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On balancing and reviving activity
(10-05-2017, 07:35 PM)Flo Wrote: you want activity? post.

*jackpot bells ring*

I have a lot on my mind regarding this subject. I've thought about it a lot today, and I could write a book, but I don't have the energy to put it all into words, because I know I can type a good 3000 words on the subject to fully work through every point I'd try to make on the myriad subjects that have been posed in this thread...which means I either 1) not writing as much and not doing justice to my arguments, or 2) dumping the entirety of the first evening in at least two weeks where I can actually get home on time and relax on something I don't actually care about and not get any actual relaxing done, thereby making me feel this entire evening was a wash and not feel rested in the morning (and i have a day filled with paperwork; I really need to be rested.)

But Both Flo and Nents have hit the nail squarely on the head: if you want activity, be active. Honestly, truly, don't give a shit about getting everyone on board through an OOC discussion (obviously make sure it's cool to invade someone if you're going to invade) and just do the fucking thing and find out what happens. Jefus Chrift.

My own lack of activity boils down to me simply not caring about MTRP anymore. Like, at all. It's stale to me, every scenario either a rehash of current events, recent history, or old history in our real world, and it's only gotten worse since "the good old days." I had fun. It was interesting while it lasted. I enjoyed it all a lot when I was younger, but now I'm just not interested in having fantasy rehashings of the same things that I hear, know, and experience in "real life;" when I relax, when I have fun, I want to get away from those kinds of things, not think even more about the world I live in, and that's why I have the same problem as Nents, where I think of a billion scenarios and story ideas for MTRP, except that my incentive doesn't entirely extend from the "ugh, now I actually have to write all that," but instead mostly a burnout from "exploring" the same motifs. I swear to Mogg, if I have to listen to another "democracy vs commies/fascists/Bob the Builder" proposal...

I found that, in spite of my general indifference to MTRP, my muse comes back the strongest when i think about proposals that I haven't personally explored before...which is why I have such fond memories of Caprecia, because it was a world so far removed from our own in ways that haven't even been touched here (both on this forum and in this thread.)

*** loooong pause ***

So, I'm on the phone with Sal, and I aired all my grievances, and now I don't know what I said or have the energy to repeat it all, but most of it was just me going deep into depth on what I said above. Needless to say, I'd much rather do Andlosheim...or any character-based fantasia, really. Or maybe some Space "Nation" rp...or maybe even not-fantasy medieval? No, not that, actually...I just want what I can't have here with MTRP, even assuming things were active. I've been fighting the urge to ~try~ and find somewhere else to get my jollies, and the urge grows larger the longer I hang around here. At this point, I'm just hanging around because I don't want to leave the people, while forcing myself to try and do something, anything to keep myself here, and unless things happen beyond MTRP, then I'm probably not long for this place.

Well, I made this a lot more about me than I intended, and didn't touch on any of the things where I was going to refute the assumptions about what would magically make this region community active again. Woops.

Messages In This Thread
On balancing and reviving activity - by Ceausescu - 10-01-2017, 06:18 PM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Rommy - 10-01-2017, 06:27 PM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Rommy - 10-01-2017, 06:44 PM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Raz - 10-02-2017, 12:05 AM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Flo - 10-05-2017, 07:35 PM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Seperallis - 10-05-2017, 11:36 PM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Flo - 10-06-2017, 02:19 PM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Raz - 10-08-2017, 05:56 AM
RE: On balancing and reviving activity - by Ayzek - 10-08-2017, 05:35 PM

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