09-19-2016, 12:38 PM
Akitian web services see massive growth
by Haruto Kirishima
Akitsu-based web services have experienced a massive surge in popularity in recent months. Accesses and new registrations on many Akitian websites have spiked massively. Among the new rapid growth found, with the website Tanshi (短詩) growing as an alternative to Pip, and Hyakka (百科) has become the largest search engine used in Akitsu. Minyu (民友) and Linje (リニェ) are competing for the spot of top social network, with Linje having a much larger edge due to the fact that it was much better established than Minyu and the fact that it is a mainly mobile-app based service, compared to Minyu's desktop-computer focused website as smartphones are more widely used than desktop computers in Akitsu. In addition, the Akitsu-based video sharing site Hinode (日ノ出) has also experienced rapid growth.
At the same time, the use of foreign services in Akitsu has seen a massive decline, and this can be seen as a massive boost to the domestic Akitian internet industry. The companies are seeing record profits in advertising revenue, and many are going on to make plans to better improve their services.