was not on their side.

He abhorred the trade agreement negotiated by her government from the start, viewing it as little more than an avenue for Kazemura to gain control of the Shimazu State, if not the entirety of Chiaksu. He wouldn't doubt it for a moment, that Kazemura considered the trade deal as a stepping stone for greater control of Chikasu and beyond. It wasn't far from the truth, in any case, it was a fact that the trade deal had elements that favored Kazemuran industries more. Maybe if it was more balanced, he could at least accept it, for Chikasu's sake, but as it was...the only reason he didn't call it treason was that doing so would unleash a political maelstrom beyond anyone's ability to control.

"Who's brilliant idea was it to drag us out of bed at two in the morning for this?" Yamamoto was far from the only one who raced to the Senate in his pajamas when an aid relayed a specials summons for a "highly important meeting." He'd thought that some fool had declared war on Chikasu, or that a natural disaster had struck the Republic. He didn't realize that the Social Democratic Party had become so desperate it would call an 2 A.M. "special session" to discuss a few minor protests against its precious trade agreement.

The President pro tempore, a young women in a crisp suit and make up, at least had the decency to look sheepish. "These protests have the capability to greatly destabilize the country," she murmured. The loudspeakers didn't hide that even she didn't believe it. "The President urg—"

"The President!" Yamamoto barked, a vein popping onto his forehead, his jowls shaking. "Does not control this Senate." He finished his sentence far calmer. "To summon the legislature over a nonissue like this is abuse of your office, Miss Nomura. A protest of this scale is nothing the police force can't handle. The President should some faith in our fellow public servants."

The Chikasun were not so incompetent they would be unprepared for planned, organized protests. The Kazemuran embassy in the capital was well-protected by professional policemen and the ethnically mixed Chikasun-Kazemuran police force on Shimazu was doing its best to bring order back to the unexpectedly violent protests.

"I must agree with Mister Yamamoto," said another Senator, this one on the Social Democrats' side of the room. His desk's nameplate read Kaori Fukuda. "I hope the President did not seek to take advantage of these protests to in an attempt to push through the trade agreement with a late-night, emergency session." Such meetings could easily be missed and almost a quarter were in fact not present.

"Of course not!" Miss Nomura replied, despite the obviously perturbed look creeping onto her face.

Fukuda noticed it and scowled. "Miss Nomura—"

"The actions of your administration are growing increasingly worrying," Yamamoto interrupted, staring blankly into Nomura's soul. "I would remind the President that she is already under investigation for 'misconduct' and calling an special session at two in the morning to discuss her pet project will not help her cause."

At the Red House

"Why the blazes was that old coot there??" shouted Kazue Maki, esteemed President of the Chikasun Republic. The laptop an aid had placed on her desk so she could watch the special session had just broadcasted its dismissal, after a motion started by the infamous Yuuki Yamamato. "He wasn't supposed to be there!" Maki slammed her fist on her desk.

"Are you alright, Your Excellency?" came a voice through the door.

"Simply wonderful," she called back.

"Calm down," said the lady sitting in a chair beside her seat. "It was a miscalculation."

"A miscalculation?" Maki seethed. "This will kill us!" She dug her face into her palms, sinking into her seat. "Oh god, we won't survive the term."

Saki was a relatively young leader, at only 44 years old. She road into the Red House on a tidal wave of public support, the daughter of beloved national hero, Admiral Kaito Maki, who'd also played a role in the Hatsayuki Naval Incident. She was the first ethnic Kazemuran woman to become President of the Chikasun Republic and was on her third term. Perhaps she enjoyed her widespread support a little too much, as allegations of corruption began to trickle into the public light in early 1587. One of her close aids had already been convicted of it, and it was only a matter of time before the Parliamentary Investigation Committees wound their way to her. "Maybe I should just resign."

"Even if you resign," the lady said, "we're in far too deep to just walk away. They won't let you."

Saki frowned and rubbed her temples. "Hold me." She did.

"Your Excellency," came through her secretary's door. "We've received a call from the Kazemuran ambassador. He's requesting an urgent meeting and is already on his way." He was supposed to have spoken at the special session, though was luckily wise enough to not enter it after Yamamoto turned the atmosphere against the trade deal. Again.

"Have him enter through the back," she replied.

Time: 6:15 A.M.
Location: Nonsan, Autonomous Shimazu State, Chikasu

It was true that violence had erupted in the capital of the Autonomous Shimazu State. It began between the opposing protestors, of course. Someone had thrown a rock and another responded with a fist. A light blow became a scuffle and when word and misinformation spread, the various protests across the region became charged. The Shimazu Regional Police Bureau worked through the night, breaking up fight after fight and dispersing or arresting protestors.

Their swift and decisive action prevented isolated incidents from becoming full blown riots. Violent demonstrations were corralled and slowly picked apart. Tear gas was used only on two occasions where resistance was too great. The police did not hesitate to jam the protestors' cell phones after it became clear there was an effort to incite violence over social media. Those accounts would be investigated and the Police Bureau fully intended to press charges.

When dawn broke, there were still many demonstrations for both sides of the debate across Shimazu, under the police force's watchful eyes. Many violent cells were still in the process in the being disbanded, but the police largely had the situation under control. They were nonetheless spread thin, and so the Bureau quietly notified neighboring prefectures that they may need reinforcements should the situation develop unfavorably.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

Messages In This Thread
Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Alvino Castillon - 11-12-2017, 09:22 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-13-2017, 10:54 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-15-2017, 12:53 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-20-2017, 02:21 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-22-2017, 09:49 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-22-2017, 10:31 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-29-2017, 01:28 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 12-06-2017, 02:26 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 12-16-2017, 12:59 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 10-13-2018, 05:24 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 10-25-2018, 11:59 PM

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