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Svobodna Dnevnik

Macharaviayaische Zeitung

Mordvanian Prime Minister under pressure
By: Elena Manstein
Published: Septem 1587

[Image: warsaw%20GettyImages-536938677.jpg?imwidth=480]
Slawowo, Republic of Mordvania

Jakob Vurnik, President of the Republican Council (head of government) since 1585, is facing increasing pressure over corruption claims.

Vurnik, 52, has been leader of the Republican Social Radical Party since a year before. He was previously the popular Voyvode of Slawowo -the local government of the fourth largest city of the country- from 1579 to months before the 1585 national election.

Vurnik became President of the Republican Council after the center-left Republican Social Radical Party formed a coalition government with President Zvezdana Serebryak's Lavika Movement, and the more moderate Radical Democratic Party. Vurnik's government has implemented more moderate policies than the RSRP-UPSP coalition governments from 1573 and 1579, with a more social liberal program while increasing social spending.

A month ago, Vladislav Maj was arrested along other several members of the Republican Social Radical Party from Slawowo, accussed of several charges, including abuse of office and aggravated fraud. Vladislav Maj had been a member of Slawowo local government since 1579, during the time that Vurnik was Voyvode (a political office similar to mayor). When Vurnik resigned as Voyvode, Vladislav Maj replaced him, although he was defeated in the 1586 local elections by Miroslav Gregak, the candidate of the center-right Mordvanian Republican Party. Maj had continued to be the leader of the opposition in the Slawowo voyvodeship.

Vurnik has denied that he was aware that any wrongdoing during his time as voyvode of Slawowo, and judge Matej Jamek -who is leading the investigation- has not suggested any charges against Vurnik personally. All arrested and suspects are members of the Republican Social Radical Party in Slawowo -excepting an independent councillor and two local businessmen-, although the party is not accussed of illegal funding and there is no evidence that other local branches of the party were implicated in the case. Despite this, Aljaz Martelj, leader of the Mordvanian Republican Party, has demanded Jakob Vurnik to resign as President of the Republican Council.

Yesterday, Bronislawa Smieszawska, Vice-President of the Republican Council declared that if charges against Vurnik were issued, the Radical Democratic Party would leave the coalition government. Smieszawska is one of the three Radical Democratic Party members of the government, and her declaration has put extra pressure on the President of the Republican Council.

Today, it was leaked that the Republican Guard corruption office is currently investigating up to 57 contracts signed during Vurnik's second term in Slawowo which were considered "suspicious" of illegal practices or violation of administrative legislation. It is expected that Jakob Vurnik addresses the nation later today, either confirming a reshuffle of the national government or announcing his resignation as head of government.

In the latter case, it is unclear if the current coalition could survive, or if the Republican Social Radical Party -which has currently 6 ministers in the national government- will remain in the government, as the party may experience instense infighting in case Vurnik resigns as both head of government and leader of the left-republican party. At the same time, President Zvezdana Serebryak's far-left Lavika Movement may demand a larger role in the government as the largest party in the Mordvanian parliament.

Mordvanian media has been pondering several scenarios about what could come next. The most likely scenario could be that the Republican Social Radical Party -and maybe the Radical Democratic Party as well- could allow a minority Lavika Movement government under a confidence and supply agreement.

Another option is that Vurnik may try to remain in power ending the coalition government and trying to support under a more centrist political platform with the support of the opposition. This would be a risky and bold move, however, and unlikely to happen, as Vurnik would require the support of the Mordvanian Republican Party, the largest opposition party, which would be unwilling to do so now that is leading the polls again. But Vurnik -who has been always considered a pragmatist during his political career- is probably unlikely to try such move, as it would not only likely breakup the Republican Social Radical Party but could create a political crisis in the government.

If Vurnik resigns but the Mordvania parliament fails to agree in a new head of government, President Zvezdana Serebryak could directly appoint a new President of the Republican Council, but he could only be in power for six months before a snap election is automatically is called if the head of government remains without the support of the parliament.

Milan Porodznek, professor of Political Science in the National University of Brezedina, believes that those scenaries may be a too far-reaching. "So far", Porodznek told to Brezedinanski zvon, a Mordvanian newspaper, "President Vurnik has not officially accussed of anything illegal, not even any wrongdoing, merely from the point of view of law. With only a year before the next election, I don't think it is unlikely that that the coalition government may try to survive this political crisis through a minor reshuffle of the government which increases the influence of the other members of the current coalition".


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