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Act I: Our Slumber is Over
Date: 1 Tolven, 1587
Time: 5:10 AM
Location: Imperial Palace, Tokasa

Hiraku Honda scowled as he marched down the hallway. As people attempted to intercept him, he gave them each a glare to scatter them back to the edges of the hallway. Even the guards, trained to suppress all expressions of emotion, showed signs of unease as he marched towards his destination. Behind him, hushed whispers began to arise.

"He looks infuriated." Well obviously he was. "I heard that he's going to pressure the Her Imperial Grace to fire them." Incorrect; he need not pressure her to do anything. "What if the Empress gets mad at him?" He stopped suddenly in the middle of the hallway, dead in his tracks. The whispers fell silent at that moment as fear gripped the occupants of the hallway. Slowly, he turned, staring at a pair of people from whence he heard such a slight.

"That's Her Imperial Grace to you," He answered coldly, a bitter smile worming his way onto his face. "I will merely assume that I misheard though. My, deepest apologies." He turned around and continued his steady march without waiting for an answer; he never expected one anyways.

"He's pissed." He scowled further at this murmur, the destination within reach behind the golden doors coming into view. Pissed was a extremely improper way of describing his feelings at the turn of events that occurred just hours before. Whatever emotion he may have held for these events that awoke him from a fitful slumber a mere hour earlier he dared not show however. Not yet. Only when he crossed those golden doors... only then would he show just how "pissed" he is.

"Hiraku Honda, Chair of the Imperial Council and Trusted Adviser of Her Imperial Grace, Dragon Protocol." He held up his identification around his lanyard to the guards in front of the golden doors for inspection. One guard stepped forward, a male about his height. He reviewed it carefully, checking for the Dragon Seal pressed straight onto the card. Upon finding it, he saluted Chairman Honda before stepping back and allowing the other guard, a female about the same height, to step forward with a pillow and two gloves.

"You are permitted, Chairman Honda. Welcome to the Imperial Chambers." They bowed, then Hiraku took the gloves and slipped them onto his hands. Another bow followed before the female guard returned to the left of the door.

"Your welcome is appreciated," He replied, that scowl never leaving his face. "It would be most appreciated if you both were to clear this hallway of all occupants and seal it off, per protocol."

"At once Chairman," They replied in unison as they bowed. Moving in sync with one another, they flanked him on both sides and proceeded to go about their assigned task, leaving Hiraku to face the slumbering dragon alone. He opted not to explain why he wanted this protocol taken, a most unusual circumstance but not entirely unexpected. They clearly believed that he desired to protect them and the others in the hallway from the wrath of the dragon, and that was quite fine with him.

He took a step forward towards the door and placed his gloved hands upon it before taking a deep breath. Then, he pushed the doors forward and walked inside slowly into the lair of the beast. As he walked inside, a murmur came from within the room. Without responding, he turned and closed the doors behind him, before slipping the gloves off and placing them on a pillow on a nearby dresser.

Darkness. Nothing but himself, the darkness, and the dragon. Hiraku's scowl finally slipped away from his face as he took a deep breath. Slowly, he stepped closer towards the other end of the room, praying to Muze that he knew this floor well enough to avoid the squeaky floorboards. Thankfully, he had been in this room many a time before. "Yet another tradition shattered with 'reckless abandon.'" He thought with a bitter smirk.

Eventually, he reached the other end of the room and approached the side of the bed he knew she would be on. As he reached her side, he saw that one hand was sticking out beyond the edge. He knelt down next to it and gently clasped it, kissing it lightly before speaking ever so softly.

"Your Imperial Grace," He whispered calmly. "It is time to wake up."

For a few seconds, there was no reply. Then, her hand moved slightly, before realizing it was caught within Hiraku's grasp. A few seconds letter, she groaned, followed by the sounds of the sleeping dragon rising from its soft pillows to utter its majestic reply.

"Hiraku?" She mumbled blearily.

"Yes, Your Imperial Grace?" He responded wistfully.

"...Would ya stop fuckin' calling me that already!?" She yanked her hand out his grip and wormed her way out from under her warm sheets to give him a playful scowl, before freezing. "Wait. Is there anyone else-"

"Nope. But, unfortunately I come here on rather important business... no advisement today Mirai." She smirked for a moment before frowning, rolling herself up into a sitting position on the bed. Beckoning him with her hand, she reached down and helped him up onto the bed to sit next to her.

"Perhaps later. Now then Chairman, what important news is this that you have to wake me at..." She glanced at the clock before her eyes bulged. "Three in the morning!? This better be good." She glared at him silently and folded her arms, awaiting an answer. He nodded and obliged.

"The Chikasun embassy contacted us a few hours ago. It appears that there is a vicious split within their Parliament over the fate of the trade agreements."

"This isn't really something to wake me up about-"

"Our embassy in the capitol also contacted us. It appears that protests have surrounded the embassy and chaos reigned in the capitol as of five hours ago." She stared silently at him, taking in the information.

"Then, what you are telling me is..." She trailed off to let him say the sweet words he had been dying to say for over an hour now. He took her hand and smiled calmly.

"Everything is going to plan."

Messages In This Thread
Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Alvino Castillon - 11-12-2017, 09:22 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-13-2017, 10:54 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-15-2017, 12:53 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-20-2017, 02:21 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-22-2017, 09:49 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-22-2017, 10:31 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 11-29-2017, 01:28 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 12-06-2017, 02:26 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 12-16-2017, 12:59 AM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 10-13-2018, 05:24 PM
RE: Act I: Our Slumber is Over - by Ayzek - 10-25-2018, 11:59 PM

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